Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 284: Sharp effects?

Under the protection of the electromagnet, the mental fluctuations with the shape of the tail hook are like snowflakes rushing towards the fire.

It was shattered before it was fully approached.

At the moment when the mental fluctuations disappeared, Chen Wangping rushed out like a cheetah, and threw an electric arrow with 5,000 points of lightning energy, which directly exploded the remaining signs of the spirit body.


The moment the spiritual body was destroyed, a blasting sound was heard in the air, which was very clear.

Soon, the spirit body gradually dissipated.

What was different from before was that there was no light flashing on the spirit body this time.

On the contrary, a familiar red light appeared on the scorpion it possessed.

Chen Wangping walked over to split the scorpion, and found a blood crystal in the shape of a tail hook from its head.

The blood crystals this time are also a little different. The middle is transparent, and the feeling of being warm when picked up is much less, but more of a sharp feeling.

"Strange, this time, there is no increase in spiritual power, but blood crystals appear. Is this time the spiritual body died too broken, or is the product of this spiritual body possessed by insects all blood crystals?"

Chen Wangping wrote down this doubt and picked up the blood crystal to check the properties:

【Large Scorpion Blood Crystal】

[Use: to increase energy effects]

[Special effect - awn of the tail hook: After being absorbed by the energy package, it can increase the sharp characteristic of the energy, but since this characteristic is drawn through blood crystals, it can only be used once a day]

[Remarks: Rare special blood crystals]

"Increase special effects? Lightning can also add sharp special effects?"

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, he took it in his hand and wrapped it with lightning energy.

In the package of lightning energy, the blood crystals of the scorpion worms gradually melted, turning into countless hook-type energy into the lightning energy, occupying a lower level in the lightning energy level, and honestly waiting to be used. .

Chen Wangping felt it for a while. The effect after using it should be to increase the penetration and damage of lightning energy. In fact, it is quite suitable for lightning energy. The specific performance will wait until it is used.

There may be a battle today, and when the time comes, I will use these three hall masters to test new abilities.

After putting away the rest of the scorpion corpses, Chen Wangping called for the golden eagle to continue flying close to the ground. At the same time, he also released his mental energy with all his strength, creating an appearance of an unstable foundation.

In fact, he stared at the spirit body detector while looking down with his naked eyes, preparing to find another spirit body possessed by a bug to fight to see how this special blood crystal was formed.

After swaying for three hours in a row, the golden eagle was about to get tired of flying, but still no trace of the three hall masters was found.

The golden eagle looked at a cave in front of him, and beep said, could he fly in and have a rest? Too tired to fly today.

Chen Wangping also wanted to rest, nodded and said, "Let's go, it just so happens that I have charcoal on my body, which makes me warm and warm."

One by one carved into the cave.

Just when Chen Wangping was about to make charcoal, the spirit detector suddenly started beeping, which startled him.

"What's the situation? Is there a spirit body in here?"

This is really deliberately planting flowers that will not bloom, and inadvertently planting willows and willows for shade.

I just found a cave to rest, but I found a spiritual body instead.

Chen Wangping motioned for the golden eagle to be quiet. He stared at the light and shadow of the spiritual body detector and studied it. After looking at it for a while, he found that there seemed to be a lot of spiritual bodies.

One, two, three, four, five, all five spirit bodies stopped motionless in a mine cave hundreds of meters deep, which seemed a little strange.

He had some guesses in his heart, walked a few steps quickly, and used directional detection to aim at the position of the spiritual body.

Spiritual power jumped back, and more than a dozen red dots appeared on the radar in an instant.

Except for the red dot of the spirit body, the rest of the red dots are all human.

"Why are so many people gathered around the spirit body? Waiting in line to be controlled?"

Chen Wangping waited for a while, and then changed the position orientation detection. Judging from the comparison of the positions of the two returned, the positions of these people have changed, but the spiritual bodies are still motionless.

Those people are very likely to supervise the spirit body!

So, it is possible that this is the nest of the third hall master?

Even if it is not the third hall master, then this place must be the sphere of influence of the spirit hall.

Otherwise, where would there be so many spirit bodies?

When he got the information, Chen Wangping was immediately excited.

However, there is a problem.

How do you get these people out?

I can't always shout that I'm here, come out and fight.

He glanced at the storage compartment, and simply took out the large scorpion corpse he had encountered earlier, and deliberately made a lot of movements for autopsy.

in the mine.

Several people guarding the spirit body are chatting with each other in boredom.

Suddenly, they found that the spirit body in the cage suddenly moved excitedly, as if it had encountered a particularly suitable host, and rushed towards it desperately.

"Hurry up and report it!"

"There is a riot in the spirit body!"

"Wait, why do I seem to feel a warm feeling?"

"I also felt the sensation of food."

"Great, did one of those three people happen to pass by here!"

"Hurry up and report it!"

The news quickly reached the ears of the third hall master, he closed his eyes and felt it for a while, patted his thigh happily, and laughed loudly: "Okay, it was Chen Wangping who came here, and now he dares to place an order under this circumstance. , I am too despised!"

If it was Tang Huoniu or Tang Xihe, he would be more careful.

But Chen Wangping is a mere third-level little guy, even if he is a little clever, it is useless in the face of absolute strength!

As soon as the voice fell, the third hall master rushed out of the resting place, all the way towards Chen Wangping above the mine.

He could feel that Chen Wangping's aura was too strong.

It just feels as if I have encountered more than a dozen spirit bodies!


After dozens of seconds.

Chen Wangping snorted coldly as he looked at the fast-moving Third Hall Master ~www.readwn.com~ on the radar, and directly called out the marine tank and sat on it.

Since there is going to be a war, there is nothing to be polite.

He put his hand on the trigger, aimed at the only exit, and pressed the trigger at the moment when the third hall master appeared, and he shot.

But these bullets hit the three hall masters, but they made a metal collision sound, which sounded dangdang. "

The third hall master lowered his head and glanced at the bullet marks on his body, then looked at Chen Wangping in the large chariot, and laughed angrily: "Good boy! How dare you wait for me, what is the use of the chariot? You really don't know the word "death" Write a few strokes!"

Chen Wangping didn't reply to his words at all, and continued to bombard it with bullets.

But I don't know if the three temple masters have any special protection or what they have done. The bullets hit him only to make a metal collision sound, and they can't enter at all.

Seeing that the bullet could not attack him, the third hall master laughed and said: "Don't talk, I want to see if you can be tough when you die!"

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