Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 272: Take down the queen of bugs (Happy New Year's Day)

The overturned queen glared at Chen Wangping with angry compound eyes, and threw hundreds of small quartz worms at the tank while turning herself over with the worm's feet.

The Queen of Worms doesn't understand what kind of big guy this is, why it's harder than herself!

Now it just wants to go back to its old lair, nibble on a meal of ore, and get a good night's sleep.

It doesn't even understand why it's here.

Chen Wangping wanted to escape when he saw the worm, but he didn't care about the countless small quartz worms crawling on the tank. He continued to drive the crawler and chased after the worm. He looked around, stood up and opened the tank cover and shouted to Tang Xihe, "Quickly. Come here and help me fight this worm queen!"


Tang Xihe lightly jumped up a few steps and entered the cockpit along the access hole.

As soon as she came in, she was surprised, looking at the dense pile of instruments with various functions, she was a little surprised, but more excited.

These gauges are all lit! Prove that this tank is fully functional!

Where did Brother Ping find such a big baby!

Seeing Tang Xihe's dazed look, Chen Wangping smiled and patted her little head: "Don't look, see the driver's seat next to you, go up first, I'll teach you how to operate a machine gun to fight this worm rear end."


Tang Xihe climbed to the driver's seat and listened to Chen Wangping's professor obediently.

The control of the heavy machine gun in the land battle tank is not difficult, Tang Xihe understood after listening for a while, and tried to get started, aiming at the tail of the queen and shooting it.

Muzzle, spewing flames.

Countless bullets hit the queen's tail with higher power under the amplification of the heavy machine gun. In the blink of an eye, the mineral protective layer of the queen's tail was shattered layer by layer like a plough, and it hit the queen's body in the blink of an eye. , a stream of blood came out.

When Tang Huo Niu smelted the Quartz Insect King, he took time to glance at the battle situation, and was immediately shocked.

"Isn't it that guns can't beat the protective layer behind these bugs? Why is the machine gun on this tank so powerful?"

"Strange, where did the eldest nephew get this thing."

Tang Xihe fought more and more vigorously, holding his hands and shooting from left to right, his face flushed.

"Damn bug! Kill you!"

Chen Wangping glanced at the worm queen, and hurriedly stopped: "It's alright, it's alright, don't fight for now, if you continue to fight, you'll be killed. I want to find an opportunity to see if I can keep this worm queen in captivity and use her exclusively. to produce worm body silica."

Hearing this, Tang Xihe let go and stood beside Chen Wangping and said worriedly: "The worm queen is kept in captivity? What do you keep in captivity? This worm queen can see from a glance that the burrowing ability is very strong, even if it is locked in a rock layer. Dig it out, you won't be able to tie it up."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Grab it first."

He originally planned to use steel to cast a worm shed and keep the queen inside.

But thinking about it now, the size of the worm queen is so large, it takes a lot of steel to pour the worm shed, and the thickness of the steel needs to meet the standard, otherwise the queen of the worm is so powerful that she will break through when she rushes, and it will be a waste of effort.

Catch first and then study.

It can be seen from the current insect queen fleeing that even if it is controlled by the spirit hall, in the face of a life-and-death crisis, it will still follow instinct to escape.

As long as there is fear, there is a way.

If you are not afraid of anything, it is the most troublesome.

The seriously injured queen had body fluids flowing from its tail. As it fled, it grabbed the other insects next to it, swallowed it with mouthparts, and quickly recovered from the injury.

In just five minutes, the wound on its tail healed, and the recovery speed was astonishing.

Chen Wangping was also relieved, he was still worried about tossing this thing to death, but he didn't expect it to be so solid.

Facing the rear side of the insect, he controlled the tank to hit it again, knocked it over, and pushed it back more than ten meters.

After the collision, Chen Wangping glanced at the radar as usual, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a familiar red dot in the spiritual hall on the radar. At this time, he was hiding in the insect swarm.

Moreover, with the passage of his vitality, the Zerg light spots around him lit up.

"Inspire ability? Or control bug ability?"

Chen Wangping quietly planned a route. After seemingly normal, he continued to drive the tank to smash into the quartz worm, and kept flipping it over and over again. In fact, he was moving closer to the position of the man in the spiritual hall.

In unknown circumstances, he wanted to be foolproof.

Ten minutes later, Chen Wangping was only a dozen meters away from the person in Lingdian. He gave the cockpit to Tang Xihe, jumped, and instantly appeared in front of the person in Lingdian.

At this time, he saw a very strange scene.

The guardian of the spirit hall was half-squatting on the ground, blue blood was flowing from his abdomen, and the worms gathered around him were about to cover his whole body. Niucheng rushed away, and the changes before and after were great.

Looking at the unusual blue blood on the ground, Chen Wangping suddenly remembered the blue nematode whiskers in the storage compartment.

Blue blood? blue line?

What is the relationship between the two?

He thought in his mind, his hands were constantly moving, and he raised his hand and waved two arms thick lightning energy to press it.


The body of the guardian of the Spirit Temple, which was instantly charged by the lightning energy, shook and shook off insects, which was disgusting.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping had already used lightning energy to protect his entire body, so he didn't get the slightest bit of it.

But at this time, the worms around seemed to have received some orders, so they stopped going to Huo Niu City, but set their target on Chen Wangping and charged towards Chen Wangping frantically.

With the cover of the bug, the guardian of the Spirit Temple got rid of the paralysis of the lightning energy, turned and fled away from the Fire Bull City.

"Want to run? Golden Eagle, stop him!"

After an explanation, the golden eagle moved in response, fluttering its wings and waving the gust of wind, and the protector of the spirit hall could not move.

Chen Wangping was surging with thunder and lightning, blasting off a lot of bugs, grabbing the guardian of the spirit hall, and smashing it with a heavy punch.

Before he could make a second punch, the guardian of the spirit hall turned around and smiled at Chen Wangping~www.readwn.com~ suddenly exploded.

Chen Wangping reluctantly retreated, avoiding the blue blood in the sky that was blown up by the guardian of the spirit hall.

Self-destruction again.

Haven't this group of people in Lingdian had any other new ideas?


The blue blood in the sky fell on the ground, and instantly stimulated a large number of insects.

And this time, the blue blood seems to have a better effect. After landing on a ground worm with a body length of five meters, it instantly catalyzed it into a length of five meters and five meters, and it even has a strengthening effect.

When Chen Wangping saw this scene, he was about to let Tang Xihe open the tank to fight, but he glanced at it and suddenly found that a little blue system light appeared in the middle of the position where the protector of the Spirit Temple had run by.

Immediately afterwards, the system's rays of light seemed to have long legs, and they were fleeing desperately in the direction away from Huo Niu City, and the speed was very fast.

What the hell?

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