Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 282: take the initiative

Chen Wangping picked up the miniature fire bull formation plate, looked at the location, followed the way of Tang fire bull, and placed it directly in the middle of the base.

As soon as the position was placed, before he could connect to the power supply, the miniature fire bull array was automatically connected to the secondary pole, and began to replenish energy for itself through wireless power transmission.

As soon as it was absorbed, the light bulbs in the base flickered. Obviously, the burden of this array is not small.

After a while, a red light flashed across the entire body of the miniature fire bull formation. Gradually, the red light became brighter and brighter. After reaching the extreme, the red light shrank and released like breathing, and suddenly covered the entire base, even the back mountain. All included, the effect is very obvious.

[The miniature fire bull array has covered the base]

With the appearance of the prompt, the bugs who were still charging the defense line in the back mountain struggled in pain, and subconsciously followed their instincts to leave the position covered by the miniature fire bull formation.

Not only that, after the light was covered, the red bulls in the cowshed mooed happily one after another, and ate the feed in front of them in big gulps, obviously their appetite increased greatly.

Chen Wangping nodded in satisfaction, eating more, the fatter he eats, the better.

Isn't steak the more uniform the fat, the higher the quality, and the more fragrant it tastes!

I've been busy with the Living Spirit Hall recently, and I don't have much time to cook for myself.

After you are done with the work in the Spirit Hall, you must relax.

He took a deep breath, took out the tonic, sat on the bed, and continued to improve his physique.

Holding the spiritual body sent by the spirit hall, the spiritual power and the lightning energy are both greatly improved, and the physique cannot be held back.

Back Mountain.

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu looked up at the red light in the sky, and their confidence increased by a point. They continued to kill the bugs outside. On the one hand, they could reduce the pressure on the Fire Bull Array, and on the other hand, they could hone combat skills.

"Volcano tribe, rush!"

the next day.

Before Chen Wangping opened his eyes, he heard the sound of rain.

Looking at the sound of the rain, he was surprised to find that the rain was not big, and it could only be regarded as light rain.

"Where did Xiaoyu get such a big movement?"

Chen Wangping got up strangely and looked around. When he looked into the distance, he realized what was going on.

It was indeed a torrential rain outside the coverage area of ​​the Huo Niu Array, crackling, and the ground was a little festering, and soon a lot of mud was rushed out, and even the worms were rolled up by the mud and rolled towards the low-lying place.

However, the rain within the coverage area of ​​Huo Niu City was cut down a lot, and the heavy rain turned into light rain, which did not cause any bad effects.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, "This array is really good. It feels simpler and easier to use than a protective cover."

He had always had an idea in his heart that if he wanted to completely create a living environment in the wasteland, he would definitely have to build a shield to isolate the bad weather and toxic gases.

It would be nice to have some kind of transparent solar panel to make a shield that can generate electricity and protect.

take it easy.

Recovering his thoughts, Chen Wangping pressed the radio and listened:

【Weather forecast】

Near Huo Niu City, the wind is strong all day, with a wind force of six to seven.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Smart use of the resources at hand will make your survival easier.

【Indescribable reminder】

Grab the key and defeat the enemy with one blow!

【The sound of the wind】

"Haha, I can feel that there are fewer and fewer explosive spiritual bodies. Second child, second child, you have helped me a lot this time."

"Why did the palace master say this, the subordinates do not understand, why not let the subordinates go out to plunder the explosive spiritual body to help the palace master restore his strength?"

"It's not necessary, the improvement brought by the explosive spirit body is obvious. Anyone who has tasted it will not be able to bear it. The second child must be driving the explosive spirit body to besiege Huo Niu City. At that time, whether it is Tang Huoniu or Tang Xihe, even Chen Wangping, as long as they absorb the explosive spirit body, it is equivalent to helping me absorb it, and they can be slaughtered when they are fattened."

"The hall master is wise!"

"Go ahead, you only need to monitor the situation nearby. Contact me as soon as you feel the strong aura of the explosive spirit body. It must be those people nearby. I want to kill them! The previous revenge must be avenged!"


After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping snorted coldly.

It turned out to be so.

No wonder the three hall masters didn't send someone out, and they co-authored with the idea of ​​being a hunter.

If you want to be a hunter, you have to see if your strength is enough.

The roles of hunter and prey can be switched at any time.

He looked at the records in the notebook and thought to himself: "Since the three temple masters want to devour the explosive spirit bodies, now that I have killed so many explosive spirit bodies, the breath on my body must be very strong, so I simply follow the Blackstone Mine. Po went around and took the initiative to lead the three temple masters out."

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping first went to the cowshed to add some fodder to several cows. After observing it, he found that the effect of the fire cow array was still very obvious. marked improvement.


After milking, he returned to the base. First, he went to the manufacturing station to make a plastic weatherboard that could be installed on the golden eagle. Then he simply ate some breakfast and called for the golden eagle to come over.

Looking at the thing that was obviously going to be put on his body, the golden eagle shook his head with some resistance, and flapped his wings to blow out the wind, indicating that he could use the wind to cover the rain.

Chen Wangping reached out and tapped the little head of the golden eagle and said: "Fan fan is a waste of power, you don't need the plastic board, come over quickly, go out to take revenge, and when you are done with this period of time, I will take you to the eternal Catch big fish on the riverside to eat."

For the sake of the big cake, no, the big fish, the golden eagle nodded reluctantly, stretched out his wings and put on the plastic plate, tried to wave his wings a few times, and found that it did not affect his movements at all.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction. Now that he has more familiar materials, he can also create some small things according to his ideas.

For example, the joints of this weatherboard~www.readwn.com~ are made of sheepskin, which can keep warm and wear-resistant. The shape of the plastic board is also made according to your body shape, just to block the rain, but not Add too much weight to the golden eagle.


Lead the three hall masters to go!

After leaving the Fire Bull Array area, the rain instantly became heavier.

Fortunately, there are plastic plates, which block the rain in all directions, and at the same time avoid the danger of loss of temperature in the autumn rain, and at the same time bear the impact of the rainstorm.

After flying for a while, the golden eagle beeped a few times, indicating that Brother Ping's cowhide! This thing is really good, it is much more comfortable to fly in the rain.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "If the glass comes out later, I'll install more glass covers, and then I don't have to worry about rain."

With the shell, the glass cover, and the firepower system, the golden eagle can be a cameo in a fighter, and it is more flexible than a fighter.

Back to research research!

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