Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 298: 100 rockets

The latest website: Along the way, the golden eagle suppressed the Zerg on the road with its breath, which made the truck travel extremely smoothly.

More than an hour later, the two machine gun cars first approached the location of one kilometer near the Lingdian station.

Chen Wangping took out the miniature fire bull formation plate, and simply activated the formation plate to isolate the breath.

He stretched out his hand to summon Xiao Tieniu and explained, "The best range of a rocket launcher is 500 meters, but 500 meters is too close. Do you see the **** in front of you? You will be on the **** later, aiming at 650 meters. The plain ten meters away gave me a blast, no need to stop, no need to ask, first blast a hundred rounds, and immediately drive away after blasting.”

Xiao Tieniu patted his chest excitedly and said, "Don't worry, benefactor, there is no problem, I will definitely blow them up with rockets!"

Chen Wangping nodded and called Xiao Yuan and Xiao Yu to explain: "Your mission is to attack the guardians of the Spirit Palace and below. You don't need to care about firepower. Everything is to protect the Rockets from attacking normally."


The simple tactical arrangement is over, and the next step is fire coverage.

At this moment, the second hall master still led the people in the hall to stay in front of the irregular boulder, trying hard to absorb the breath escaping from the boulder, but at this time, his anxiety was increasing.

After the unease accumulated to a certain level, the second hall master suddenly ended his practice and called the first elder to say, "No, I don't feel right, there is still something abnormal here, go, and immediately evacuate."

The Great Elder's face was very puzzled, and some wondered: "Second Hall Master, the movement of the **** stone requires dozens of spiritual bodies. It has only been moved here for a few days, do you really want to leave?"

The second hall master nodded earnestly, "There must be something abnormal last night, otherwise the Divine Stone would not have such abnormal fluctuations. I am uneasy now and must leave here."

Seeing the insistence of the second hall master, the first elder could only nod his head in agreement, and turned around to prepare for the move.

But at this moment, the second hall master suddenly felt ten huge fluctuations rushing to the spiritual formation, and it exploded.

"Boom boom boom!"

The ten rockets that suddenly exploded instantly exceeded the bearing range of the spirit array, and directly blew a big hole in the spirit hall.

The Great Elder roared: "Enemy attack!!"

He looked out angrily and said to the second hall master: "It's really the same as what the hall master felt! Did Tang Huoniu get another batch of relic creations? This cannonball is very powerful!"

The second hall master raised his hand to repair the spirit array, and sneered: "No matter how strong it is, it's useless, it's not blocked by my spirit array, but still, if there are hundreds of rounds, I will be afraid, ten rounds, don't panic , when I repair the spiritual formation, I immediately counterattack and kill the transmitter."

He has a lot of experience with the enemy, and knows that those who can operate artillery shells are technical talents, killing one less than one.

But before the spiritual energy in the hands of the second hall master was intertwined into a formation, from a distance, ten rockets dragging thick yellow tail flames passed through the spiritual formation, and instantly exploded among the people in the hall.

"Boom boom boom!"

Without the cover of the formation, the power of these ten rockets was completely released. The strong flames, the scorching high temperature, and the shrapnel shot in all directions, instantly hit a large number of people in the spiritual hall, even the guardians could not. Respond in time to escape.

"Damn it! How can there be!"

The second hall master responded quickly, and immediately turned the psionic energy in his hand into a shield, blocking him.

The rest of the people in the spiritual hall also learned, and while the psionic shield blocked the front, the situation was immediately brought under control.

The first elder also quickly shouted: "Treat the wounded and fight back with me!"

But before the words fell, another ten rockets flew over.

The mixed power instantly tore the psionic shield, and everyone in the blasted spiritual hall flew around.

A few seconds later, ten identical rockets flew in again, killing dozens of spiritual palace guardians who had not had time to escape on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the next wave of rockets that flew in killed other spirit temple guardians, and at the same time swept away their spirit bodies, without even the slightest effort to fight back!

The first elder was a little stunned at this time. He had been in the spirit hall for so long, and he had never suffered such a big loss. Seeing that the shells seemed to be endless, he did not dare to treat the wounded.

After ten waves of a total of one hundred rockets were smashed down, there were only less than thirty people still alive in the spiritual hall, and besides the first elder and the second hall master, all of them were injured, and their vitality was greatly damaged!

You must know that the successive rockets have turned the residence of the spiritual hall into a purgatory-like environment. The high temperature is mixed with poisonous gas, and the shrapnel is shot in all directions.

In just two minutes, even the rest of the elders were killed by rocket bombs. The bodies of the guardians and the hall were everywhere, and even the spiritual bodies could not be condensed.

It's all messed up.

The second hall master desperately held up the psionic shield to save all this, but he was a giant power type, and he was not good at protection at all.

"Tang Huo Niu!! I'm going to kill you!"

The second hall master was hot-blooded, he stepped on it angrily, got up and flew out. He wanted to see where Tang Huoniu had the confidence to take the initiative to attack!

Where did he get so many shells!

At this time, on the high **** outside.

Chen Wangping was sitting in the tank, looking at the red dots on the radar, and he was very happy.

Isn't the rockets that have been saved for so long just for this moment!

The moment of forbearance is to explode!

The Lingdian has brought so much trouble to Lao Tzu, and what it now collects is only interest.

He kept his hand on the firing button of the standard cannonball, waiting for the second hall master to come out and give him a shot!

Suddenly, a huge red spot the size of a washbasin flew out on the radar at an extremely fast speed.

it's him!

Chen Wangping used his mental power to lock the movement of the second hall master, and quickly pressed the standard cannonball.

Outside the Gaopo, Xiao Tieniu saw that the tank was fired, and immediately directed the rocket soldiers to follow the trajectory of the standard shells to fire the remaining rockets again.

At this time, the Rocket Soldiers' arms were shaking, their faces were pale, and blood marks appeared on their shoulders.

But even so, they didn't mean to retreat in the slightest, and still carried out their mission to assist Chen Wangping to bombard the second hall master.

Although they didn't have radar, they could see the corpse of the spiritual hall blown up in front of them~www.readwn.com~ and could hear the shouts and despair of the people in the spiritual hall.


They were in silent tears as they fired.

Being enslaved by Fang Bie is actually being enslaved by Lingdian for so long, living in darkness and digging with fear.

Now finally get revenge!

Thanks benefactor.

At this time, the second hall master, who flew into the air with anger, looked around strangely. He didn't see Tang Huo Niu, nor the city guards. Instead, he saw a group of unfamiliar troops wearing armor and carrying launchers.

Just when he was about to shoot, a rocket that was stronger than the previous one, and also contained a mental wave, flew across the sky and hit the second hall master instantly.

"Damn it! How can there be! Who is it?!!!"


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