Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 266: Rampage!

I haven't seen this person clearly, just hearing the sound, the people of the volcano tribe are not afraid at all.

"The benefactor is here!"

"The benefactor has come to save us again!"

"There are so many bugs, benefactor, run away, you can't kill all of them!"

"Benefactor, run away, I'll cover you!"

Listening to their words, Chen Wangping secretly thought that this time he had not come in vain.

He didn't have time to say more, the giant jet worm was in front of him, just looking at it like this, it felt like a hill, full of oppression.

"This thing is quite big, just to try the ability of a land battle tank to hit hard."

Chen Wangping raised his hand and took the marine tank out of the storage compartment and placed it directly beside him.

The land tank is good at the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it has grown into a giant war overlord with a length of more than ten meters and a height of five meters. of heavy machine guns.

Even if you don't move, you can feel its power.

Xiao Yuan couldn't help swallowing when he saw the land tank, and was speechless in shock.

Xiao Yu has some knowledge, but she has never seen such a big chariot. The benefactor is worthy of being a benefactor, and it is a good thing when he shoots.

Chen Wangping was also shocked, but with a strong enemy on his side, he didn't have time to observe, so he jumped into the tank, raised his hand and threw hundreds of pieces of coal into the fuel tank.

When putting fuel, he also saw that there are also solid fuel delivery options.

While putting it in, Chen Wangping thought: "We need to upgrade energy technology quickly. This big guy burns 300 kilowatts. It's too hard to burn coal, so we need to burn some more advanced fuel."

With fuel, the control systems in the tank light up.

Chen Wangping glanced at the display screen, and everyone from the Volcano tribe had already left the mine and ran to the top of the hill.

Without any scruples, he turned his head to aim at the position of the giant jet bug, stepped down on the accelerator, and slammed into it.

"boom boom"

The track of the land battle tank has a very strong grip, even if it is gravel, there is no problem at all. I saw the land overlord turned around and hit the giant jet bug, aggressively.

The giant jet bug didn't have the slightest idea of ​​backing down when the tanks attacked.

Because it smells of people in the tank.

I saw the giant jet worm exerting force on its hind legs, and it also slammed into the tank.

Chen Wangping stepped on the accelerator and bumped into it without fear.

"Boom boom boom!"

The two made a loud noise as soon as they collided, and it was obvious that the collision was extremely powerful.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow body fluid emerged from the mouthparts of the giant jet worm, and some cracks suddenly appeared on the body, subconsciously retreating towards the back.

"Haha! A broken bug, collided with my tank? Die for me!"

Seeing the victory, Chen Wangping stepped on the accelerator excitedly, and controlled the landing battle tank to slam into the rock wall directly against the giant jet worm.

The giant jet bug also recovered some sanity after eating the pain. All of its worm legs grabbed the ground, trying to find the point of force and hold Chen Wangping's tank.

But it was all in vain. As soon as the giant jet worm grabbed the ground, the tank crushed its worm feet and continued to crash into the rock wall.

On the mountain, the people of the Volcano tribe all applauded when they saw this scene, their faces flushed with excitement.


"Knock him to death!"

"My benefactor, this car is too domineering!"

After rushing for more than ten meters with the giant jet worm, the tank pushed it heavily against the rock wall, and instantly squeezed out a large body fluid, which also drastically reduced the health on its head.

Chen Wangping showed no mercy. He kept stepping on the gas pedal, and abruptly hit the giant jet bug for a minute. Without giving it any chance to escape, he pressed it against the wall and crushed it to death.

[Max HP +3]

Looking at the prompt, Chen Wangping backed the tank with satisfaction, turned the tank's head to face the countless jet bugs that rushed over, and pressed the flamethrower button gracefully!


I saw a few sprays around the tank, followed by a line of prompts:

[Please add burning oil barrels to the tank ammunition depot first]

Chen Wangping: "..."

Oil barrels?

That's right, how can a volcano ejector not burn oil?

He glanced at the construction drawings of the oil drum.

【Burning oil drum】

[Use: Flamethrower Ammo]

【Material: 【Light Oil】【Animal Oil】×10, 【Steel】×1】

[Remarks: Burning oil barrels can also be used on volcano jet fortresses]

"Ten parts of light oil and one part of steel can be made?"

Chen Wangping was very pleasantly surprised. Although there was no manufacturing station at hand, he could not make it, but just from this formula, light oil started to come in handy just like heavy oil.

Burn oil barrels, go back and build.

As for now, let's try the power of the heavy machine gun first.

Chen Wangping looked left and right, and found that the heavy machine gun of the land battle tank could be controlled directly in the tank compartment, which was much better in terms of safety and concealment than before.

He loaded the bullet first, then aimed in the direction with the most bugs and pulled the trigger.

“Da da da da”

Each bullet fired by the heavy machine gun is like a gun head poked out. The moment it hits the bug, it can come out through the body, and the remaining power can hit a few more bugs. The power of the bullet is greatly increased. A whole bunch of bugs have been brought down.

The real metal storm instantly controlled the situation at the scene, and there were corpses everywhere.

It's just that the anti-shock force is really too strong.

With Chen Wangping's current physique, he couldn't hold it any longer after three minutes of fighting, and his shoulders were all red.

Of course, not only his body couldn't hold it, but he couldn't even hold the bullet reserve.

This heavy machine gun is very strong, and the consumption of bullets is also terrible. In just three minutes, it has consumed ten minutes of ammunition for the machine gun car.

Looks like I'll have to stock up on more ammo in the future.

After leaving the heavy machine gun, Chen Wangping returned to the driving position. He also did not intend to use standard shells to hit these bugs, which was really overkill.

There are not many bugs left~www.readwn.com~ I just use a tank to grind them.

He drove the tank, rampaged, and drove wherever there were more bugs.

After seeing the tank, countless bugs want to take a bite or kick a few feet, but their damage can only leave a small mark on the tank, which does not affect the normal operation of the tank at all.

But when the land tank collided, as long as it hit the bug, it could hit half of its health, followed by a squeeze damage, and the scene was cleared in an instant.

After killing most of the nearby Volcano tribe, Chen Wangping was also enjoying himself.

Just then the tank ran out of fuel and could not move.

He smiled helplessly, stopped the tank, and reached out to put it away.

Seeing that there were still many bugs rushing over, Chen Wangping smiled slightly, raised his hand to take out the poisonous capsules that had not been used, and threw two of them towards the pile of bugs.

Anyway, have to evacuate, simply try the effect!

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