Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 280: What artifact is this?

On the way to Huo Niu City, the spirit detector in Chen Wangping's hand would beep a few times from time to time.

But he looked in the direction, and those spirit bodies were all in the middle of the worm pile. It seemed that the worm had been controlled, and there was no sign of human activity.

In such a situation, Chen Wangping was too lazy to take care of it, and he didn't continue to improve the idea just now, and he also wanted to see what would happen after this kind of spirit body that was wandering in the wild continued to occupy the Zerg?

The Spirit Hall will never let this kind of spiritual body explode the mental power fluctuations on the body of the Zerg?

He encountered a total of five spirit bodies on the way, and they all marked them one by one with the spirit body detector.

Soon, Chen Wangping arrived at Huo Niu City and entered the Huo Niu Great Array with the permission given by Tang Huo Niu.

As soon as he entered, he heard panicked shouts and fighting sounds everywhere in Huo Niu City. Looking around, he saw houses on fire, collapsed buildings covered with smoke and dust, and residents fleeing on the road. The scene was chaotic. .

Chen Wangping sighed in his heart, "Oops, there must be a lot of spiritual bodies here." He immediately asked the golden eagle to start searching for the location of the spiritual bodies along the direction of the outer city wall.

At this time, near the Outer City Office, Tang Huoniu was acting as a fire extinguisher with Tang Xihe, and rescued everywhere. The spirit body has only appeared for less than an hour, but it has already caused serious consequences.

Tang Huoniu's busy forehead was sweating. He turned his head to look aside and said anxiously, "Continue to add more people and send all the guards out to stabilize the situation. We can't continue the chaos like this."

Aunt Ren next to her said anxiously: "No, if you send all the guards out, what if the spirit hall suddenly invades in a big way at this time? You have seen this kind of spirit body, it won't last, it won't take long. It exploded on its own, so what does it matter if it loses some residents? If the guards are injured, what will be used to block the spiritual hall?"

Tang Xihe was very confused. She raised her head and glanced in the direction of the No. 7 mine, worried that such a spirit body might also appear on Chen Wangping's side?

Although there are many spirit bodies in Huo Niu City, these spirit bodies can't actually hurt Tang Huo Niu, only those residents of Huo Niu City.

But Chen Wangping's spiritual power is not as strong as his uncle's. Can he block the spiritual body?

Tang Huoniu waved his hand and said: "No, the situation must be stabilized, I only hate that I am not a spiritual power specialist, I can only vaguely sense the position of the spiritual body, and I can't catch it at all! It's better to send the guards out, a team of ten people, Let the captain come to suppress the rebellion, and first arrest those who lead the trouble."

Suddenly, Aunt Ren shook her head abruptly and said, "No! No! Just no, why don't you listen to me? Then die!"

Speaking of the back, her voice became higher and higher, and people became more and more excited. She suddenly laughed wildly, and then there was a wave of mental power around her body.

This is a precursor to the explosion of the spirit body!

Tang Huoniu angrily said, "Damn it! You actually came here!" He just raised his hand, ready to knock Aunt Ren out,

But in the next instant, the spirit body exploded, and there was a burst of violent mental fluctuations.


Tang Huoniu immediately unleashed his spiritual power, but the impact of the spiritual power of this spirit body was too strong, and he couldn't block it all.

Tang Huoniu immediately turned his head and said, "Xihe, how are you feeling? Where are you uncomfortable?"

Tang Xihe waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, hurry up to see Aunt Ren and grab that spirit body."

In the previous battle, they also found that even if the spirit body exploded, it would still leave some small tails, and it was necessary to cut the grass and roots.

Tang Huoniu quickly used his mental strength to sort out Aunt Ren's injury, and at the same time tried to capture the mental fluctuations, trying to catch this daring spirit body.

But in the next second, the spirit body shrank to a very small size, and quietly rushed towards a guard outside the door, trying to escape.

Tang Huoniu could only feel the general location of this spirit body, and thought that this spirit body was heading towards Tang Xihe, who was in the same direction, and guarded Tang Xihe with all his attention.

He failed to discover the spirit's attempt.

The spirit body that injured Aunt Ren and Tang Xihe was about to run away.

Just at the moment when the spirit body was about to fly towards the guards and control the guards.

A palm that was full of thunder and lightning directly held the spirit body.

"Little thing, you want to run away when you do something bad?"

Chen Wangping searched for a small half circle, and finally found it according to the instructions of the spirit body detector, and caught the spirit body in time.

Tang Xihe was very pleasantly surprised when she saw Chen Wangping coming, but she remembered what happened before and immediately reminded: "Be careful, don't crush it to death, it can still explode once!"

Chen Wangping nodded, "Don't worry, I have a way to deal with it."

After he finished speaking, he rushed to the backyard of the office with the little spirit body in his hand. He raised his hand and took out a large iron pillar about the size of a person. It was evenly wound with wires one by one, and there was a row of batteries connected to it.

Tang Huoniu and Tang Xihe were worried that he would be injured, so they immediately followed. Seeing what Chen Wangping took out, they still didn't understand what was going on, and they tried to persuade him again.

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, turned on the switch on the iron pillar, and squeezed the spirit body with force.

Just like the previous one, the moment the spiritual body exploded, a large burst of spiritual force was released.

Tang Huoniu subconsciously concentrated his mind and prepared to resist the mental shock.

But at this moment, he was surprised to find that there was not the slightest mental shock in front of him.

As if the spirit body hadn't exploded.

Tang Xihe also discovered this, and his eyes widened in surprise.

The two followed the momentum, only to find that the spiritual shock of the spirit body was absorbed by the ugly thing Chen Wangping took out.

I saw invisible waves emitting from the iron pillar, which just happened to neutralize the impact of the explosion of the spiritual body one by one~www.readwn.com~Poppapa"

After some tossing, only a few wires on the iron pillar could not withstand the pressure and exploded, which is nothing, just rewind it.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, which was what he thought temporarily on the way over.

Since natural magnets can withstand the mental impact of spiritual bodies, electromagnets might also work.

Now that there are quite a lot of battery reserves at home, there is no pressure to make a large electromagnet. Compared to the embarrassing appearance of being smashed by a spiritual body before, this electromagnet can be called an artifact!

As long as a lot of electromagnets are erected in the gathering place, then there is no fear of the explosion of the spiritual body!

Soon, at the location of the death of the spiritual body, rows of rays of light appeared again with the prompt:

[The upper limit of energy storage for lightning tender seedlings +1%]

[Mental power increased by an additional 4%]

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