Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 290: breakthrough!

Latest URL: next day.

Chen Wangping got up comfortably from the bed.

If it weren't for too many things today, he really wanted to stay in bed again.

The big bed is so comfortable, the homemade latex mattress is soft, and the heat from the furnace tube next to it is just right, so you don't have to worry about getting cold when you turn around at will.

After getting up, he was still a little drowsy, but a few cold winds blew in, and he immediately woke up.

Looking at the wind, the wind outside the mine is stronger, and the sky is full of sand and dust. Even insects can't bear to hide in the ground and can't hibernate.

Not to mention the shadows, not a single one can be seen.

"In such a bad weather, the people in the Lingdian will not come out and mess around, just take a rest at home."

Chen Wangping fried five eggs, dipped them in chili egg sauce, and turned on the radio while eating and listened:

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, it will be sunny and cloudy near Huo Niucheng, with a wind force of three to four.

【Tips for Wasteland】

In autumn, some special crops will appear in the forest.

【Indescribable reminder】

The key to success is accumulation.

【The sound of the wind】

"The third child is actually dead, and Tang Huoniu can actually find the third child?"

"The second hall master, the third hall master must be out of luck and slammed into the door. Tang Huoniu is now focused on stabilizing the people's hearts and will not spend much energy on finding this matter."

"It's also possible what you said, but unfortunately the third child is so strong, it would be great if he could honestly let me devour... Wait, the third child died in Tang Huoniu's hands, then it wouldn't be his The insect incense was also taken away by Tang Huo Niu!"

"The second hall master, don't worry, except for the few of us, how will the rest of us know the use of insect incense, even if we get it, we won't think about using it, so there's no need to worry."

"You sent some people out to find out where the third child died, and see if you can find some traces. How is the progress of the Great Spiritual Array?"

"The progress is not very satisfactory. More than half of the spiritual bodies have not returned. I don't know whether it is because enough spiritual energy has not been collected or it has been destroyed."

"Continue to wait, at least wait until half of the spirit bodies return before activating the Great Spirit Formation, otherwise it will be difficult to kill Tang Huo Niu at once."



Perhaps it is because the wind is relatively strong today, and the wind brings a lot of sound information.

Chen Wangping could hear that the second hall master was very nervous when he mentioned the insect incense. It seemed that the insect incense was something very important to him, and the comfort of the elder elder also explained this.

Thinking of the burning traces of the insect incense, he had a guess, could this insect incense be specially found by the third hall master to restrain the second hall master?

The third hall master is a worm, and the second hall master may be the same.

And it's most likely a reptilian zerg.

Chen Wangping was overjoyed when he got this information, it seems that the two incense sticks have a higher status, and they can be used as killers!

Looking back at other information on the radio, Chen Wangping found that the weather tomorrow turned out to be a rare sunny day.

At present, the family has accumulated more than 50 rockets, all of which are equipped with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers.

Rockets are different from standard artillery shells. The weather requirements for launching are somewhat high. In weather such as heavy rain and strong winds, it is difficult to accurately hit the target. It is best to launch on a sunny day.

"If you can break through to Level 4 today, then you can try to blow up a wave of spiritual halls tomorrow. The weather is getting colder and cooler, and sunny days will definitely be less and less, so hurry up.

After making up his mind, he continued to recall the contents of the radio, "Autumn? Special crops? It seems that I have to find time to visit the Dusk Forest, and just send the people from the Volcano tribe to guard the pumping unit.

At present, the third hall master has been destroyed, and the second hall master cannot retreat, the danger is greatly reduced, and it is completely possible to arrange for people to go there.

There is never enough oil.

Putting down the radio, Chen Wangping walked to the back mountain and saw that the people of the Volcano tribe had just finished their breakfast. They were all in good spirits. Compared with the previous days, the smell of blood on their bodies had increased a lot, and their fighting spirit had also improved. A lot, everyone's eyes are sharp.

"Benevolent, have you eaten?"

"Benefactor! Who are we going to do? We're always ready!"

"That's right, benefactor, kill whoever you say you want to kill!"

Chen Wangping didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't worry, I'm going to divide the staff, and arrange some people to guard the pumping units in the black oil ruins tomorrow. The guards don't need many people, so they can be rotated, but they must be careful when guarding. , If you find any signs and traces in the black oil relics, you should tell them in time, after all, we don't know what is under the black oil."

Xiao Yuan came over and said, "Brother Chen, don't worry, I will lead the first group and make sure to show you the machine well. Before, we would still have some people who were afraid of the spirit hall, but with your research That detector, we are no longer afraid of the people in the Spirit Hall!"

Chen Wangping flipped his hand and took out the blue worm's heart, shook it, and said with a smile: "It's right not to be afraid, the third hall master is dead, even if there are people in the spirit hall wandering outside, they are just some pawns, and they will kill them when they have a chance. , dodge if you don’t have a chance, your own safety is the most important thing.”

After listening to Chen Wangping's words, the people of the Volcano tribe were even more confident. They patted their chests and expressed their enthusiasm to be the first to enter the black oil ruins.

Chen Wangping was very satisfied, smiled and said: "No hurry, in addition to sending someone to the Black Oil Ruins, Xiao Tieniu, you have to bring the rocket soldiers to familiarize yourself with the launch tube again, today I will give you ten rockets to test. Shoot in pairs, try to fire live ammunition once, and be ready for battle at any time.”

Xiao Tieniu stood up excitedly and shouted proudly: "Yes! Be ready to fight at any time!" After shouting, he took the dozen or so rocket soldiers he had trained during this period and ran to train opposite the bug.

After making arrangements here~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping returned to the base and took a look at the state of the Quartz worm.

Today’s Quartz Queen has quickly become accustomed to the life of eating ore with its stuttering, and the production speed of quartz worms has also stabilized a lot. If converted into small solar panels, it can currently produce four small solar panels per hour. more than fifty bucks.

Chen Wangping glanced at the instantaneous power generation and found that although today is a windy day, there is still plenty of sunshine. The power generation of small solar panels can reach 80%, and the instantaneous power generation of the base is only 100kW away from 2MW.

He looked at the number of secondary steam engines, and a lot of them were built during this time, but he had been busy fighting, and he had not had time to install them, so naturally he could not generate electricity.

Take advantage of the free time now, simply place it all today, and break through the instantaneous power generation! See if you can take this opportunity to break through to Level 4.

three hours later.

The instantaneous power generation of the territory is slowly rising, and it is about to exceed 2MW!

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