Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 276: Pickling and detailing

Chen Wangping's thinking is very clear.

Since this impurity is on the worm's silicon plate, it means that it is likely to be an organic impurity.

In this case, simply add a pickling step.

Washing the surface with sulfuric acid may remove impurities.

Not to mention improving performance, at least don't hold back.

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping picked up the worm silicon plate and rushed to the chemical factory.

At this time, the chemical plant produced a sulfuric acid.

Chen Wangping took off the sulfuric acid. After thinking about it, he decided to dilute it first. If it couldn't come up, use concentrated sulfuric acid to pickle it.

If you don't wash it, you won't have a place to cry.

According to the amount of sulfuric acid, he placed nine bottles filled with water in a row, calculating the proportions from 10% to 90%, and carefully poured the concentrated sulfuric acid into the water.

This order cannot be reversed, only water can be added to the concentrated sulfuric acid, otherwise there will be potential safety hazards.

Soon, Chen Wangping adjusted nine concentrations, including pure sulfuric acid, a total of ten echelons.

He picked up the bottle and washed it step by step towards the worm silicon board, constantly observing the changes in the surface and properties of the worm silicon board.

"Zi La La"

As the concentration increased, the silicon plate of the insect body made a sound of being corroded. After fanning away the poisonous smoke, Chen Wangping could see that the impurities on the thing had been removed by pickling, and the effect was obvious.

After half an hour.

Chen Wangping took out a newly smelted worm body silicon plate, took out 60% concentrated sulfuric acid and sprayed it on it. After one minute on the front and back, he stopped moving expectantly and started to observe.

After pickling, the original silicon plate with little impurities became much more transparent, and the negative special effects in the attributes also disappeared. Instead, a new special effect was added:

[Special effect - Pickling: The corrosion resistance of the acid-washed worm silicon plate is enhanced, and the durability of the finished product is increased by an additional 10%]


Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, specially arranged a secondary manufacturing bench to pickle the silicon plate of the insect body, and re-pulled the conveyor belt for making small solar panels.

Now you don't have to worry about flaws.

"Practice brings true knowledge. Trying more will always pay off."

After this incident, Chen Wangping became more interested in experimenting with semiconductors, and he continued to experiment all night, regardless of the darkness of the night.

The night passed.

"Its daybreak?"

Chen Wangping rubbed his eyes, walked to the side with a wry smile, washed his face, closed his eyes and felt a little tired, but he could still think normally.

He flipped through the storage compartment and found that he was busy fighting with the Spirit Hall recently, and he had not made anything delicious. He reluctantly took out a few steaks, cut them into thick slices, and fried them in a pot. Eggs and mugwort sprouts are nutritious.

When he was making it, he glanced at the storage compartment. There were still three days' worth of Spirit Summoning Potion left, and one week's worth of tonic tonic left. After using these up, his strength could still be improved.

"Beep beep!"

Smelling the aroma, the golden eagle dropped the half-bitten steel plate in his mouth and flew out in a hurry, opening his mouth to express that I wanted to eat it too.

Chen Wangping had long seen the golden eagle staring at it with small eyes, smiled, picked up a half-baked piece and threw it into the golden eagle's mouth, "Eat, go out and see if you can find the three halls when you're full. Mainly, if you find out, don’t go up and fight by yourself, come back and tell me first, safety first.”

The golden eagle nodded, ate the steak in a big mouthful and wiped his mouth. It glanced at Chen Wangping and saw that Brother Ping had already fried the steak, poured it on a plate, and brought it to the dining table to eat.

While Chen Wangping was not paying attention, the golden eagle quickly flew to the frying pan, grabbed the shovel and the pot, and fluttered its wings towards the outside.

Chen Wangping really hadn't noticed this scene, and all he was thinking about now was how to quickly try out a suitable semiconductor.


The golden eagle looked back and found that he was fine, beeped twice proudly, and slowly chewed the delicious frying pan and shovel, in a very good mood.

After eating the omelette, Chen Wangping pressed the radio lightly and listened attentively:

【Weather forecast】

There will be heavy rain all day near Huo Niucheng tomorrow, with a wind force of three to four

【Tips for Wasteland】

The key to problem solving is the details

【Indescribable reminder】

After walking with your head down for a long time, remember to look up.

【The sound of the wind】

"What's the matter with the second and third? It's just a city of fire, can't you win it?"

"Report to the master of the hall, the master of the second hall has launched the Great Array of All Souls, and the Fire Bull City is dying, and it will be captured in a few days."

"This is the best way to convey it. Winter will soon begin in the central part, and there are fewer and fewer thunder sources. There are still ten days of scenery at most. You must enter the Seventh Research Institute before the land of thunder sources is closed."

"Yes, the main hall master rest assured"

When he first heard the weather forecast, Chen Wangping was still a little puzzled.

Why didn't this intimate radio report the weather forecast for the land of thunder?

Fortunately, when he heard the back, he understood that the voice brought by the wind this time was directly from the main hall master of the Spirit Hall.

"Leiyuan Land may be closed in ten days. Taking into account the time reserved for exploring the ruins in the Spirit Palace, it seems that the outcome will be in these ten days."

Chen Wangping wrote down the information and continued to analyze it.

Huo Niu City has rained heavily all day, and this news is neither good nor bad.

The rainstorm can slow down the attack of the insects, and it can also eliminate some insects that are not good at water, but in the same way, the rainstorm will also have an impact on the Huo Niu City formation, making it more difficult to get out of the city, and the temperature will be greatly reduced.

An autumn rain and a cold, let alone a heavy rain.

Fortunately, the mine base has a lot of winter equipment collected before, so there must be no problem in protecting the people of the Volcano tribe for the winter.

Chen Wangping also thought about it on the way back, as long as he can get rid of the third hall master and ensure that he can't make trouble in the black oil ruins, then he can send the people of the volcano tribe to the black oil ruins to collect the vital black oil. Oil, after all, this stuff can never be too much, and by the way, we can continue to salvage the remains in the ruins. The terrain there is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and we are not afraid of Zerg invasion.

Now the key to everything is stuck in the third hall master~www.readwn.com~ He must be killed!

"Tips mean to remind yourself of details. What details?"

"It said in the prompt that you have walked with your head down for a long time. Remember to look up? What are you looking up at?"

Chen Wangping ate breakfast while thinking about these obscure reminders. After eating, he put away the plate and prepared to wash it with the pot.

As soon as he walked to the kitchen, he suddenly found that something seemed to be missing here.

Wait, where's my pot?

Chen Wangping looked at Guang sideways, reached out and picked up a few iron-gray fluff from the stove, and immediately understood.

Greedy Carved Treasure!

When I come back, I must let it come out with my teeth!

Is it easy for me to work hard to raise a pot?

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