Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 296: Magnetic field detection

The latest website: After eating all the steel, the golden eagle's feathers have grown several layers thick, and the head is also covered with a thick layer of scaly armor, which greatly improves the defense.

It raised its head and fluttered its wings in a high voice, and made a loud cry:


When the nearby bugs heard the movement, they subconsciously stopped for two seconds without moving.

This is the fear that comes from the blood.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction. Although this time it cost a lot and the steel inventory was all gone, the harvest was still very good.

A line of prompts slowly emerged:

[Congratulations, your pet: the physique of the meteorite golden eagle has been upgraded to level five]

Level 5 physique!

As long as the elemental energy is further increased, the golden eagle can be promoted to the fifth level.

After the tweet, the golden eagle shook the blood on his body, turned around and flew to Chen Wangping's side, beeping twice excitedly, saying that Brother Ping will come up soon, and I will take you for a ride!

Chen Wangping stepped up with a smile, bowed his head and said, "Since we're going for a ride, let's just find out the old nest of the Spirit Palace by the way, and shoot them tomorrow!"

The golden eagle nodded in agreement, shook his wings with force, and flew out in an instant, much faster than before.

After the formation, the golden eagle flew with all his strength, flapping his wings to cooperate with the surge of energy, and the speed increased again and again, and he actually flew out of the sound barrier in the air!


Fortunately, the golden eagle also condensed a layer of wind energy protection shield to help Chen Wangping block the sound.

Chen Wangping patted the golden eagle and warned: "Fly slowly, such a big movement will scare people away from a distance."

The golden eagle was also taken aback by the sound barrier he flew out. He nodded, lowered his altitude obediently, controlled the speed to about 200 miles, and started to patrol around Los Angeles.

Chen Wangping placed a row of spiritual body detectors on the back of the golden eagle, and he asked the golden eagle to patrol in the shape of a mosquito coil with the original stagnation point of the spirit hall as the center.

Tonight's moon is also blocked by dark clouds, and I can't see my fingers, just suitable for action!

more than an hour later.

Although he never saw the whereabouts of the spirit body, Chen Wangping was still full of energy, and he didn't slack off at all, staring at the results on the spirit body detector.

Suddenly, one, two, five, and a row of spiritual body detectors all lit up, and they all showed that there were spiritual body fluctuations below 200 meters.

And there are a lot of fluctuations, and there are nearly a hundred at a cursory glance.

"My dear, the spirit hall has accumulated so many spirit bodies? What are you trying to do?"

Chen Wangping slowed down along with the golden eagle, blocked the light of the spiritual body detector, and slowly approached the ground.

When it was about 50 meters above the ground, the golden eagle shook his head, indicating that there were mental fluctuations below, and he couldn't go any further.

Chen Wangping also felt it, this mental fluctuation is very mechanical, a bit like a radar.

He carefully wanted to open his eyes to look, but found that it was so dark around him that he couldn't see anything.

"What can I do? Although I found the location, the harvest is already very good, but I have come here, and I feel that I am at a loss if I don't investigate it clearly."

Chen Wangping first used the detection radar to align the position of the spiritual body once.

Spiritual power jumped back and quickly brought back the following information.

Unlike the previous three hall masters, there are no guards or protection measures around the spirit body in the spirit hall. It is empty, and there are only two guardians guarding it here.

"No, what about people?"

Chen Wangping frowned, ready to wait for the detection radar to cool down and test again.

Idle is also idle, he stared at the picture on the radar for a while, thinking that if there is a thermal imager now, you can see the enemy's movements from a distance.


Thermal Imager?


He suddenly came up with some ideas, and called the golden eagle to fly elsewhere.

After a few kilometers away, Chen Wangping found a dormant Zerg, stretched out his arms to aim at the Zerg, and slowly activated the magnetic field of his arms.

This time, instead of controlling the magnetic field to attract the surrounding ferromagnetic substances, he closed his eyes and used the magnetic field to extend his mental power, trying to explore the signs of the Zerg's movements.

Just thinking about it just now, Chen Wangping thought about his own situation and immediately thought that not only ferromagnetic substances can react with magnetic fields, but living things also have their own magnetic fields.

Can you use your own magnetic field as a detector to infer the strength and actions of others based on the changes in the magnetic field of others?

Such results are certainly not as eye-catching as radar, but after being proficient, they are more applicable than radar.

One meter, five meters, twenty meters, fifty meters, eighty meters.

With the help of the magnetic field of his arms, Chen Wangping successfully extended his spiritual power to a distance of 80 meters, and felt the constantly changing magnetic field of the Zerg through the vagueness of the earth.

The staggered magnetic fields are like clumps of threads, looking messy.

Moreover, dealing with this picture consumes a lot of mental power. Just to see the strength of these Zerg, he has consumed nearly one-third of his mental power.

Of course, the advantages of this method are also obvious.

That is concealment.

In the process of extending his spiritual power, Chen Wangping also felt the powerful geomagnetic field, and he also cleverly used the cover of the geomagnetic field to probe.

As a result, those Zerg did not notice the abnormal magnetic field and mental power around them at all, and they were still gnawing away at what they could.


Chen Wangping withdrew his mental power, his face turned pale, but his face was very excited.

A new method has been developed.

The feeling of researching supernatural powers is the same as climbing technology. It is very addictive and full of sense of accomplishment.

"Let's go, let's go back and try the spirit hall."

After returning to the sky above the Lingdian again, Chen Wangping didn't use the function of the detection radar, but stretched out his arms, again using the cover of the earth's magnetic field, and cooperating with the magnetic field of his arms, to quietly send his spiritual power out.

When his mental power reached a position of fifty meters, he immediately felt the traces of the formation.

This is also the reason why the golden eagle did not fly down before.

But Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to retreat~www.readwn.com~ He also built the Nine Thunder Array himself, and patiently used his mental power to move in the direction of the magnetic field lines, constantly looking for loopholes in the formation.

No matter how powerful the formation of your spiritual hall is, it is impossible to isolate the earth's magnetic field!

After ten minutes of searching, he really managed to find a weak point, and immediately drilled in along the magnetic field line.

After getting closer, Chen Wangping understood why no one was watching the spirit body.

At this time, in the base of the spiritual hall, all the people in the spiritual hall gathered in front of a large tent, sitting cross-legged on the ground, the spirit body appeared on the head, aiming at an irregular object like a huge rock to absorb something, with a very serious expression Pleasure.

In front of the big tent, the second hall master looked at the scene in front of him with satisfaction.

Suddenly, he vaguely felt that something was wrong, and his mind probed through the spirit array, but he found nothing, and he was a little doubtful.

"Strange, it seems like something is spying on me."

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