Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 271: The power of cannonballs! Quartz Queen!

Seeing this scene, Tang Xihe immediately suggested: "Uncle! Put on the energy cannon, this big bug is too hard, if you don't kill it quickly, there will be endless trouble."

Tang Huoniu shook his head and said: "The energy cannon is useless, the real power of the energy cannon is not in the physical attack, but in the release of energy in the hit, but looking at the appearance of this insect king, it is obvious that he is not afraid of energy release. Big trouble."

After he finished speaking, he tried several methods in a row, and even summoned four or five adult fire cows to come and collide.

The fire bull's collective collision was indeed effective. One collision smashed a large protective mineral layer on the worm king.

But the insect king shattered the mineral layer, and the horn of the fire bull also cracked, and if it continued to collide, it would cause permanent damage.

Seeing that the first worm king was about to step into the big formation of Huo Niu City, Tang Huo Niu gritted his teeth and raised his hand to prepare for the Huo Niu to collide again. He knew it in his heart, like the number of bugs that specialize in restraining himself must not be many, otherwise the spiritual hall would have been taken out long ago, so would he be able to play with him wave after wave?

As long as these two insect kings are killed, then normal energy cannons and fire bull formations can be used later.

Tang Xihe couldn't stand it any longer, turned his head, and killed the rest of the bugs.

At this moment, Chen Wangping's voice came out, "Uncle, fire cows are not used in this way. You should let them go back to heal their wounds. It's just two bugs, can they be turned upside down?"

Tang Huoniu sighed: "No, no, nephew, your previous method is useless for the insect king."

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "It's really useless, the shape of the minerals behind the insect king is very different from the small ones, and the force structure is also different, but the fact that the method is useless does not mean that I can't kill the insect king, you all stand back. , get ready to help me refine stones."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his hand to call out the marine tank, and got into it with a movement.

The land tank that crashed to the ground startled the two of them.

Tang Huoniu's eyes were full of surprise, "Big, big nephew, where did you get this tank from?"

In fact, he had never seen a real tank, but he had seen records about tanks when he was in the ruins before, and he deliberately wrote down the relevant content of this kind of land overlord.

But he never imagined that he saw this big guy today!

Tang Xihe had never seen Chen Wangping use this thing.

Looking at the worm king on the monitor, Chen Wangping smiled slightly, "Quartz worm king? If this is killed, a lot of solar panels will definitely be made."

In fact, he didn't plan to use a tank, but the angle of the Quartz Insect King's advance happened to be the position of his home.

This can't be done quickly.

In dealing with the Quartz Insect King, Chen Wangping's thinking is the same as that of Tang Huoniu. Energy attacks are useless, and physical attacks must be used.

In this case, it is just a test of the power of standard shells!

Let's see how much physical damage this cannonball can cause with the boost of Zhengang!

Making up his mind, he took out the shock steel version of the standard cannonball from the storage compartment, put it into the ammunition depot, and then quickly sat in the cockpit, quickly aimed at the head of the Quartz King, and pressed the launch button.


The long launch tube of the tank suddenly shook, and the standard artillery shell was blasted out.

The standard cannonball instantly spanned a short distance of tens of meters and smashed heavily on the head of the Quartz Insect King in front, instantly shattering the stone armor of the Quartz Insect King's head.

The heavy shock wave was transmitted from the head of the Quartz King to the mineral protective shell on its back, and it suddenly crashed to the ground like a tidal wave. The scene was extremely spectacular.

"bang bang bang"

The Quartz Insect King was still arrogantly and slowly pacing towards the Fire Bull City, but it never imagined that it would be dizzy and dizzy after being blown up by a standard cannonball in the next second. Chill.

The Quartz Insect King reluctantly turned his head and looked at it, and was immediately startled.

The thick mineral protective layer that I am proud of is completely cracked!

Not only that, after the standard bomb smashed through the mineral protective layer, it scattered into countless shrapnel in the air, shooting indiscriminately in all directions, killing a large number of quartz worms and ground worms in the blink of an eye.

Among them were some large pieces of shrapnel, which sputtered to the Quartz Queen at the back, and knocked off several pieces of the protective layer on its back, which was very powerful.

Tang Huoniu was also stunned, and said in surprise: "Yes, yes, that's the kind of damage! Physical collision damage! Great nephew, well done."

Tang Xihe was also quite surprised: "What kind of ammunition is this? The damage is so high? Can a single shot smash the protective layer that can't even be broken by a fire bull sprint?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Just to restrain the Quartz Insect King, uncle, don't look at it, I'm just as powerful as a cannonball, and now the shell is broken, it's up to you."

Tang Huoniu glanced at Chen Wangping gratefully, knowing in his heart that this was the chance his eldest nephew gave him to show his performance, he immediately shouted, flames burst from his body, and rushed to the side of the Quartz Insect King without the protective layer, punching and kicking all over his body. Fire bull phantoms appeared one after another, and in just ten seconds, the Quartz Insect King was beaten to the death.

Chen Wangping found the opportunity, raised his hand and shot an electric arrow with 3,000 points of lightning energy, just killing the Quartz Insect King.

[Maximum health value +20]

Looking at the prompt in front of him, he nodded with satisfaction.

Twenty o'clock is already a high harvest, and the insect king is different.

In addition to the HP reward, he also saw two groups of system rays of light on the body of the Quartz Insect King. One group was similar in color to the worm body silicon ore, but the light group was much larger, and the other group of rays of light was blood red. It looks very striking.

Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to get the harvest. He subconsciously looked at the other Quartz Insect King, only to find that the Quartz Insect King saw something wrong and started to turn around and want to run away.

This can't be done~www.readwn.com~ Although the standard shells are gone, the tank itself is also a good player in physical collision.

He immediately controlled the tank to sprint over, not even using a heavy machine gun along the way, and he was rampaging, no matter what bugs blocked the way, he would directly run over it.

After catching up with the Quartz Insect Queen, the tank slammed into the Quartz Insect King's side heavily. With great force, the Quartz Insect King was knocked over immediately.

After this knock, Chen Wangping discovered that the belly of the Quartz King was storing countless small quartz worms that had previously invaded Huo Niu City, which were densely packed and somewhat terrifying.

He turned his head and glanced, Tang Huo Niu had already turned over the killed quartz worm king and started refining, but there was not even a small quartz worm near the quartz worm king.

After a comparison, Chen Wangping became interested, changed the collision into a block, and began to try to control the quartz worm.


If this thing is under control, are you afraid that there will be a shortage of worm body silicon ore in the future?

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