Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 293: Black and white pearls are here!

But before the mussel flew out of the water, it also reacted and opened its shell again.

He even spit out the hook!

Leave the bait and spit the hook.

The mussel technology is pretty good.

"You want to run after eating my food?"

With a move of his wrist, Chen Wangping immediately activated the poking function of the steel amethyst fishing rod, and at the same time injected a large amount of lightning energy into the steel.


The steel bar slammed **** the mussels, and with the energy of lightning, a large spark was smashed on the mussels.

The mussels were in pain and gathered their shells. Knowing that this was going to end, they didn't dare to fight back and fled desperately into the distance.

But the next second, Chen Wangping raised his harpoon, aimed it in front of the mussel, and threw it out with force.


The electromagnetic vibrating harpoon flew into the water, hit the mussel accurately, passed through the mussel shell, stunned it on the spot, and slowly sank to the bottom.

Chen Wangping originally planned to hook the electromagnetic shock harpoon with a fishing rod, but he suddenly became interested when he saw the effect of the electromagnetic shock harpoon.

Electromagnetism, Electromagnetism.

My current use of lightning energy is still at the level of electricity, and it is time to study magnetism.

For example, in the current situation, if you know the magnetic field, you can **** up the electromagnetic shock harpoon by reaching out and sucking it.

When the inspiration came, Chen Wangping sat directly by the river, regardless of the electromagnetic vibrating harpoon that had sunk to the bottom, and raised his hand to try.

"If you want to generate magnetism, the easiest way is to refer to an electromagnet. As long as you wrap a coil around the conductor, a magnetic field will be generated when it is energized. But if you want to achieve this on me, what should I do?"

He took out an electromagnet and put it aside, stared at it for a long time, then suddenly stretched out his finger and poked at the coil in the middle of the electromagnet.

Retracting his fingers, Chen Wangping tried to surround his fingers with lightning energy, winding them evenly, circle after circle, like a coil on an electromagnet.

Before he was promoted to level 4, he still couldn't do this. At that time, the lightning energy was not stable enough. Before the construction was completed, the lightning energy would fuse together and become a whole lightning energy.

After slowly wrapping a finger, Chen Wangping tried to activate the lightning energy, stretched out his finger and approached an iron block.

The fingers approached slowly. When his fingers approached 30 centimeters, the iron finally flew over under the action of the magnetic field and landed on his fingers!

It's done!

Chen Wangping waved his hand excitedly, but with a big movement, the iron block was thrown off again.

"The strength of the magnetic field of the human body created by the fingers is too low, it seems that the area of ​​the limbs needs to be enlarged."

He sat down, not in a hurry to build, but first concentrated on using the magnetic field on his fingers to attract some iron blocks again, and used it for half an hour.

At this moment, there was a tingling sensation on the finger, and the skin on the surface was slightly red and warm to the touch.

Chen Wangping stopped his movements, inserted his fingers into the river water, and used the river water to cool his skin.

He had guessed before that there would be such a scene.

Since you choose to use your body as a conductor, you will definitely face the problem of heat when the lightning energy is running in large quantities, and the accompanying pain is also normal.

Fortunately, I was promoted to the fourth-level ability user, otherwise, it is possible that the finger attempt will be broken just this time.

After resting, Chen Wangping was a little excited, "A single finger is half an hour, if it is a whole arm, how long will it take, and how big will the magnetic field be?"

As soon as he said it, he raised his left hand and, following the steps just now, wound it into a coil with lightning energy, turning the entire left hand into a magnetic field.

At the moment of activation, a large piece of fine iron sand suddenly flew out of the surrounding sand and flew to Chen Wangping's left hand, instantly turning into a layer of iron sand film.

"Bah ah ah"

Chen Wangping spat out a few mouthfuls of fine iron sand, and looked at his left hand in surprise. He tested it and found that the magnetic field strength of his left hand was dozens of times that of his fingers, and he could **** up the fine iron sand on the ground at a distance of two meters.

Even if it is an iron block weighing dozens of pounds, it can be slowly sucked up by fully activating the magnetic field of the left hand.

The actual combat effect is very strong!

Think about it, when you are fighting, the magnetic field is suddenly activated, and the weapons in the enemy's hands will inevitably be disturbed.

Even if it is not made of iron, as long as it is a conductor, when the magnetic field line is cut, a current will be generated, that is, lightning energy, which is equivalent to charging Chen Wangping.

Beating me is equivalent to breastfeeding me!

The more Chen Wangping thought about it, the more excited he became. He suddenly thought that his current behavior was actually equivalent to a spiritual creation, using spiritual power to constrain the lightning energy to create a conductor of lightning energy on the body.

Well, why don't you eat some red boletus and rest.

Making up his mind, Chen Wangping first aimed at the river surface, activated the magnetic field in his left hand, and slowly sucked up the electromagnetic shock harpoon and mussels.

After getting the mussels, through the damage on the mussel shell, he could see that there were a lot of lights, some white and some black, which were very beautiful.

"It seems that the harvest this time is not small."

Chen Wangping peeled off the mussel and found that the meat inside was quite big, and the meat didn't look old, it was very tender~www.readwn.com~ It was also big enough to feed two or three people.

"You can make a soup with red boletus later, it must be very bright."

After removing the meat, he turned it over and first squeezed out six transparent white pearls from the meat.

These pearls are of high quality. You can see the enamel glittering on the pearls before they are polished. They are very round and very large. Each of them is the size of a jujube and is heavy.

【Ten Years of White Pearl】


[Special effects - stable core: Each pearl is transformed from impurities. They are extremely stable and suitable for use as the core of spiritual creations to improve the stability of spiritual creations. 】

【Special effect-whitening: pearl powder can whiten skin and remove impurities after external application】

[Note: White pearls do not need to be polished]

Putting away the five white pearls, he continued to touch it, and found that there were five black pearls inside, the size of which was similar to the previous white pearls.

Chen Wangping sighed and took it out to check the properties: "This mussel has been saved a lot. There are eleven pearls, and the quality is still so high!"

【Ten Years of Black Pearl】

[Special effects - energy storage core: black pearls are extremely rare and have a complex internal structure. After being placed as a core, the upper limit of energy storage of spiritual creations can be increased]

【Special effect - tanning: black pearl powder can tan the skin and remove impurities after external application]

[Note: Be careful when using black pearls]

"Stable core effects? Energy storage core effects?"

Chen Wangping felt that the wasteland tips were simply too sweet.

Red boletus and the white pearls of the past ten years, even if it is impossible to build the eighty-one thunder array in the next stage, it can still improve the power of the current nine thunder array.

So sweet!

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