Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 297: Unprepared for it! The war is on!

Latest website: Chen Wangping wanted to see what that irregular object was.

But just when he used his mental power to approach the past with the help of the magnetic field, a magnetic field suddenly appeared on the irregular object.

This magnetic field was so powerful that it instantly defeated Chen Wangping's mental power.

After this blow, the consumption of the irregular boulder was also very large, and the white mist lingering around it suddenly decreased, and even sucked something back along the white mist that had entered the mouth of the people in the hall.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Everyone in the Lingdian coughed as if their throats had been pulled out, and the cultivation process was all interrupted.

Seeing this, the second hall master immediately opened his eyes, jumped out of thin air, and stimulated his mental power to try to find this **** intruder!

Who is it!

How did he sneak into the spirit formation silently? Also disturbed the **** stone!

But no matter how the second hall master's mental power searched, he did not find any trace of the invasion, and the spiritual array was also good, as if what happened just now was still his illusion.

After a while, the Great Elder returned, shook his head and said: "Second Hall Master, the spies outside are very good, the spirit body is no problem, and there is no sign of anyone coming nearby. Could it be just some signs of the awakening of the **** stone?"

Even if the second hall master didn't believe it, he could only accept this answer, waved his hand and said, "Go ahead, keep an eye on the spirit body, and you can act in two days."


After returning to the position, the second hall master tapped his fingers, still puzzled in his heart.

"Is it really my illusion?"

A moment later, hundreds of miles away.

Chen Wangping was lying on the back of the golden eagle, with blood dripping from his nose, holding blueberries in one hand, red boletus soup in the other, and at the same time inhaling the elixir, trying his best to stabilize the shock of Shentan.

"It's terrifying. What the **** is that? The anti-shock mental force is so strong? Is the whole body covered with magnetic fields?"

Just now, at the moment when the spiritual force was smashed by the irregular boulder, a ferocious magnetic field impacted along the previous spiritual force circuit and directly hit Chen Wangping, who was far outside.

The edge of Chen Wangping's Shentan was cracked on the spot.

Fortunately, he has now advanced to the fourth level, and the situation is better than when he took the violent blood medicine before.

When he returned home, Chen Wangping's injury had stabilized.

He rested for a while, walked to the manufacturing station and arranged the task of making a burning oil barrel, then went straight back to the bed and continued to cross his knees to recover from the injury.

Judging from the situation just found out, there must be some kind of conspiracy accumulated in the spirit hall.

So many spirit bodies are like ticking time bombs, very dangerous.

Since the spirit hall is reluctant to detonate, let me detonate it.

After a whole night of repairs, Chen Wangping finally recovered Shentan's injuries.


It was dawn, and the yellow raw chickens began to croak.

Today's weather is much better than before, the sky is clear and there is no cloud at all. According to yesterday's weather forecast, it will not become cloudy until the afternoon.

Not much wind.

Just right for shooting.

Chen Wangping washed his face, turned on the radio and listened.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, there will be heavy rain near Huo Niucheng, the wind will be four to five, and the temperature will drop sharply.

【Tips for Wasteland】

In the face of unknown items, please explore carefully, there are many secrets in this world.

【Indescribable reminder】

Unprepared and unprepared.

【The sound of the wind】

"Second child, haven't you won Huo Niu City? This is a bit slow."

"Big brother, the third child made his own decision. Now that he is dead, Tang Huoniu's strength has recovered very quickly. I must be ready before I can do it."

"No, Leiyuan Land will be closed within five days. Except for one day of traveling and one day of exploration, you must activate it the day after tomorrow."

"Okay! Don't worry, big brother, if you fight my life, I will send it to you too!"

"Hehe, send it here, I'll guarantee you to upgrade to level six. Go."

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping didn't think about the words in the voice brought by the wind.

Because he is ready to do it now.

It will rain heavily tomorrow, and the temperature will be lower in the next day. It is very inconvenient for the people of the volcano tribe to fight.

Besides, just like the indescribable prompt said.

Unpredictable, unprepared! Hit it off guard!

Chen Wangping said loudly towards the back mountain: "Assemble and send troops in an hour, prepare yourself!"

Hearing the order, Xiao Tieniu was shocked, and immediately shouted that his rocket soldiers should eat and drink, and quickly prepare.

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu also acted, although they didn't know the target of the battle, but since the benefactor has spoken, let's do it.

After explaining, Chen Wangping first walked to the manufacturing station and took out the burning oil barrels that were arranged to be built last night.

【Burning Oil Drum】×50

[Use: Flamethrower Ammo]

[Damage: 500 points of damage per second in the spray range]

[Special effect-attachment: The sprayed flames will attach to the enemy, causing continuous damage! 】

[Note: Each barrel is only enough to burn for one minute]

Chen Wangping: "......"

One barrel is enough to burn for one minute!

Fortunately, I saved enough light oil.

He put away the burning oil drum, walked over to the storage box, and counted it.

After saving for so long, there are a total of 113 rockets, more than 50,000 bullets of various types, 500 grenades, five standard shells, three standard shells in the dark blue version, fifty machine gun walls, and submachine guns. One hundred, fifty poisonous capsules and fifty deceleration capsules each, as well as fifty pieces of rubber armor that had been researched before.

It can be said to be full of firepower.

Chen Wangping took out both the machine gun car and the machine gun off-road vehicle, filled it with coal and put it away, then took out the space devices that were captured earlier, and first put ten rockets on ten of them to be distributed to the rocket soldiers. Twenty grenades, three poisonous capsules, five submachine guns, two thousand rounds of ammunition, and a piece of rubber armor ensured sufficient firepower.

The remaining weapons were evenly placed in the two space devices and handed over to Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu to distribute them as backup forces.

After arranging this, he made some breakfast and hurriedly finished it~www.readwn.com~ It was time.

Chen Wangping walked to the back of the mountain, took out the space device and distributed it, and said loudly: "Everyone, remember what I said before?"

"Fight for a better tomorrow!"

"Fuck them!"

"Blow them up!"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "That's right, Lingdian is the cancer of our homeland. If we kill them, our life will be better. Well, we will come back when we celebrate, and the rocket soldiers will get on the machine gun truck, and the rest will get on the truck and follow the golden eagles. Set off!"

Hearing that the enemy was Lingdian, the people of the volcano tribe were not afraid at all. They completely believed in Chen Wangping, and immediately obeyed the order and rushed towards the hiding place of Lingdian.

Brilliant, arrogant!

War is about to break out!


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