Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 283: Scorpion spirit body?

After flying out of the mine, Chen Wangping planned a route in the air, and asked the golden eagle to fly to the mine with few people at a lower height.

After all, there must be no spiritual body detectors under the three hall masters. If they fly too high, they will be in trouble if they don't feel it.

Sometimes, the enemy's level is too low is also a problem.

Flying for about half an hour.

The spirit detector on Chen Wangping's hand suddenly rang. Looking at the light and shadow, he found that there were actually two spirit bodies in the mine about 200 meters ahead. The bodies are attacking each other.

He was interested and asked the golden eagle to lower it a little more to check.

After approaching, the situation on the scene was also displayed on the radar. Two waves of Zerg troops with dozens of red dots were attacking each other. Judging from the fluctuation of the red dots, the battle situation was very tragic, and there would be Zerg casualties almost every second.

"He beat so hard? What is this spirit body busy with?"

Chen Wangping went in along the tunnel of the mine and found that the two Zerg warring parties were actually the same race. It looked a bit like a scorpion, but it was more abnormal than a scorpion. Half of the body was a long tail hook. The way is also to use the tail hook to stab each other, recruit blood.

Just when Chen Wangping was thinking about what kind of chess these two spirit bodies were playing, the two spirit bodies discovered the aura of Chen Wangping and the golden eagle, and they all controlled the large scorpion worms they possessed and turned their heads to look at them.

These two large scorpions were the size of grinding discs, their tail hooks shone with a strange light, and they were all wounded. It seemed that the previous fight was very cruel.

Chen Wangping waved his hand, "If you hit you, I just look at it, but don't do it."

Obviously, these two spirit bodies didn't believe him, and immediately put down the previous contradictions, and charged towards Chen Wangping with their injuries, very fast.

The golden eagle looked at Chen Wangping and grinned.

Chen Wangping tapped the little head of the golden eagle again, "Why are you laughing, these two bugs don't know each other, I'm older, you're younger, do it." After speaking, he raised his hand to call out the tank, sat directly in it, and started it. Directly towards the scorpion that rushed over and crushed it.

A scorpion the size of a grinding wheel encounters a tank the size of a truck, and the result is of course needless to say.

"crack clap"

After the sour crushing sound, the two scorpions possessed by the spirit bodies were torn apart and died on the spot.

On the contrary, the two spirits ran directly into the tank through the vents of the tank.

Chen Wangping did not expect this. He looked at the two spirit bodies and was surprised to find that the shape of the spirit bodies seemed to be somewhat different from before.

The shapes of the previous spiritual bodies were all humanoid, and the whole body was bulging, and it looked like it was easy to explode.

But the shape of these two spirit bodies is biased towards the shape of a scorpion. The upper body still has some human shapes, but the lower body has become the shape of a scorpion's tail hook. When floating, it is also lying on its stomach, which is obviously more in line with the scorpion. habit.

"Is it possible that this kind of spiritual body will absorb the characteristics of the Zerg after it is possessed by the Zerg?"

Chen Wangping was studying it, when the two spirits rushed towards him impatiently, hooked their waists and smashed the tail hook at him from a distance, and the speed was very fast, giving him no space to escape at all.

Looking at the momentum, if the two hooks hit hard, they would immediately smash a crack in his Shentan.


The golden eagle also found that the two spirit bodies had entered. It wanted to help, but it couldn't fly in, so it quickly beeped to remind it.

Chen Wangping unhurriedly reached out and touched the side of the tank. With a thought, he immediately put the tank away, dodged back, and avoided the two tail hooks.

When the tail hook was empty, the two spirit bodies were stunned.

How can you still put it away?

Soon, the two spirit bodies aggressively continued to chase after Chen Wangping.

Perhaps because of absorbing some of the characteristics of the scorpion worms, their speed is a little slower than the spirit bodies of the possessed human race they encountered before, and they can't catch up with Chen Wangping at all.

Chen Wangping wanted to learn about these spirit bodies, but he was not in a hurry, he walked in circles slowly.

After walking for five minutes, the auras on the two spirit bodies fluctuated faster and faster, and they looked like they were returning to the light.

Suddenly, the two spirit bodies rushed towards the largest of the remaining scorpion worms without warning.


The golden eagle was about to block, Chen Wangping waved his hand, motioning for them to play, to see what they could play.

After the two spirit bodies rushed into the scorpion worm, they instantly merged into one, and the breath suddenly increased. .

Before the fusion, the aura of the two spirit bodies was about the late third level, but after the fusion, the aura of this big scorpion worm suddenly increased to the middle level of the fourth level, and it was still the middle level of the fourth level with mental attack, and the increase in strength was particularly terrifying.

Chen Wangping was a little surprised, "This thing can still be fused? Now there are only two spirit bodies. If there are ten spirit bodies, wouldn't it be possible to fuse to the fifth level."

Moreover, if this spirit body can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses, it will be even more terrifying if it is merged again.

No, we have to speed up our efforts to clear the spirit bodies, so we can't give them a chance to develop.

After watching the whole process, Chen Wangping took out the tank and rammed the giant scorpion again.

But this time, the giant scorpion swung its tail hook into a stance and charged towards the tank.

Its tail hook shone with metal light, and with the power of the wave, it even made a breaking sound in the air.

"So fierce? That's it."

Chen Wangping glanced at the situation, turned abruptly, put the tank on the side, sat on the heavy machine gun position, and aimed at the tail hook and shot.

“Da da da da da”

The fire tongue licked the tail hook mercilessly, like a wolf tongue with a barb in an instant, licking the potholes on the tail hook, and suddenly lost the momentum just now.

The giant scorpion was so angry that his body turned red with anger, and his spirit fluctuated greatly.

It was the first time it had encountered such an adversary. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Chen Wangping felt amused when he saw the giant scorpion.

Who is going to hit you hard.

Killing you is not worth the material cost of my tank.

The giant scorpion worm held up its tail hook in exasperation and frantically launched a suicide charge towards the tank, with extremely fast fluctuations in its breath.

Chen Wangping calculated the distance, and seeing that the mental attack could not be avoided, he raised his hand and took out five huge electromagnets and placed them around his body, and instantly turned them on.

Seeing this posture, the golden eagle quickly flew into the electromagnet formation.

In the next second, the giant scorpion worms exploded, and the mental waves in the shape of tail hooks attacked Chen Wangping. The lethality was stronger than the previous single mental power fluctuation. The aftermath alone made those scorpions burst their heads.

But Chen Wangping stood in the electromagnet and shook his head in disappointment: "That's it? Can you increase the force!"

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