Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 264: the bug is crazy

the next day.

Chen Wangping hadn't completely woken up when he suddenly heard the sound of the giant guard robot moving a lot louder.

Not only the sound of action, but also the sound of fighting, which sounds a bit violent and crackling.

He bounced off the bed and found that Xiao Tiemu was no longer there, and immediately rushed to the back mountain to check the situation.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping took a deep breath.

what's the situation?

In the field of vision, hundreds of ground worms, rock worms, tube worms, and some alien beasts that were forced by the worms all gathered outside the back mountain and were charging towards the No. 7 mine.

The giant guard robot was in charge of the gate, and Wanfu was indifferent. I saw that it first blocked the route of the worms entering the mine with stones. During the battle, it waved its big arm, and its huge force was immediately able to slap the worms into flesh. The small iron wood that cooperated next to him immediately sucked up the meat mud, and at the same time used the branches to catch other bugs, helping the giant guard robot to better kill the enemy.

Seeing this, Chen Wangping immediately joined the battle. Looking at the large-scale Zerg, he raised his hand and took out two deceleration capsules, and threw them out at the location with the most insects in the distance.

This is the base camp, and the highly toxic capsules cannot be used for the time being.

The speed of the deceleration capsules is very fast. Because they are very small, and they do not carry any elemental aura, they did not encounter any obstacles until they were thrown into the bug pile.


The two deceleration capsules landed, and they exploded on their own like balloons that had been punctured, and a large plume of thick green smoke came out in an instant, covering a radius of 100 meters in the blink of an eye, displacing all the objects in the distance. Zerg are covered.

For a moment, all the Zerg seemed to be pressed 0.5 times the speed, and the speed of movement was greatly reduced, which instantly gave the giant guard robot a chance to breathe.

Chen Wangping's calculated position was very accurate, just so that the giant guard robot was stuck on the edge of the smoke of the slowing capsule, which meant that it did not slow down, but the enemies were all slowed down.

Looking at the green smoke, he nodded with satisfaction, "This thing works pretty well."

Soon, Chen Wangping, armed with a submachine gun and an electromagnetic shock harpoon, combined distance and close combat, and quickly eliminated the bugs near the back mountain.

As he beat, he found that the state of these bugs was a bit wrong, as if they were stimulated by something, and the speed and strength were significantly improved. It felt like every attack was exhausting.

This is contrary to their instinct, and definitely not right.

After killing for more than ten minutes, I finally got rid of all the bugs accumulated this night.

Chen Wangping asked Xiao Tiemu to clean the battlefield, but he walked into the range of the deceleration capsule and felt it. After moving a few times, he felt a little jerky, but at this time, he took out the wormwood fossil and put it on, and tried again Fan, the deceleration effect is gone.

He smiled, and it seemed that he was right. Since this thing is made of waste petroleum, it means that the green smog must have something to do with petroleum substances, and even it will be restrained by wormwood fossils.

In this way, when you fight in the future, you can throw the deceleration capsule at your feet without hesitation.

After waiting for the smoke to dissipate, Chen Wangping looked around and found that there seemed to be some vibrations on the ground, and there were still some ground insects coming out continuously and attacking in his direction.

He changed several positions in a row, and found that the target of these ground worms was himself.

"The hands and feet of the Spirit Hall? Or is there something special about me that attracts the Zerg?"

Chen Wangping frowned, called the golden eagle, flew to a low altitude and glanced around, and found that not only his own place, but also many ground worms and some worms that he had not encountered before were popping up towards him. Running in the direction of someone.

In the direction of Huo Niu City, I can just see that there are several caravans that are being chased by hundreds of bugs. Although these caravans have their own mercenaries, the number of these bugs is too large to be strong. Fear of death, even if dozens of them are killed, there are still hundreds of bugs chasing after them.

Fighting, the mercenary ran off on his own, leaving the employer to die in despair among the swarms.

very real.

Back at the base, Chen Wangping found that because he had just left the base, the frequency of those Zerg attacks had actually decreased.

After returning to the base, the frequency of Zerg shocks became stronger again.

"The intelligence of these bugs is very low. There must be controllers behind such behaviors, but with so many Zerg populations, it is impossible for the controllers to control them one by one. There must be a control logic."

Chen Wangping flew into the air and summed up the control logic of these Zerg while looking around.

After several attempts, he roughly summed up a few points: these insects are all targeted at the breath of human life, and they don't pay much attention to alien beasts and plants. In addition, once they encounter an enemy that cannot be attacked for a long time, they will continue to accumulate companions and keep attacking until the breath of life disappears.

After clarifying the logic, Chen Wangping turned his head to look at the location of Huo Niu City, with a thump in his heart.

If this is the case, then the life aura in Huo Niu City is the strongest in the vicinity, and the attack range must be stronger.

The beneficiaries are reversed according to the results.

The controller behind this must be the Spirit Palace that didn't run away.

It is true that if the spiritual hall is not removed, there will be no peace for a day.

Chen Wangping walked over to the giant guard robot and looked at it. There is no need to worry about its fuel. There is a special conveyor belt to add it. The main problem is that the steel plate on the body is more dented and damaged, and every time it collides with insects, it will leave some traces.

Seeing this, he immediately arranged for the maintenance robot to ignore the equipment in the base for the time being, and fully repair the giant guard robot to ensure the safety of the base.

After arranging these things, Chen Wangping returned to the living room and rang the radio while eating, ready to listen to the situation.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near the land of the thunder source will drop, and the thunder source will be greatly reduced.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Reasonable use of bugs can also help you develop your territory better.

【Indescribable reminder】

Take advantage of his illness~www.readwn.com~ to kill him!

【The sound of the wind】

"Palace Master, this is the situation. I finally found an opportunity to escape and handed you the news."

"Damn, the second child dares to kill my spirit slave and open the Myriad Spirit Formation privately, this is trying to force me out!"

"Then Hall Master, what should we do?"

"What should I do? I haven't recovered from my injury, so I can't go out. Otherwise, I will give the second child a chance to control the situation. Even if I enter the Seventh Research Institute in the future, I will have nothing to gain or have the right to speak."

"The hall master is right, then we are here waiting for your recovery."

"Gaga, don't wait any longer, since you guys are here, my injury will recover faster."

"Palace Master! Ah!"

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