Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 300: The temple is destroyed!

The latest website: Chen Wangping smiled slightly, "The means to kill you.".

Accompanied by the voice, his figure flashed, and the magnetic field with his arms directly pressed against the spiritual body of the second hall master.

Immediately, the spirit body of the second hall master seemed to have encountered the oil stains of detergent, and instantly collapsed from the place of contact.

He was very flustered, shouting while fighting back: "No, I have cultivated a magnetic body, how can you beat me!"

Hearing this term, Chen Wangping was no longer afraid. He raised his hand and waved to paint, and with a few easy strokes, he wiped out most of the spirit body of the second hall master.

The spirit body of the second hall master wanted to escape, but he found that Chen Wangping's hands seemed to have some special attraction, and he grabbed him back in an instant, unable to escape at all.

He knew that there was nothing he could do now, and his death was imminent. He looked at Chen Wangping viciously and said, "Chen Wangping, if I die, eldest brother will not let you go. I will wait for you below." After speaking, The spiritual body of the second hall master exploded and turned into a wisp of transparent and dim ashes, floating obscurely towards Chen Wangping, trying to mark the hall master.

In the state where the magnetic field can be activated, Chen Wangping captured these traces very clearly, and soon found this trace. With a flip of his wrist, the magnetic field turned around and shattered it.

A few seconds later, the two brightest system rays Chen Wangping had ever seen emerged from the position of the second hall master's spiritual body, and flew towards him quickly, disappearing into the body.

[The upper limit of energy storage for lightning tender seedlings has been increased by 10%]

[The upper limit of mental power is increased by 10%]

After reading the hints that appeared, Chen Wangping breathed a sigh of relief and was very pleasantly surprised.

As expected of a fifth-level powerhouse, after killing it, he can get a tenth of the promotion!

These 100 rounds of rockets are not a loss!

He retracted the magnetic field, quickly collected the things on the body of the second hall master, and collected all the space devices that he could see.

Now he is tired, but happy.

The temple is finally destroyed

As he recovered, he thought to himself: "Fortunately, what kind of Elemental Magnetic Spirit Body is being cultivated by the second hall master, and it happened to be restrained by the magnetic field I developed, otherwise it would not be able to hit."

After a short rest, Chen Wangping got up again and drove his tank towards the besieged Volcano tribe.

I don't know what method the second hall master used. Now that he is dead, these bugs are even more crazy, and they are not afraid of death.

The defense line of everyone in the volcano tribe is shaky and precarious.

But they were not afraid at all.

What are you afraid of? The spirit body of the second hall master was blown up by the benefactor, and this battle was a big victory!

Are you afraid of some little bugs?

Chen Wangping drove the tank, pressing the insect's body all the way, and the sound of cracking bones all over his ears was very intimidating.

He thought helplessly, "I don't know when a fighter jet will be built. It's interesting to fly in the air to bomb."

After rushing to the vicinity of the encirclement of the volcano tribe, Chen Wangping first opened the land battle tank and let everyone in the volcano tribe come in to rest, and then toggled the flamethrower button.

"crack clap"

The burning oil barrel fell into the flamethrower, and instantly turned into a large stream of flames that sprayed in all directions.


The fiery flames instantly overturned the bug with the impact, and then ignited it.

The worm's own oil also turned into an accelerant, and swarms were ignited one after another.

Xiao Yuan was surprised: "Benefactor, this flame is so fierce? What kind of kerosene is this?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "It's kerosene separated from black oil."

Xiao Yu smiled and said, "It's still a great benefactor who can separate so many kinds of oil from the black oil."

While it was burning, two familiar figures hurried over, their faces full of anxiety.

Tang Xihe looked at the signs of battle around him, rushed to the tank quickly, and shouted, "Chen Wangping, are you inside?"

Chen Wangping opened the ventilation hole to say hello: "Don't worry, I'm fine, come in and talk."

The two floated in.

Tang Huoniu looked around and said first: "Eldest nephew, where is the second hall master? I saw the body of the first elder just now, and you actually killed him?"

Xiao Tieniu was controlling the flamethrower. After hearing this, he subconsciously replied: "What a bastard, the second hall master has long been destroyed by the benefactor! The spiritual hall is gone, and this will be the benefactor's territory in the future!"

Xiao Yu hurriedly stopped: "Tie Niu be careful!"

After she finished speaking, she was still worried that it was not reliable, so she quickly walked over and put a layer of tape on Xiao Tie Niu's mouth.

This Xiao Tie Niu said nonsense, in front of other people Tang City Lord, said that the neighborhood is the benefactor's territory.

If this encounters a small-minded person, a thorn will pierce it.

Tang Huoniu turned his head to look at Chen Wangping in surprise and said, "Eldest nephew, is what he said true? Did the second hall master really die here?"

Chen Wangping smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Tang Xihe didn't care what they said. She was most concerned about Chen Wangping's injuries. She was squatting next to Chen Wangping with the wound medicine, carefully giving him medicine, blowing twice from time to time, and asking thoughtfully: " Does it hurt? Why are you so arrogant? Didn't you agree to attack the Spirit Hall together? The second hall master is a fifth-level powerhouse!

Chen Wangping grinned and enjoyed it, stretched out his hand and touched Tang Xihe's hair and said, "He is the one who died nine times. My more than 100 rockets have razed the spiritual hall to the ground, and he is a bare-handed commander. come here."

The expression on Tang Huoniu's face was very rich at this time. He looked at the traces of cannonballs on the ruins of the Lingdian, and then looked at the battlefield full of gunpowder smoke, and shook his head helplessly, "Eldest nephew, I really didn't expect you to The temple has been resolved, your warrior is right, with your current strength, it is not an exaggeration to share half of the land near Huo Niu City not only here."

He said so, and he really thought so in his heart.

Although if he wants to advance to the sixth level now, the bigger the site, the better~www.readwn.com~ can't be divided.

But Chen Wangping's current strength is really too strong.

To put it mildly, this one hundred rockets can hit the head of Lingdian today, and it can hit the head of Huo Niucheng tomorrow.

Strength determines status and must be expressed.

On the other side, when Chen Wangping heard this, he smiled and waved his hand, sat up with Tang Xihe's support, and said, "Uncle, the family doesn't speak two words, I didn't destroy the spirit hall to rob you of Huo Niucheng. The site, I only drew a few mines, just digging and researching technology, it is really too aggressive, bullying on my head, it will inevitably be destroyed, if you divide the site into half, don’t talk about it.”

Tang Huoniu was moved and insisted: "No, you alone destroyed the spiritual hall. You have helped me so much, how can I not express it!"

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, raised his hand and took out the animal claw key and said, "Uncle, if you want to express it, you should express it after entering the Seventh Research Institute."


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