Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 279: mental strength

The spiritual shock wave released by the explosion of the spiritual body is very strong.

It seems like it was made for this moment.

Everyone in the volcano tribe was bleeding from the nose and mouth from the shock wave, and their headaches were splitting.

Chen Wangping's eyes flashed, and Shentan was a little shaken. He resisted the headache, glanced at the spirit body detector, and found that there was still a trace of this abnormal spirit body, and it was quickly flying towards the left.

"There are so many designs for this little thing!"

Chen Wangping was very surprised. He took the spiritual body detector and pushed the answer with the results. Only then did he find an abnormal spiritual body the size of a pebble, and once again enveloped it with a thunder cage.

Considering that the abnormal spiritual body could explode again, he deliberately dragged the abnormal spiritual body away from the position of everyone in the volcano tribe, and then took out magnetite, charcoal, and steel plates and placed them in front of him.

When he was ready, Chen Wangping slammed into the thunder cage and instantly burst out the abnormal spiritual body.


Sure enough, the moment when the abnormal spiritual body exploded, there was another spiritual shock. Although the shock was not as strong as the first time, it was enough to defeat ordinary third-level power users.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping placed a lot of things in advance. When the mental shock hit these things, the charcoal and steel plates reacted in general, and they couldn't stop the mental shock at all.

However, the performance of magnetite was very good, and it stopped the mental impact in an instant.

As a price, all the magnetites that were taken out were blasted, and there was not a single one left.

Chen Wangping looked at the broken magnetite and tried it with iron, but it didn't even have any magnetism. He shook his head helplessly, "The destructive power of this thing is too strong, it must be the gang from the Lingdian who got it out of the beasts. of."

First, the bugs forced everyone to gather together, and then they released this kind of ghost to destroy the gathering place. Once these two hands were released, it was extremely destructive.

At this time, the abnormal spiritual body has been completely destroyed, leaving no trace.

However, where it disappeared, two long-lost light blue system lights appeared.

Light poured into Chen Wangping's body and turned into two delightful reminders:

[The upper limit of energy storage for lightning tender seedlings +1%]

[Mental power is increased by an additional 5%]

"Increase the upper limit of energy by one percent? Can you also increase the upper limit of mental power?"

After reading the prompt, Chen Wangping immediately became excited, turned his head to look at the spirit detector, and wished that another one would appear to destroy it.

This is a huge gain.

You must know that your current energy limit is almost 20,000, and an increase of 1% is nearly 200 points!

After killing a few spirit bodies, the upper limit of energy can exceed 20,000.

The improvement of mental strength is also obvious.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Shentan has been filled with 80 strands of spiritual power, and 5% is four strands of spiritual power, which is much faster than slowly absorbing the magic potion.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to pick up the spirit body detector and circled the No. 7 mine, but he couldn't get the second abnormal spirit body.

"Is it just one? This thing must not have been released by the people in the spiritual hall, so how did it appear?"

Chen Wangping frowned and thought about it, and suddenly came to an idea. He followed the previous route and ran to the depths of the mine to check whether the spiritual source placed in the spiritual hall was still there.

When he arrived at the place, he saw that the place where the spiritual source was originally contained was now empty, and only the pure blue iron ore below the spiritual source indicated that the spiritual source should have just disappeared.

"It seems that this abnormal spiritual body emerged from the spiritual source, which can also explain why the miners who died in the haunted mine before became a free spiritual body. This spiritual source itself is a special spiritual body. body."

After analyzing the source of the abnormal spiritual body, Chen Wangping was not idle, he took out the mining pick and dug out the pure blue iron ore.

This is a good thing, and you can add it to the next time you build a tank.

After digging, he calculated the time. Since the spiritual body detector at home still needs to be built for a while, he simply digs out the dark blue iron ore inside.

I didn't dig it before because I was worried that Lingdian would find that Lingyuan was missing, and sent someone to investigate, but now Lingyuan has blown up by itself, there is nothing to worry about.


After half an hour.

Chen Wangping dug more than 400 pieces of dark blue iron ore and more than 30 pieces of pure blue iron ore, and he gained a lot.

With these dark blue iron ore, he can make some dark blue versions of the standard shells to try.

Specializing in spiritual artillery shells, it is enough for the people in the spiritual hall to drink a pot!

Putting away his things, he touched the sweat on his forehead, "I haven't mined for a long time, and I feel pretty cool. When the spirit hall is destroyed, I will find some special mines to dig."

Back at the base, Chen Wangping threw the mine onto the conveyor belt, reached out and took down the five spirit body detectors he had just built, and rushed to the back mountain again.

When he arrived at the back mountain, he first asked, "How is the situation?"

After seeing him, Xiao Yu, who was arranging the wounded, stood up and said, "Don't worry, my benefactor. I have already checked, and they are all just minor injuries. It will be fine to take a while."

Xiao Yuan rubbed his head and walked over: "That's what I said, but my benefactor, if it weren't for your good environment here, we wouldn't have time to take care of these injuries. If we were fighting with bugs, how could we not use our mental power? Physical injuries are different, once used, the injury will be aggravated, and the more you fight, the less you will survive."

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "You have allocated the personnel well, those who are injured should not fight, and recuperate in peace." After speaking, he took out a spiritual body detector and handed it over, "This thing is called a spiritual body detector. You have seen the effect just now, just pay attention to adding charcoal, it can indicate the location of the spiritual body within 500 meters, if I find the spiritual body without me, then you can attack it from a distance and blow it up. If you can't attack from a distance, you can dodge far away. It can't do anything to the base as a spirit body~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Yuan scratched his head embarrassedly, took the spirit body detector and said: "Don't worry, benefactor, this spirit body is The thing is just elusive and hard to find. With this good thing, we are not afraid of it at all! "

Xiao Yu sighed: "Benefactor, you are really amazing, you can even take out this kind of spiritual body detection."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "You all pay attention to observe the situation, I'm worried that this spirit body can not only attach itself to humans, but also to bugs. If you encounter bugs with significantly higher intelligence, you should be careful and leave them to the giant guard robot. Attack, it is a mechanical creation that just restrains the spiritual body."

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu nodded and took it to heart.

Chen Wangping raised his head and called Jindiao, sat up and said, "Diaobao, let's go, let's go to Huo Niu City, there are more mines nearby, there are many people, the spirits must have gone there, you brother Ping, I broke through The opportunity may fall on this spirit body."

The golden eagle raised his head and let out a deep cry, and quickly drove Chen Wangping towards Huo Niu City.

At this moment, Huo Niu City has fallen into chaos.

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