Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 267: Harvest and Migration

The two highly poisonous capsules exploded as soon as they landed, turning into thick purple poisonous mist, instantly dyeing the coverage area with a thick layer of purple, and even with the function of blocking the enemy's sight at the same time.

After the purple poisonous mist exploded, it immediately adsorbed towards the nearby bugs, infecting the inside along their mouthparts and other gaps in their bodies.

In just a few seconds, the health points on the heads of countless insects all fell down, and the scene was spectacular.

With the drop in health, their movements became slower and slower. Even if they wanted to escape, they had already suffered serious damage in their bodies and could not be reversed. They could only wait to die in the poisonous mist.

Seeing that the little thing thrown by the benefactor had such great power, everyone in the volcano tribe shouted in surprise, "What is this! It's amazing!"

"That is, as soon as the benefactor makes a move, he can immediately turn the tide of the battle!"

"Everyone, don't be stunned, we will take revenge while these bugs can't fight back."

"That is, take advantage of the opportunity created by our benefactor to kill all these bed bugs!"

Hearing their words, Chen Wangping shouted: "This poisonous fog does not distinguish between enemy and mine, don't step into it, just attack from a distance."

Everyone in the volcano tribe also saw the power of the poisonous mist, and nodded, and used long-range attacks to cooperate with the poisonous mist to clear the remaining surviving insects.

In just ten minutes, all the corpses near the volcano tribe were full of corpses. In this battle, the insects near the volcano tribe were directly killed, and it would take at least a few hours for the insects in the distance to rush over. .

Xiao Yuan took the initiative to call his clan to clean up the corpses of the bugs, but he walked up to Chen Wangping worriedly and asked, "Benevolent, what are these bugs? Bugs rioting?"

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "Smart, it's not just you here, the entire Fire Bull City is full of these riotous bugs, these are all released by the spirit hall, and you can't stay here until a solution is found. "

Xiao Yu came over and said worriedly: "Benefactor, you saved our lives, you said that we should go, but we have no other skills, and we can't help you if we go elsewhere. Sulfur digging." She said, and handed a space device to Chen Wangping, "There are more than 470 square sulfur mines, which were dug from a rich mine that we accidentally discovered. It won't be easy to dig so much."

The thoughts of these people from the Volcano Tribe are very simple. When they think of leaving, they are most worried that they will not be able to help their benefactors dig mining, and they will not be able to repay their benefactors.

Chen Wangping put away the space device and said with a smile: "Don't worry, these bugs were not created out of thin air, and it is impossible for them to be raging around Huo Niu City all the time. It just happens that it is winter, and it is freezing cold here. It will be troublesome if the temperature drops, so stay near my mine first."

Xiao Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, in addition to sulfur mines, we will also dig other mines."

Xiao Yu hadn't been to the No. 7 mine, so he wondered, "Due to the special circumstances, there are still a few bugs here. Will there be more bugs on the Blackstone Mine slope?"

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "I have a line of defense there, you can just dig with peace of mind, pack your things, and prepare to leave."

Xiao Yu nodded and told the clan to pack up and prepare to evacuate.

Chen Wangping looked at the sulfur ore in the space device and put it into the storage compartment with satisfaction. Now he is short of sulfur to make explosives. He didn't expect to find rich ore here. With these, at least it can hold up the volcano. The days when the Horde can't mine sulphur mines.

Speaking of which, he originally planned to send some people from the Volcanic Tribe to the black oil ruins to guard the pumping units and be responsible for collecting crude oil.

Like sulfur, crude oil is important now, and will be even more important in the future, and it must be guarded by someone.

But here is another problem.

The black oil ruins are not closed ruins. If the people of Huoxucheng run in, they can solve it, but in case the third hall master has a whim and wants to confirm whether Fang is inside or not, it will be troublesome to touch it quietly. .

All the people of the volcano tribe together can't beat the three hall masters.

"It's really troublesome, how can I find him and kill him?"

Chen Wangping sighed helplessly.

Before killing the third hall master, or finding a way to avoid the third hall master in advance, the oil extraction work in the black oil ruins could not be carried out.

Fortunately, there were enough stocks extracted from the black oil relics in the past few times, and it was enough for the oil refinery and chemical plant at home in a short period of time.

Recovering his thoughts, Chen Wangping saw that the effect of the poisonous capsule had passed. He walked alone to the ground where the capsule was thrown, put on gloves, and reached out to grab a handful of soil to examine it.

Although the poisonous mist has disappeared, the soil here has a thick smell of waste oil, which is very unpleasant, and the color of the surface soil has also turned black.

"The level of pollution is a bit serious, and I don't know how many trees will be planted to save it."

Chen Wangping wrote down the contamination of the highly toxic capsules, thinking that in the future, he must be more cautious and not use them near his home.

Soon, under the leadership of Xiao Yuan, the people of the Volcano tribe cleaned up the corpse, and cut off all the valuable parts, and even some edible worms were peeled off.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping wanted to test the power of the tank, and killed many bugs by rolling, so that the flesh of the killed bugs was easy to peel off.

After picking and picking, they actually harvested worm meat comparable to the size of five or six whole cows. It was fresh and large enough for the volcano tribe to hold a celebration feast.

Looking at the harvest piled up into hills, many people in the volcano tribe swallowed and talked about:

"So much meat! The benefactor's chariot is really powerful!"

"Yeah, even during the Chinese New Year, we haven't caught so many bugs and meat."

"Don't talk about meat, there are too many worms this time, and I have also found a lot of jet worm bones that the benefactor wanted before."

"I found it too."

Chen Wangping walked over to check the harvest, and he was also taken aback. In just half an hour, he harvested [Volcanic Jet Worm Bones] × 215, [Jet Worm Heart] × 34, and all kinds of worm meat weighed thousands of pounds. In addition, there are also some insect shells that can be used as shields after simple processing. Even the messy insect limbs left after decomposing can also be packaged and brought back as fertilizer to feed the small iron wood.

Great harvest!

Seeing that the people on Xiao Yu's side had also packed their luggage, Chen Wangping stretched out his hand to put everything away, turned around and said loudly: "Everyone~www.readwn.com~ There is a flood of insects right now, let's avoid the edge for now, and then find a chance to put it away. All these beasts are killed, tonight, let's have a feast of worms and meat! Everyone let go and eat!"


"The benefactor is right!"

"Great, don't worry about bugs now!"

"The benefactor saved us once again!"

Everyone in the volcano tribe shouted excitedly, got on the truck happily, and prepared to evacuate.

Chen Wangping called the golden eagle to be a scout in the air, and he drove a battle tank to clear the way ahead.

Although the speed of the land battle tank is a bit slow, it can win in the stability, even if there are more bugs, it is not afraid.


Marine tanks and trucks drove towards the No. 7 mine in tandem.

At the same time, it is opening to a new life.

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