Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 274: Birth of the Bug King

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping frowned.


Could it be because this thing was damaged? Or is it because of the small print in parentheses?

In terms of properties, this thing just happens to work with the blue nematode whiskers, and it only needs blood to use it, which is very convenient to use.

As for the dullness of negative special effects, this may be considered a disadvantage for Lingdian, but for Chen Wangping, it is still an advantage.

The reason is very simple, he is planning to use this thing to control quartz worms, as long as it can produce quartz worms.

Too much wisdom is a problem.

Chen Wangping stared at the attribute for a while, thinking that the key to using this thing should be its attractive special effect.

Gotta get some more pieces and put them together.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the person most likely to hold the Blue Nematode Heart Fragment is the third hall master of the Spirit Hall.

Gotta find this old boy and kill him!

After clearing his thoughts, Chen Wangping quickly took some blood from the nearby Zerg corpse and poured it on the blue nematode heart fragments.

When I checked the properties earlier, the activity of the blue worm heart was significantly reduced because it had been away from the flesh and blood for too long.

But now, after being irrigated with blood, the blue nematode heart fragments were obviously much more active, slowly beating, and there was a faint majesty of the Zerg emanating.

"This thing is definitely not produced by ordinary Zerg, maybe it is also a special thing dug out of the spirit hall."

Chen Wangping didn't think much about it at this time, he just thought that this thing was a treasure that Lingdian brought to deal with Tang Huo Niu.

At this time, Tang Xihe's voice came: "Brother Ping, what should I do now? The queen has been seriously injured. Do you want to kill it directly."

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "Don't worry, I plan to keep it in captivity, and it is specially used to generate that kind of quartz worm. I am useful."

Hearing this, Tang Huoniu frowned and said: "Big nephew, are you sure you can control the Zerg? You must know that the Zerg has a strong reproductive ability, and it may flood if you are not careful. This quartz worm is very powerful. If one is not well controlled, it is easy to cause problems.”

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "I'm not sure yet, but at least I can guarantee that it won't run around." After speaking, he continued to control the spiritual body of the spiritual hall with the blue worm heart fragment, and first led the spiritual body away from the Fire Bull City. The position of the array.

It was difficult to find a spirit body, and if it was accidentally destroyed by the Huo Niu City Great Array, it would be troublesome.

Looking at Chen Wangping's movements, Tang Huoniu said again in doubt: "Eldest nephew, why do you keep this spirit body if it is not destroyed? The spirit hall is really expensive, and the third-level guardian is used to keep an eye on it."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "There is something wrong with this spirit body's wisdom. He wants what I have right now, and he has nothing else to think about. It's rare to see such a simple spirit body. I'm going to take it back for experiments. ."

Tang Xihe asked curiously, "Doing an experiment? What experiment?"

Chen Wangping said truthfully: "Try to see how we can capture the traces of the spiritual body. It can't always be that we are in the dark, and I have to find some way to catch these mice in the sewer."

Tang Huoniu just happened to smelt the corpse of the Quartz Insect King at this time. He rushed to Chen Wangping's side with a piece of dark worm body silicon ore about the size of a calf, shook his head and said, "Eldest nephew, both of your ideas are a bit whimsical. , let’s not talk about insect control, let’s talk about capturing traces of spiritual bodies. Spirit bodies are mutants of spiritual power that are produced after too much contact with psionic energy. Only those who specialize in psionic energy or people with strong spiritual power can capture them. To the trace, how can you study with this single spirit body?"

Tang Xihe added: "Brother Ping, what my uncle said is a bit heavy, but it is also true. Even people who specialize in spiritual power to search for traces of spiritual bodies consume a lot of money. It may be difficult to search for traces of spiritual bodies on a large scale.”

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "I understand the reason, but the direction I want to study is different from what you think, so I won't talk about it for now, and I'll talk about it when I research it. In this way, I'll electrocute the quartz worm first, uncle. You help me watch it for a few days, and then take it away when I find a way."

Tang Huoniu was very helpless, he turned his head to look at the Quartz worm and smiled bitterly: "Eldest nephew, you are really giving me a problem, so, cut off its worm's feet first, if you don't supply it, the recovery will be slow, drag it out. There is no problem for four or five days, but I will say it before, if you haven't figured out a way to control it, we still have to kill it, it's a disaster to keep it, and we have to prevent the spirit hall from grabbing it back."

Hearing Tang Huoniu's words, Chen Wangping was also reminded by him, and he suddenly came to his senses.


If the Quartz Queen doesn't kill it, the Spirit Palace will definitely want to take it back.

If you want to **** it back, you must send someone with blue worm heart fragments over.

Just catch a wave of fish and try to catch a hook.

If he could, he didn't want to go to the third hall master so early.

Isn't it fragrant to grow up honestly?

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping jumped onto the rear of the quartz worm, picked up the harpoon and put 10,000 points of lightning energy directly over it, and instantly electrocuted the rear of the quartz worm.

The remaining small quartz worms in the abdomen of the queen also became paralyzed and fell down.

Chen Wangping was not polite. He used a gun to break the mineral carapace of the little quartz worm. After killing it, he kicked it next to Tang Xihe and asked her to help deal with it.

Afterwards, he took a harpoon and poked the worm's foot a few times, but he couldn't break the worm's foot after several attempts.

First, the worm's foot is very tough, and second, the harpoon is not sharp, and the edge is not sharp.

"It seems that I have to find a way to fight a sword, at least I have to be able to break through the armor."

Chen Wangping raised his head and shouted, "Uncle, I can't stop cutting this thing, you can break it."

Tang Huoniu said with a smile: "Of course your harpoon keeps slashing~www.readwn.com~ I'll find a knife for you later, it's better to use a weapon to deal with the Zerg." After finishing speaking, he threw the quartz worm king's worm body silicon ore. For Chen Wangping, he jumped on the back of the quartz worm and chopped off the worm's feet.

Chen Wangping caught the calf-sized worm body silicon ore and looked at it expectantly.

In terms of volume, the production of Quartz King is comparable to hundreds of small quartz worms.

【Insect King Silicon Mine】

[Use: building materials, catalysts]

[Special effects - King quality: After adding a small amount of insect king silicon ore, the quality of the equipment created by insect silicon ore is greatly improved]

[Special Effects - King's Deterrence: After adding a small amount of Insect King Silica Ore, the equipment created by Insect Silica Ore can force back the Zerg whose rank is lower than the Quartz Insect King]

[Note: Even in death, the insect king is still the insect king]


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