Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 294: I make my magnetic field with my hands

Putting away the eleven black and white pearls, Chen Wangping took the mussel meat off and looked at it, and found that perhaps because pearls were bred, the mussel meat had no special properties, and could be regarded as a fresh ingredient.

There are many ways to eat red boletus, whether it is stir-frying or making soup.

He took seven or eight out, made the golden eagles cut into thick slices one by one, and boiled them on a charcoal pot by the river along with the mussels.

For this kind of fresh soup, Chen Wangping only put a little salt and gave it some base, and the next step is to wait.

He sat by the river and continued to try to build the magnetic field in his right hand.

For now, Chen Wangping doesn't plan to build the magnetic field of the head for the time being. After all, the head is quite special, and it will be troublesome if it gets rid of it.

First, the limbs, then the upper and lower body, and finally the magnetic field of the head is constructed to complete the magnetic field of the entire human body.

"Let's try it first to see how much it can condense today. As far as the lightning energy required to activate the magnetic field each time, it is estimated that it is almost enough to finish the limbs."

after an hour.

Chen Wangping raised his hands flat, aiming at a distant iron ore, activating the magnetic field of his arms.


The iron ore flew up into the sky and flew towards this side from a distance, at a very fast speed.

Before the iron ore flew over, he reversed the direction of the surge of lightning energy and threw the iron ore out again.

Going back and forth, flying up and down, Chen Wangping had a lot of fun.

After playing until the lightning energy in his body was exhausted, and the skin of his hands was red, he dissipated the energy and put his arms into the river to cool down.

Looking at the underground river, Chen Wangping thought to himself that he would have to have the opportunity to build a water cooling system for himself in the future, otherwise, the temperature would be too high when the magnetic field of the whole body was in the future.

After a test just now, he found that although his current limit is to build the magnetic field of the limbs, but due to insufficient strength, even if it is built, it cannot be controlled freely. It is better not to continue to increase the magnetic field range first, but to focus on improving The control ability of the magnetic field of the arms, so that the experience of improving the control ability can be extended to the magnetic field of more limbs in the future.

After resting for a while, Chen Wangping lifted the lid of the soup, and as soon as he opened it, he smelled a strong aroma.

Perhaps because the mussel is relatively strong, its meat is snow-white and white, and there is no fishy smell when it is stewed. Instead, it has a strong and delicious fragrance. It flies up and down with the red boletus, which becomes darker after being cooked. pretty.

He filled a bowl of soup and took a slow sip.



The clear soup has both the fresh aroma of mussels and the fungus aroma of red porcini mushrooms. It is adorned with a touch of salt. One sip will make your tongue feel fresh.

After drinking the soup, eat another piece of meat. The mussel meat is thick and chewy, but not slag. It has a unique taste. The red boletus is soft and juicy, and it is fresher than soup.

At this time, the golden eagle, who didn't know where to go, also flew back. Following Chen Wangping's example, he drank the soup first, then the meat, and his happy head shook.

After eating and drinking enough, Chen Wangping could obviously feel that the mental energy consumed when condensing the magnetic field had recovered a lot. He raised his hand and tried to recondense the magnetic field on his left hand. Immediately, he felt that the re-condensed lightning energy coil was stronger and stronger, thus The strength of the magnetic field formed is also greater, so it seems that you can go home and re-condense some lightning spots.

He turned his head and looked around, thinking that the red boletus was very helpful for building magnetic fields and lightning arrays, so he had to save some spare parts.

Seeing that the golden eagle was full, Chen Wangping patted its head and said, "Diaobao, did the soup just now taste good?"

Jin Diao nodded, indicating that the taste is very good, but the amount is a little small, so I didn't drink it well, or else, Brother Ping, you can take out the ones you collected before and eat it together.

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Those are not edible, don't be idle, and then look for this kind of red boletus. Before winter, collect more, the more you find, the more you will share next time. more."

It can be said that tempting golden eagles to work with food has been tried and tested. After a while, golden eagles went to find red boletus, which was very positive.

Three hours later.

Chen Wangping sat up from the river. He has now reconstructed all the magnetic fields of his arms. With the enhancement of red boletus, the newly constructed magnetic field is more than 20% stronger than before, and the effect is very obvious.

He looked at the bottom of the river, stretched out his hands, and fully activated the magnetic field of his arms.


The blue-purple lightning energy coils appeared on the arms, like diamond circles, the lightning energy on it kept pulsating, inspiring a piece of magnetic field!

In an instant, the strong magnetic force sucked up all the iron sand at the bottom of the river.

Sucking and sucking, four or five pieces of dark red iron ore flew out in a row, and flew straight towards Chen Wangping's palm.

"Dark red? Is it iron tetroxide outside?"

Chen Wangping separated his hands, adjusted the direction of the magnetic field, placed the iron sand on the side and piled it up, and then took the dark red iron ore into his hands.

Looking closely, the dark red on the iron ore are all patterns, one by one is very clear, and there are some traces of melting on the edge~www.readwn.com~ From the traces, these four or five pieces should be from the same Splintered from one piece.

Just as Chen Wangping was about to check the properties, he suddenly heard the golden eagle in the air beep twice in surprise and flew down quickly. The beep means that you are too powerful, Brother Ping! Where did this meteorite come from! The size is much bigger than what the third hall master got! There are so many more!

Chen Wangping smiled, turned his head to look at the river, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that meteorite iron could be sucked out of this river, so I'll give it to you, have a good taste, and quickly raise your strength!"

The golden eagle happily let go of his claws and put down a bag, and swallowed the meteorite into his stomach, quite like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit.

Chen Wangping: "..."

It seemed that he could see Chen Wangping's speechlessness, and the golden eagle beep explained that I was safe in my stomach, and I would analyze it slowly when I got home.

Chen Wangping shook his head helplessly, picked up the bag, opened the seal, and glanced at it, there were as many as seventy or eighty red boletus mushrooms inside, which was a good harvest!

"With these, it should be no problem to increase the power of the Nine Thunder Array by 20%. I will see who dares to come to my base."

Seeing that it was about to get dark, he was determined to increase the power of the Nine Thunder Array first, so he simply called for the golden eagle to rush towards the base.

When he arrived at the base, Chen Wangping saw the battle scene in the back mountain from a distance. He was also interested and ran over to check it.

After landing, he heard Xiao Tieniu commanding the two people with great vigour, "At eleven o'clock, seventy meters, let go."


The rockets flew out, just when the two waves of insects flew out, and they blew head-on in their faces, exploding 150% of their power, and also reducing the pressure on the defense line.

Chen Wangping applauded with satisfaction, walked over and said with a smile, "Okay! That's it!"

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