Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 287: Great harvest! Incense and blood crystals!

Latest website: Recovering his thoughts, Chen Wangping saw a bunch of system lights appearing at the main spiritual body of the three halls as usual.

The difference is that these systems glow in both blue and red.

[The upper limit of energy storage for lightning tender seedlings +5%]

[Extra Reward: Maximum Life Value +5%]

"There is actually an increase in the upper limit of life value? Does it mean that the flesh of the three temple masters is really counted as an adult Zerg?"

An increase in the upper limit of life value means an increase in physique.

Chen Wangping turned his head to look in the direction of the spirit hall. He seemed to know how to improve his physique after he used up his tonic.

Zerg is a real surprise.

Putting away the electromagnet column, Chen Wangping tried to collect some metal dust from dark blue cannonballs, but because the metal dust was too fine, all of it oxidized in a short period of time. .

"It seems that in the future, it will still have to be launched now."

Chen Wangping beckoned and motioned for the golden eagle to clean up the nearby corpses. He was going to go down later to see what the condition of the spiritual body was.

The golden eagle flapped its wings in disgust and began to clean it up.

Chen Wangping himself walked near the body of the third hall master, looked left and right, and found several systematic rays of light and dark. Following the rays of light, he found two light blue organ fragments of the same size one after another. , two incense sticks three centimeters thick, with traces of ignition, and a light blue blood crystal.

Chen Wangping first took out the blue nematode heart fragment (small) and placed it next to the two familiar organ fragments to compare, and found that the three had similar lines and different sizes, and it was very likely that they were the same item.

Just when he was about to check the attributes, a strange thing happened.

The two watermelon-sized pieces of blue nematode hearts invariably approached the small piece of blue nematode heart, pulled them apart and devoured them desperately.

In just a few seconds, the small blue worm heart fragments were swallowed up.

The next second, the two large blue worm heart fragments also devoured each other.

"This thing is too raw."

Chen Wangping tried to take a piece of scorpion worm meat and threw it over, but found that the blue nematode heart fragment had no interest in the scorpion worm meat at all, and still devoured each other.

After waiting for about half a minute, the blue nematode heart on the ground turned into a whole lump.

Chen Wangping looked at the attributes expectantly:

【Blue Nematode Heart】

[Use: Use with blue nematode whiskers to control Zerg]

[Special effect - full control: Blue nematode heart can completely control the Zerg below level five, and can be used up to three times in the current state]

[Negative special effects - Bloodthirsty: The blue nematode heart needs to devour a large amount of worm blood during the survival process, which may cause irreversible damage to the control zerg]

[Negative special effects - stunned: the controlled Zerg intelligence will be greatly reduced and cannot be recovered]

[Remarks: The blue nematode is a rare race in the nematode family, and the individual is weak]

done! ! !

After a lot of hard work, I finally got a complete blue nematode heart!

Chen Wangping put it away with satisfaction, and was ready to go to Huo Niu City to control the quartz worm queen later.

What he valued most was the complete control of the blue worm's heart.

As for the two negative effects of being stunned and bloodthirsty, he didn't care at all.

The worm body silicon ore is currently only a transitional product, as long as the quartz worm can produce a large number of quartz worms in a short period of time, and it is not expected that it will produce a lifetime.

Besides, it is impossible for the Quartz Bug family to have only one Queen.

If this tossing is gone, I will go to the Lingdian and ask for another one.

Putting away the blue worm heart, Chen Wangping picked up the two incense sticks that had traces of use, and looked at them. They didn't have many traces of use. There are some bloodstains.

【Reptile Incense】

[Use: Restrain reptiles]

[Special effect-suppression: After being ignited, it can suppress reptiles of level 5 and below, and cannot use abilities within five seconds before smelling the aroma]

[Special effect - heavy poison: after inhalation, it can cause permanent damage to reptiles of level 5 and below, and it will explode when inhaled for the second time]

[Remarks: The love of the three hall masters]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping was a little strange.

Heart love?

Why did the three hall masters regard a thing that restrains him as the love of his heart?

It's as weird as a mosquito taking mosquito coils as love.

He shook his head and put away the two crawling incense sticks.

In any case, the effect of these two incense sticks can be called strategic level. Once ignited, the situation can be reversed in an instant.

I just don't know if this thing is burning fast.

There are only two in total, and it seems that it needs to be used on the blade.

Finally, he set his sights on the light blue special blood crystal.

【Blue Nematode Human Blood Crystal】

[Purpose: Improve the ability to control the energy from the body]

[Special effect - out-of-body control: After absorbing the lightning energy within five meters, it can be used as an arm wave, and the control weakness is greatly reduced]

[Remarks: The only blue nematode human blood crystal]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping couldn't help laughing.

If it weren't for the fact that the three hall masters couldn't fight together, he even wanted to give people a burial.

Out-of-body energy control ability!

This ability is so important.

Take the control of the large thunder cage just now. If he had this ability at that time, Chen Wangping could touch the metal powder without his hands. Controls are more granular.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to wrap the blue nematode human blood crystal with mental power and quickly absorbed it.

Soon, the blood crystal absorption was completed.

Chen Wangping raised his hand to condense a surge of lightning energy. He could feel that his spiritual power was like countless threads of silk. He could control the lightning energy with a single thought, which was much easier than before.

He aimed at a stone, threw out the lightning energy, and felt it carefully.

Within a range of five meters, Chen Wangping can control the lightning energy to rotate freely, but if it exceeds five meters, he can only barely control the steering as before.

"It would be great if I could absorb more~www.readwn.com~ blue nematodes. Next time, ask the second child if he knows about it. If he knows, he will be left with a whole corpse."

Chen Wangping smiled, seeing that the golden eagle was also cleaned up, called the golden eagle, went straight to the passage, and quickly arrived around the spirit bodies.

As soon as he arrived, he realized something was wrong.

The aura on these spirit bodies is very unstable and may explode at any time.

Not to mention research, it is troublesome to approach.

Chen Wangping felt it tentatively, and found that there were some traces of blue nematode heart control on this spirit body.

"It seems that the third hall master is planning to control these spirits. Forget it, I can't study it now, so I just detonated it and added some spiritual power."

He raised his hand and threw out several electric arrows, breaking them one by one.

[Mental power increased by an additional 3%]

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