Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 270: Unsolved bug king

Tang Huoniu was on the verge of killing. He found that after using Chen Wangping's method, it became easier to clean up these powerful insects. After killing them, a large number of quartz insects died suddenly.

The residents of Huo Niu City who had been hiding in their houses came out and cheered when they saw this scene.

"The city lord has recovered!"

"This worm has at least level three combat power! The city lord can kill one piece at a time! It's too strong!"

"Great, now you don't have to worry about the Spirit Palace attacking!"

"Finally wait until the city owner recovers!"

Seeing the admiration from the surrounding residents, Tang Huoniu was also very proud.

It didn't take him so long to be seriously injured, and his popularity was much less. It was too difficult to advance to the sixth level.

Now is an opportunity to gain popularity.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Chen Wangping suddenly killed him as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. He was as tall as electricity, and every shot of the electric arrow could accurately hit the back edge of the quartz worm, and then he kicked it. Kick it on the Quartz Bug and kick it to the Fire Bull City like a soccer ball.

"Zi La"

"Zi La"

In just half a minute, Chen Wangping kicked dozens of quartz worms to the Huo Niu City Great Array, and used the strength of the Great Array to extract the worm body silicon ore from his body.

Tang Huoniu didn't know why Chen Wangping did this, so he hurriedly said, "Eldest nephew, don't kick the Huo Niu City battle, kick me here, and I'll burn it."

Chen Wangping was also very happy, "Okay, remember to collect the small stones that fell, I will be useful."

Hearing this, Tang Xihe continued to block the quartz worms in the city, and at the same time used his whip to help Chen Wangping gather up the worm body silicon mines near the Huo Niu City Great Array.

For a time, the situation of the scene was greatly controlled, and the number of worm silicon mines was also increasing.

The more Chen Wangping looked, the more satisfied he became. Although the size of the worm body silicon ore was too small, he would have to use a lot of them when smelting silicon panels, but there were too many bugs here. After killing a large number of bugs, dozens of solar panels were built. No problem for sure.

While the three of them were killing insects, in the hills in the distance, two spirit temple guardians who were not wearing black robes saw this scene, turned around and took out a large crystal ball, injected spiritual energy, and faced the crystal ball mechanically. Dihui reported: "Second hall master, the stone worms had already rushed into Huo Niu City before, but Tang Huo Niu controlled the scene after arriving. Now the stone worms have been killed in half and cannot pose any further threat."

After a while, the doubtful voice of the second hall master came from the crystal ball, "How is it possible? Even my hall guardian cannot kill so many stone worms in a short period of time. ?"

The protector replied: "The stone worm had already rushed into Huo Niu City, but Tang Huo Niu and a man who arrived later seem to have found a way to restrain the stone worm, and they can kill the stone worm with one blow."

At this time, the voice of the great elder came from the crystal ball: "One blow? Shouldn't it, the stone worm's carapace is harder than metal. Could it be that the stone worm has a weakness that we don't know about? How did he find it?"

The second hall master said impatiently: "Don't worry, let's release the stone worm king, break the fire bull formation, and break the prestige of Tang fire bull."


Putting down the crystal ball, the guardian of the spiritual hall on the left stabbed himself without hesitation, and regardless of the blood coming out, he turned around and ran towards the insect tide.

There was no fluctuation on the face of the remaining spiritual temple guardian, and he continued to look in the direction of the north outer city of Huo Niu City to complete his task.

The scene is very weird.

five minutes later.

All the quartz worms that broke into the North Outer City have been cleaned up, and the quartz worms outside the Huo Niu City Great Array have also been cleaned up.

Chen Wangping squatted beside the Huo Niu City Great Array, and from time to time he took out a quartz worm that had not baked the worm body silicon ore and put it on it to scald it. Those who didn't know it thought it was a picnic.

Tang Xihe was dripping with sweat at this time, walked to Chen Wangping and asked curiously, "Brother Ping, what's the use of this thing?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "This is a good thing. These worms are quartz worms, and the stones extracted from their bodies can be used to make solar panels."

Tang Xihe frowned and said, "Quartz bug? Solar energy? I've seen it in books before, but isn't that used to heat water? What does it have to do with stones?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "It's not a solar water heater, it's a solar power panel. You'll understand when it's built and show it to you. By the way, if you find anything special on other bugs, help me pack it up."

The more he looked at these bugs now, the more interesting it became.

Isn't this a special mine?

Tang Huoniu was calming people's hearts at this time, and turned around to say something.

But suddenly, he saw that the faces of the residents all changed, and he subconsciously hid in the house, and he didn't even have time to say hello, and there were not many people at once.

"Boom boom boom boom"

A series of shaking sounds came from behind him.

Tang Huoniu groaned in his heart, turned around to look, and immediately widened his eyes.

Two truck-sized quartz worm kings in tandem are slowly crawling towards the Huo Niu City Great Array.

It is said to be slow, but it is also because the body is too large, and the movement of walking cannot be seen.

In fact, the speed of these two quartz insect kings is about the same as that of normal people, and it seems that they will be able to walk to the Great Array of Fire Bull City in a few minutes.

Tang Huo Niu looked at the shape of the worm and found that it was just a much larger quartz worm. He was so determined that he raised his hand and called out a giant Huo Niu the same size as a truck, strode up and rode on it, shouting: "Just a worm. , also dare to offend my Huo Niu City, courting death!"

After speaking, the Fire Bull ran wildly with four hooves, rushed out of the Fire Bull City in an instant, leaped into the air, and stepped on the edge of the Quartz Insect King heavily.


The huge hoof stepped down heavily, and when it collided with the Quartz Insect King, there was a metal collision sound, and the collision sound was very loud.

After taking this step, Tang Huo Niu was going to raise the flame to burn the insect body along the gap he stepped on.

But when he turned his head, he was immediately dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

This giant fiery bull stepped down with one foot~www.readwn.com~ Even a hill can be trampled in half!

How could it be possible that only a shallow mark was stepped on this giant quartz bug?

Why is it different from stepping on ordinary quartz bugs?

Before Tang Huo Niu could come up with a countermeasure, the Quartz Insect King suddenly probed from the stone shell on his body, biting deeply into the neck of the giant Huo Niu with his tortoise-like mouth, instantly dispersing the bite.

At this time, only a few people discovered that the head of the Quartz Insect King was also covered with a thick layer of stones.

Tang Huo Niu scolded angrily, gathered the fire element again to condense the Huo Niu, stepped on the edge of the Quartz Insect King's carapace, and tried all the points.

But even so, it can only leave a mark, unable to break the defense of the Quartz Insect King.

It's too hard!

And there are two more?

How to do?

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