Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 299: Smash, smash!

The latest website: The dark blue version of the standard shell instantly hit the second hall master who was half-squatting defense.

But the impact of this standard shell is too great.

In an instant, the legs of the second hall master were smashed.

Immediately afterwards, the mental shock attached to the dark blue version of the standard shell suddenly exploded.

The second hall master, who was stunned by the sudden mental shock, froze in place, motionless.

Although it was only for a moment, the ten rockets fired by the Rocket Soldiers made a great contribution at this time. They flew over with the standard cannonballs and perfectly covered the second hall master who was stunned in place.

"bang bang bang"

Chen Wangping also seized the opportunity to fly out of the tank at the same time, and threw tens of thousands of lightning energy at the head of the second hall master with all his strength, without any reservation.


The three-pronged approach instantly blew up the second hall master's body into the air and scattered them all over the place.

"No, it's impossible! Hall Master!"

The Great Elder and Spirit Hall Protector who appeared behind witnessed the whole process.

The first elder exclaimed in disbelief, his hands trembled uncontrollably, and it was hard to imagine this ending.

The second hall master is a fifth-level powerhouse! There are countless trump cards, how can you die!

Chen Wangping followed the sound and frowned, "Noisy!"

Before he could make a move, the rest of the Volcano tribe covered it with machine guns, and continued to destroy the remaining spiritual hall power with Xiao Tieniu's single-shot rocket.

Chen Wangping also flashed one after another, making up for the knife one by one to ensure that there was no opening.

Soon, the Great Elder was the only one left on the field who was still stubbornly resisting. With a grim look on his face, he looked around and shouted: "The Palace Master is back! The Spirit Palace will live forever!"

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar and made a move to rush towards the Great Elder, but just halfway through the rush, he rode on the golden eagle and rushed towards the place where the spiritual body was stored in the previous spiritual hall.

Seeing Chen Wangping's movement trajectory, the first elder suddenly panicked a little, ignoring the surrounding machine guns, desperately chasing in the direction of Chen Wangping, trying to block for a moment.

After arriving at the spirit body storage place, Chen Wangping raised his hand without hesitation and threw out the lightning arrow, destroying the spirit bodies present one by one.

After killing more than ten spirit bodies, the remaining spirit bodies suddenly melted by themselves, turning into puddles of transparent and colorless liquid, which merged with each other, and in just a few seconds, they became the appearance of the second hall master.

The spirit body of the second hall master floated in the air, a regretful and crazy smile flashed on his face, and he kept shaking his head and said: "It's ridiculous, I'm really blind, Chen Wangping, I really didn't expect it to be you, why didn't I find out before? Why do you hide so many trump cards? Now it seems that you are not in control of the ruins, but the weapon manufacturing lines in the ruins!"

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, "You didn't expect more, a big mouse still delusionally living in the sun?"

The spirit body of the second hall master shook his head, "It's easy to kill my body, but you are not enough to kill my spirit body. It's not easy to cultivate a rocket soldier, right? I want to see your heartache and let you feel my pain!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless transparent threads appeared on the spiritual body of the second hall master, and they were absorbed into the bodies of the people in the spiritual hall on the ground.

The silk thread gradually thickened, and countless corpses gradually turned into ashes.

Even the rich spiritual energy around was absorbed by the thread.

Immediately afterwards, the silk thread suddenly stretched and shot away indiscriminately around.

Chen Wangping raised his hand to build a shield with lightning energy to block the thread, and by the way, he also used lightning energy to attack back along the thread.

He found that these threads were composed of spiritual power, which seemed to be tangible, but in fact they were intangible.

The silk thread was deeply inserted into the rock formation, as if something had been activated, and the surrounding rock formations for several kilometers suddenly moved rustlingly.

In the next second, countless bugs all crawled out suddenly, and they all attacked the people of the volcano tribe. Their strength was blessed by the lives of everyone in the spiritual hall, and they all advanced by leaps and bounds. The third-level has also reached the ratio of 1%, and the strength is very strong!

And the number is too large, covering the sky and the sun, comparable to the large army that besieged Huo Niu City that day.

The second hall master shook his head in dissatisfaction, and said with a grim face: "Chen Wangping, you are so **** good, if you didn't make trouble, my Myriad Spirits Great Array would be perfectly integrated into the army of 100,000 insects, starting at level 3 and sweeping across. All the nearby cities have broken through the sixth level in one fell swoop, but you have destroyed all of this! Even your fleshly body is not enough to make amends! Do you know my pain?"

Chen Wangping was taken aback, he finally knew what the Second Hall Master's Nest was doing here, and at the same time, he was glad that he came early.

A few days later, I really don't have to play.

He turned his head and saw that the first wave of Zerg had already attacked the people of the Volcano tribe.

“Da da da da”

Fortunately, everyone in the Volcano tribe has sufficient firepower. Using the highly toxic capsules and deceleration capsules with machine guns, they can withstand the Zerg offensive in a short period of time.

Seeing Chen Wangping's movements, the spirit body of the second hall master rushed over with silk threads all over his body dissatisfied, and said with a sneer, "You still have time to take care of them? When you die, they will accompany you!"


The spiritual power of the second hall master's spirit body is extremely strong, and the silk threads in the wave of the hand are like whips, and the sound of breaking the air is instantly swayed.

But Chen Wangping had already advanced to the fourth level at this time, and his speed was increased by 10%. He dodged the whip in an instant, and a lightning arrow smashed in the backhand.

The lightning arrow was very fast, but after hitting the Spirit Body of the Second Hall Master, it seemed to have hit nothing. It passed through and hit the ground behind, smashing a piece of gravel.

what's the situation?

The spirit body of the second hall master smiled wildly, and taunted: "Chen Wangping, even if you have obtained the relic weapon, your own strength is far from enough, what about the lightning power user? What if you can't escape my attack? You can't attack at all. Come to me, until I kill your clansmen and destroy Huo Niu City, I will see what you can do."

While avoiding the thread of the second hall master, Chen Wangping threw out the lightning arrow again to try to attack.

But all the lightning arrows are like the stone sinking into the sea, and they can't hit the spirit body of the second hall master at all.

He really doesn't have much experience with the enemy, and seeing this situation is a bit tricky. He thought to himself, "Is it an illusion? Could it be that his mental power is much stronger than mine now? I have hallucinations?"

But the threads were so sharp that even if they hadn't touched it yet, Yu Feng alone made Chen Wangping's skin tingle.

The sound of machine guns in the distance has begun to turn into submachine guns, and the sound of grenade explosions has become much more frequent.

This means that the people of the Volcano Tribe are in a hard fight and can't hold on for too long.

Had to figure out a way to hit him.

The second hall master looked at Chen Wangping's expression, and suddenly felt relieved, and said savagely: "Hahaha! Pain! How much energy can you have at a fourth level, I will consume it to kill you!"

Chen Wangping quickly took out a row of batteries and hung them on his body to absorb them. The energy quickly recovered, and the speed was increased by 10%.

Second Hall Master: "..."

When absorbing energy ~www.readwn.com~ the battery hums and outputs current, surrounded by a subtle magnetic field.

Chen Wangping suddenly saw that such a subtle magnetic field could sway a thread of the Spirit Body of the Second Hall Master!

magnetic field! Formation!

Chen Wangping's eyes lit up, he instantly raised his arms, aiming at the spirit body of the second hall master and suddenly activated the magnetic field of his arms.


The powerful magnetic field instantly covered the position of the Spirit Body of the Second Hall Master, as if piercing the window paper, revealing the true figure of the Second Hall Master Spirit Body behind the formation.

The hideous look on the face of the second hall master's spirit body instantly turned into a panic.

"What method is this?"


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