Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 289: small piece of meteorite

The latest website: After the quartz worm ate for half an hour, the body became almost the same size as before.

Having eaten and drank enough, its ferocity was also revealed, turning its head and grinning at Chen Wangping, looking eager to try.

Chen Wangping smiled lightly, raised his hand to take out the blue worm's heart, his body flashed, and when it reappeared, it was already behind the quartz worm's back.


He stepped on it with one foot and directly stepped out a hole, and then threw the blue nematode heart through the hole.

As soon as it touched the flesh and blood, the blue worm's heart looked more terrifying than the quartz worm before, and instantly grew countless granulation, grabbed the flesh and blood of the quartz worm, and quickly absorbed the worm's blood.

Chen Wangping moved away subconsciously, he looked down at the blue nematode whisker, tried to hold it, and injected spiritual power.

Suddenly a lot of worm blood was devoured, and the quartz worm crawled around in pain. From time to time, it slammed into a rock wall, trying to shake off the blue worm heart on its back. Seeing that it couldn't be shaken, it immediately produced many small The quartz worm wants to rip off the blue nematode heart.

But just as the quartz worm was about to approach the heart of the blue nematode, a voice came.


In the next second, all the quartz worms, including the Quartz Queen, stopped in place and did not move.

Even though the Quartz Queen's excited blood boiled, it was still unable to move, and stayed in place to execute Chen Wangping's instructions.

Chen Wangping waved the blue nematode whiskers and nodded with satisfaction, "This thing works pretty well."

He thought for a while, and while pulling the conveyor belt, he gave the command: "Take root in place, start laying eggs, and the quartz worms that appear jumped on the conveyor belt and stopped."

The conveyor belt is divided into two parts, one part is from the mining machine to the mouth of the Quartz Queen. He is going to install some robotic arms later, and send the waste rock generated during the mining process to the Quartz Queen to feed it. There must also be silicon in it, and another part of the conveyor belt is from the rear end of the quartz worm to the furnace, which is for the quartz worm.

The quartz worms crawl on the spot and start laying eggs. The quartz worms who were going to release the blue worm's heart also jumped on the conveyor belt and were sent directly to the furnace.

After a while, a hot worm silicon plate emerged from the furnace and was sent to the pickling tank by the conveyor belt for the next step.

At this point, the conveyor belt jammed.

Chen Wangping looked along, but found a familiar stick in the pickling pool.

Or the wand.

Next to the spirit staff, the golden eagle was eagerly waiting for the pickling process, with a very resentful expression.

Chen Wangping walked over and said with a smile, "What are you fooling around with? This is for washing impurities. Why are you throwing the spirit staff in there?"

The golden eagle beeped aggrievedly and said that there was a lot of impurities on the wand. It could feel that there was a little good stuff in the center of the wand, but it couldn't eat it, and the impurities on the outside couldn't be eaten.

Chen Wangping picked up the spirit staff and found that the effect of pickling was not very good. He touched the head of the golden eagle, "Don't be wronged, I will help you cut out the contents."

He put the spirit staff on the manufacturing table, manually arranged the peeling procedure, and stood by and waited.

The mechanical arm waved, peeling off the spirit staff layer by layer.

The spirit staff of the third hall master doesn't look as good as some magic staff. It doesn't feel transparent at all. After the skin is removed, it is all iron. No wonder there is no light in the system.

When the thickness of a finger was peeled off, the golden eagle beeped.

Chen Wangping stopped the procedure, cut it piece by piece, and finally found a piece of dark gray metal with the thickness of the forearm at the end. It is worth mentioning that this metal still exudes a dark gray light.

But the light was too small, and with the layers of iron covering it, Chen Wangping didn't see it either.

"Thank you for finding out that this thing is so small."

Chen Wangping picked up the metal and curiously checked the properties:

【Small meteorite iron】

【Use: unknown】

[Remarks: This is a piece of meteorite iron that fell from an unknown number of years ago]

Properties so simple?

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and threw it to the waiting golden eagle. He smiled and said, "If there is such a thing in the future, just say it directly. Will I still rob you?"

The golden eagle nodded vigorously while swallowing.

Chen Wangping ignored him and went into the mine to install a robotic arm for picking up waste rocks.

At present, the output in the mine has begun to gradually decline.

The mining speed of nearly 50 electric mining machines is too fast. Of course, this is also related to the high consumption of various weapons.

Chen Wangping thought while laying: "The No. 7 mine is going to be hollowed out in a month. It seems that the mine next to it needs to be dug."

The output of coal in this mine is a little low. Seeing that winter is coming, I have to find another coal mine to dig.

As it was being laid, cute maintenance robots came running over. They stared at a working electric mining machine and jumped onto the mining fuselage. The robotic arms in their hands turned into tool boxes and began to maintain them.

Chen Wangping looked at it and found that a symbol of an oil drum with a cross appeared on the heads of these maintenance robots, and the proportion was quite high. Nearly half of them had this reminder.

After finishing the conveyor belt, he walked over and grabbed a maintenance robot to check:

[Lack of lubricating oil for maintenance, to be replenished]

[Note: It can be made from heavy oil or animal oil]

Chen Wangping suddenly realized that the co-author is short of lubricating oil.

Synthetic heavy oil is also used for this?

It's just that the heavy oil can't be directly plugged into the maintenance robot, right?

I guess it still needs to be processed.

There is no processing plan yet, just wait.

Back at the base, Chen Wangping found that the golden eagle nest was motionless in the bird's nest, with a dark gray light all over his body. He didn't worry, he glanced at the construction of the secondary mechanical crystal, and more than seventy more were built.

There are more than 90 life crystals there.

Seems to be able to point technology again.

I don't know what drawings will appear this time. Now that there are more and more types of raw materials at home, there will definitely be some complicated drawings.

After resting for a while~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping ate something and glanced at the sky outside, and found that the rain had stopped at some point, and the sun had caught the last moment of the day with a red head.

He simply took out the small solar panels of the worm silicon plate version that he had built during this period of time, and looked at the number, and there were more than forty.

While enjoying the sunset, Chen Wangping installed the solar panels in the base one by one, and the instantaneous power generation also increased one by one.

"Solving the problem of silicon, the instantaneous power generation of the territory can be quickly increased."

When the reward is triggered, as soon as the lightning energy increases, you can immediately break through the fourth level.

In just over a month, breaking through the fourth stage, this speed is comparable to riding a rocket.

Of course, all of this is still thanks to the help of Lingdian.

Chen Wangping smiled, he will definitely repay.

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