Wasteland Farming is To Save

: 275 Disadvantages of the worm body silicon plate

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

No wonder the use is a catalyst, this thing is complementary to the worm body silicon ore.

With the king's shock and awe, the small solar panels created are even less afraid of bugs.

However, in terms of the production of quartz worms, Chen Wangping found that the production of zerg seems to have some meaning to cooperate with each other. This is the case with the insect king silicon mine and the insect body silicon mine, as well as the blue nematode heart and the blue nematode whisker.

Production is just like the social structure of the Zerg, with a clear division of labor and each performing their own duties.


He put away all the worm body silicon mines and land battle tanks with his backhand, waved his hand hastily, and led the spirit body back towards the No. 7 mine, ready to start research.

Tang Xihe looked at Chen Wangping's back and murmured, "Uncle, do you think Brother Ping can succeed?"

Tang Huoniu shook his head and said: "I don't think it's possible, but there are too many impossibles in my eldest nephew. Where did this tank come from, we don't know now, let him study it, I hope it can be There is some chance of breaking the game, City Guard, continue to follow me to clear the Zerg."

a long distance away.

The second hall master and the elder were waiting for news next to the crystal ball, but they could not wait for an answer.

After waiting in a hurry, the second hall master couldn't help but sent another guardian to check the situation. Only then did he learn that the stone worm queen had been kept in captivity by Tang Huoxiao, and the previous guardians had all died.

The first elder stroked his beard and said, "Strange, Tang Huo Niu always kills the enemy. Why did he deliberately leave a stone worm queen this time? Could it be used as a bait?"

The second hall master snorted coldly: "The bait? Tang Huoniu thinks too much. This time it's just a test. Come and catalyze the Wanling Great Array to enter the second stage."



two hours later.

Chen Wangping looked at the spirit body floating behind him, helplessly continued to shake the blue nematode heart fragment, and continued to lead it to float forward.

This time, he realized how boring and difficult it was to pull monsters while playing online games.

The speed of this spirit body is too slow, and its perception ability is also average. You must concentrate on controlling its position along the way.

Fortunately, it can be considered to be brought home now.

Before arriving at the base, the people in Houshan heard the movement.

Xiao Yuan saw the spirit body of the Lingdian, as if facing a great enemy, and immediately danced the sulfur poisonous mist in his hands, and said anxiously: "Benefactor, did the Lingdian call?"

Chen Wangping looked at them as ready to fight at any time, smiled and said: "It's okay, everyone continue to rest, this is the spiritual body I deliberately stayed to study.".

After hearing what Chen Wangping said, they fell down again and continued to rest.

Xiao Yu led Xiao Nan Nan and walked over and said, "Benevolent, this spirit body looks a bit strange, I'm a little familiar with it."

Chen Wangping wondered: "Familiar? This person is also from the Volcano tribe?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, "It's not that familiar, but this spirit body seems to be contaminated with some faint sulfuric aura. I feel that this person may have been active near the volcano before."

Xiao Yuan also approached to feel it, nodded and said: "It is true, the sulfur smell is very weak, only those of us who stay near the volcano all the year round can feel it."

Chen Wangping nodded, "It stands to reason that spiritual bodies are condensed by mental power, and should not be contaminated with any breath, but since you have felt it, there must be some mysteries in it. Write it down for the time being, I will go to work first."

Xiao Yuan smiled and said: "Benefactor, you are busy with you. We are very comfortable here, and the number of bugs has been controlled. With the help of guard robots, we can clean up bugs much easier."

Chen Wangping smiled and waved his hand, returning to the manufacturing area.

He first took out the worm body silicon ore of the small quartz worms, and put them into the steel furnace one by one. When the tenth was added, the steel furnace began to smelt.

[In the process of smelting the worm body silicon plate, it is estimated that it will take 15 minutes]

"Ten smelting one piece, this production ratio is okay."

Chen Wangping glanced at the storage compartment, and counting the worm body silicon ore obtained from the Quartz Queen later, he obtained a total of more than 660 pieces of worm body silica ore this time, which means that he can smelt 60 pieces of worm body silicon ore. Six worm silicon panels, and then 66 new solar panels can be produced, which can boost the base's pollution-free instant power generation by more than 600 kWh.

This is earned.

Counting the gains, Chen Wangping's determination to control the Quartz Queen has been strengthened.

After controlling the quartz worm, there will be more worm body silicon ore after that.

After arranging the construction of the insect body silicon mine, Chen Wangping began to study the spiritual body. His idea of ​​​​researching the spiritual body is actually very simple.

Since the semiconductor in the tunnel can reduce the resistance as the temperature rises.

Wouldn't there also be a semiconductor that would raise or lower the resistance according to the rising number of spirits?

As long as you find this kind of semiconductor, simply process it, and you can immediately create a spiritual body detector.

When Chen Wangping went out these days, he would collect various solids as test items from time to time, such as worm bones, stones, metals, ores, and all kinds of things he picked up and prepared to try.

After controlling the spiritual body, he applied current to all five test objects, controlled the spiritual body to approach the past, and began to compare the changes in resistance, experimenting again and again.

Experimentation is boring.

Fifteen minutes later, Chen Wangping let out a breath, stopped what he was doing, and turned to walk towards the steel furnace.

He has tried more than a dozen samples just now, and they all failed without exception.

Fortunately, he was already mentally prepared, and there is no depression at the moment.

After walking to the steel furnace, Chen Wangping took off the silicon plate of the insect body in anticipation and checked it.

But at a glance, he found that the worm body silicon plate looked gray, and there were some unknown impurities in the middle, and the overall light transmittance was very general.

"The material produced by the bug does not seem to be as pure as pure ore."

He frowned and checked the attributes:

【Insect body silicon plate】

[Use: to create materials]

[Special Effects - Shock and Deterrence: The related equipment created by the worm body silicon plate is less likely to be attacked by the zerg]

[Negative special effects - bleak: there are many impurities on the surface of the silicon plate of the insect body~www.readwn.com~ The light transmittance is low, and the device created has only 80% performance]

[Remarks: The worm body silicon plate material itself is very good, but the steel furnace cannot process it perfectly]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping looked at the steel furnace, then turned to look inside the base.

The steel furnace cannot process perfectly?

This can't be done.

The dim negative special effects caused the performance of this thing to decrease. There were only 8 kilowatts of electricity that could generate 10 kilowatts of electricity. The more the number, the greater the impact.

No, you can't just use it directly.

We have to find a way to remove the impurities on the surface of the silicon plate of the insect body.

How to get rid of it?

He looked around and finally set his sights on the chemical plant.


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