Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 286: Kill! Big Thunder Cage!

The latest website: The bullets hit the Lianzhen gem one after another, although each shock is nothing to the three hall masters.

But these vibrations are superimposed together, like waves in the ocean that are constantly superimposed.

Wave after wave.

At this moment, the three hall masters really feel the 'scalp tingling'.

"Go away!"

The third hall master reached out and grabbed the Lianzhen gem on his head, trying to pull it out.

But Chen Wangping saw that the third hall master was in a hurry, knowing that his attack was effective, and no longer held his hand. He raised his hand and aimed at the third hall master's hand to release the thunder and lightning energy, and at the same time activated the newly obtained tail hook special effect.


After the thunder and lightning energy bombarded the hands of the three hall masters, countless small tail hooks were instantly differentiated, as if countless scorpion worms were biting, sizzling.


The third hall master retracted his hands subconsciously in pain, looked down, and his hands swelled up as if they had been stung, which looked very scary.

Chen Wangping was overjoyed when he saw this. He didn't expect the effect of the tail hook to be so good. It seems that after killing the third hall master, he has to go out and look for the spiritual body possessed by the Zerg, and then try to see if he can find some special effects. to use.

It is enough to use it only once a day.

Taking advantage of the time held by the tail hook, he changed several guns in a row, and shot hundreds of bullets at Lian Zhen gem.

A steady stream of vibrations focused on that point.

Finally, the defense of the three hall masters could no longer stand.


Large streams of blue blood spurted out of the weak spot.

The blood pressure of the third hall master seemed to be much higher than that of human beings, and the Lianzhen gem was pushed out at once.

"Damn it! You dare to hurt my body!"

The third hall master stretched out his broken hand to cover the wound, but the blue blood still flowed out from his fingers, looking very heroic.

"Hurt your body? I'm going to kill you! Blue blood, what are you?"

Chen Wangping caught the flying Lianzhen gem, aimed at the wound of the third hall master, and threw several electric arrows with 3,000 energy points one after another.

At this moment, Chen Wangping was not greedy for merit at all, he knew that the three hall masters could not have died so easily.

Since you're not moving, you want to catch me.

It depends on how hard you are.

Chen Wangping threw two deceleration capsules at the feet of the third hall master, took out the land battle tank again, climbed up and immediately loaded a standard cannonball of the dark blue version, and pressed the fire button at the seemingly seriously injured third hall master.

"Woooooo... bang!"

In three seconds, the standard cannonball of the dark blue version flew out instantly, hitting the three hall masters in the blink of an eye.

The third hall master regretted the moment the cannon was fired. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't.

The projectiles were fired too fast.

Not to mention that it is only a few tens of meters away.

In the heyday, it was still possible to avoid the key points, but he had just lost a lot of blood, and he was helpless, so he could only raise his hand to try to block it.

The dark blue version of the cannonball slammed heavily on the three palace masters who had just moved, easily tearing his proud defense and directly shattering it.

Looking closely, the light blue blood is wrapped in many organs similar to insects. Except for the shape, there is nothing like a human being!

This is not the end, the fragments that the shells exploded by the way sent all the subordinates who wanted to see the three hall masters show their power over to accompany the three hall masters.

Not one was left.

It's just not neat, east and west.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction. Cannonballs are the weapon with the highest damage at this stage. As long as he can hit it right, even a level 5 powerhouse can't stop him.

He glanced at the radar, moved quickly, and threw out the electromagnets one after another on the ground.

A few seconds later, a spirit body similar to the face of the three hall masters appeared, "Okay, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing, do you think you can kill me like this? My spirit hall is immortal and immortal!"

Chen Wangping pinched his ears, and said impatiently, "Have you been trained in a unified way in your spiritual hall? You have to talk about it when you die. I'm in a hurry and I'll take you on your way."

As he spoke, he stomped hard.

Seven electric currents blasted out from under Chen Wangping's feet, instantly turning on the electromagnet erected next to the third hall master.

"Zizzle zipper"

The seven electromagnets formed a magnetic field at the same time, which firmly blocked the escape route of the spirit body of the three hall masters.

At the same time, the metal powder escaping from the previously blasted dark blue cannonball was also attracted by the magnetic field, creating the shape of magnetic field lines in the air, wrapping the spiritual body of the three temple masters layer by layer.

"This, what kind of formation is this?"

The third hall master panicked when he saw this battle. He subconsciously tried to break through to the left and right, but the moment he touched the powder of the dark blue cannonball, he was sizzling hot.

The spirit body was corroded and a large piece was corroded in an instant.

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the metal powder in the shape of magnetic field lines, aiming at the spirit body of the third hall master and quickly closed and strangled it.

"Kill your formation!"

Countless strips of metal powder were like sharp threads under his control, strangling back and forth on the main spiritual body of the three halls layer by layer.

Seeing that his spiritual body was getting thinner and thinner, the third hall master panicked and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy:

"No, Chen Wangping, let me go, I can teach you how to deal with the second child, the second hall master."

"I can help you kill Tang Huo Niu and take away Huo Niu City! Help you break through the sixth level! I know a lot, let me go, please."

"I know the weaknesses of countless beauties!"

"I know the location of countless ruins!"

Chen Wangping ignored him at all, and Quan thought didn't hear him, and tried his newly researched tactics with relish.

This trick is inspired by the thunder cage. Since the small thunder cage built with the energy in the body can control the enemy, then if the large thunder cage is constructed by the electromagnet pile and the dark blue metal powder produced by the explosion of the dark blue cannonball The effect is definitely better!

Facts have proved that ~www.readwn.com~ the large thunder cage not only has strong control, but also damages one after another.

At the end of the shout, the spirit body of the third hall master was extremely thin. Seeing that Chen Wangping was not fooled, he knew that what he said was useless.

He sat in the void, stared viciously at Chen Wangping, and cursed: "Call me a Zerg? What do you think you are? What do you think your parents are? What do you think this world is? Hahahaha! How can there be a new era? old times!"

Suddenly, when the third hall master finished speaking, he seemed to have touched some taboos that could not be said. Disappear.

Chen Wangping frowned, wrote down the last words of the third hall master, and kept it for later analysis when more information was obtained.

New Era? old times?

Why don't I rebuild an era.

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