Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 278: The Spirit Detector has done a great job!

Half an hour later, Chen Wangping couldn't wait to rush to the manufacturing station.

After a few seconds, a blue transparent glow appeared on the spout, which looked delightful.

"I hope the effect will be better, there is no time to continue to study the next one."

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and took down the finished item. At this moment, a prompt popped up in front of him:

【Congratulations on your successful development of new drawings】

【Please name the homemade item】

"It's called a spiritual body detector."

【Successful naming of the spiritual body detector】

[Drawings have been automatically optimized]

After the line of prompts flashed, the blue light on the spiritual body detector suddenly closed, and then bloomed, very gorgeous, and the mapped mines were full of blue light.

The shape of the spirit detector is similar to the mineral detector, but with a handle and a base placed on the ground.

After all, this thing needs high temperature to use, and it can't be played with in the hand.

Moreover, the spiritual body detector is prepared to be used by others after it is made, so you need to think about it.

Chen Wangping turned on the switch and was just about to try it out.

With a loud bang, the battery ignited and ignited the built-in charcoal, and the temperature soon rose, reaching the conditions for the use of the spiritual body detector.

"Drip drip drip drip drip"

In the next second, the buzzer and flash on the spirit body detector all turned on, and the approximate position and signal strength of the spirit body appeared on the light and shadow screen.

Looking at the location and signal strength, it seems to be the dying spirit body.

"Not bad, the sensitivity is so high."

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, and tried to change the position of the Spirit Body Detector several times in a row, and found that it would also show on the screen, which was very accurate.

View properties:

[Homemade Blueprint: Spirit Body Detector]

[Purpose: Detecting spiritual bodies (only the built-in sensitive resistors can be detected corresponding to spiritual bodies, and the sensitive resistors need to be replaced when detecting other spiritual bodies)]

【Detection range: 500 meters】

【Combustion power: 1kw】

【Solar self-generation】

[Durability: 55005500]

[Special effects-marking: There are ten built-in markers in the spiritual body detector, which can mark the spiritual bodies that have appeared in the past]

[Special effects-alarm: The spiritual body detector will automatically alarm when it finds a spiritual body, and the sound can be adjusted]

[Special effect - simple: simple structure means durable and strong, durability is increased by an additional 10%]

[Remarks: Self-made drawings are easier to add functions and adjustments, which means that you have begun to move towards industrial masters]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping placed it at the entrance of the cave with satisfaction.

Five hundred meters range! Although it is not as exaggerated as a mineral detector, it is definitely enough.

The materials for this thing are not difficult to find, such as the sensitive resistors of the core materials. When he collected a lot near the volcano tribe before, he can get another batch when he has time.

It's also easy to use, just add some charcoal from time to time, and bask in the sun and you're done.

Chen Wangping calculated that the remaining sensitive resistors that he had recovered were enough to build five more spiritual body detectors, so he simply put them all on the manufacturing table and arranged the tasks.

With these, he can now arrange for the people of the Volcano Tribe to collect oil from the black oil ruins.

Soon, Chen Wangping walked quickly to the back mountain, put the spirit detector on the ground, and reached out to call Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu.

As soon as the two came over, they saw the spirit detector on the ground. Xiao Yu asked curiously, "Benefactor, what's wrong? What is this?"

Xiao Yuan looked down and insisted: "I know, this must be a heater. Is it a heater specially developed by the benefactor worried that we will be too cold after winter arrives? It looks really good, thank you benefactor!"

Chen Wangping: "..."

What a heater!

Before he could explain, suddenly, the heater, no, the lights and buzzer on the spirit body detector turned on, and the position of the spirit body displayed on the light and shadow turned out to be the gathering of the rest of the volcano tribe. place.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yu knew that there must be something wrong with the clan, and immediately turned around and wanted to approach the clan.


At this moment, a normally honest and honest person from the volcano tribe suddenly stood up and sprayed countless sulfur poisonous mists towards the surrounding area, overwhelming the sky. In the next second, he even took out a flint and tried to ignite the poisonous mist. .


"Five, are you crazy!"

"Hurry up and stop him!"

After the rest of the volcano tribe saw it, they all took action to hold down Xiao Laowu.

But who would have thought that Xiao Laowu's strength has become so great at this time that he can actually push everyone else away with a wave of his hand, and can't wait to ignite the flint.

At this moment, Chen Wangping's figure appeared in front of Xiao Laowu, and he raised his hand and hit the back of Xiao Laowu's neck with a knife, stunned him and scolded: "What, get out of here! "

Immediately afterwards, an invisible and transparent human-headed spirit body really floated out of Xiao Laowu.

It appeared extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, it ran behind another standing Volcano Tribe, ready to repeat its old tricks, causing chaos again.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping has been paying attention to the display of the spiritual body detector, and staring at Xiao Laowu with his mental power. As early as the moment the spiritual body appeared, he used his mental power to capture its trace, and immediately controlled the electric current to bombard it.

What he didn't expect was that the electric current of 500 points of energy bombarded it, and it didn't cause much damage, but the spirit body that was stimulated was faster.

Strange, where did the spirit body appear?

And so meaty?

In the next second, the person attached to the spirit body, like the previous Xiao Laowu, began to sway the poisonous sulfur mist around him.

"Everyone spreads out and distances themselves from each other. Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu, all of you are staring at the spirit detector that I brought, and remind me as soon as a light spot appears."


Immediately afterwards, Chen Wangping ran to the person with the spirit body attached, stretched out his hand to stun him again, and forced the spirit body out again.

This time ~www.readwn.com~ he directly raised his hand to condense the thunder cage of 5,000 points of lightning energy, directly covering the spiritual body in it, and then abruptly shrinking.

The thunder cage tightened, sticking firmly to the spirit body, causing damage to the spirit body continuously.

After controlling it, Chen Wangping found that the spirit body this time seemed a bit strange. Unlike the spirit body of the previous three hall masters, this spirit body seemed to be much more sluggish, and the spiritual power attached to the spirit body itself was constantly decreasing. After being possessed like this twice, its mental power has been reduced by nearly a third.

He thought that this kind of spirit body should be different from the spirit body of the third hall master, and it might be some kind of mass-produced consumable.

Just when Chen Wangping was about to do some research, perhaps because the thunder cage had wiped out too much of the spiritual power of this abnormal spirit body, it suddenly exploded like a bomb without warning, releasing violent waves. Mental shock.


"It hurts!!!"

"help me!"

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