Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 306: Upgrade agricultural technology! fertilizer!

The latest website: Chen Wangping clicked on the life science and technology tree, selected the agricultural series, and put the first-level life crystals into it one by one.

And this time, he could obviously feel something different emerging from the first-level life crystal.

Perhaps it was because he had just been promoted to the fourth level. With his stronger mental power than before, Chen Wangping could feel that the breath emerging from the first-level life crystal was very friendly, giving him a very close feeling.

Before he could feel it carefully, the breath merged into the life technology tree and turned into a line of reminders:

【Congratulations on your successful upgrade of agricultural technology】

[You have unlocked the agricultural series [Chemical Fertilizer] blueprint, [Incense and Incense Burner] blueprint, and [Clothing Maker] blueprint]

[Note: Come on and upgrade animal husbandry technology! The life technology tree is more important than the mechanical technology tree! 】

There really is! !

Clothing making machine!

And there are fertilizers!

Seeing the note, Chen Wangping did not forget to write it down.

This is the first time such a prompt has appeared during the upgrade, and it seems that it is time to hurry up.

Fortunately, there are enough chickens, ducks, geese and birds at home now, and if you save two or three days, you will be able to save enough first-class life crystals.

Let's talk about this later, let's take a look at the drawings of the garment making machine:

【Clothing Machine】

[Use: to manufacture clothing by consuming leather, cotton, linen, wool and other materials]

【Material: 【Steel Plate】×10, 【Gemstone】×1, 【Circuit Board】×10, 【Iron Gear】×10】

[Remarks: Different gems can create clothing making machines with different effects]

"Steel, circuit boards are not a problem."

"But this gem?"

Chen Wangping swept the storage compartment, and found that due to the recent days of war, there was no time to dig, and naturally no other gems were found.

There is only one Lianzhen gem that has been used a few times.

Wait, Lianzhen gem?

If this thing is added, will it be more supple when the garment is made?

Anyway, now that the strength is high and there are many means, it is almost impossible to fight with this thing, so let's try to build a clothing manufacturing machine first.

Chen Wangping didn't hesitate. If the old ones are not used, the new ones will not come. He directly threw them onto the manufacturing table along with the other materials, and clicked to create them.

[The garment making machine (Lianzhen gem version) is being built, it is estimated that it will take half an hour]

After arranging the garment making machine, Chen Wangping clicked on the chemical fertilizer drawing to check it out.

He is still looking forward to chemical fertilizers, and the higher the output, the better.


[Use: Increase production capacity but slightly pollute the land]

[Materials: [Light Oil] × 5, [Water] × 1, (Supplementary Materials: [Ash] × 5)]

【Remarks: Light oil is rich in trace elements required by crops】

"Light oil again? This thing is really precious."

Chen Wangping glanced at the black rice planting site, took out 100 parts of light oil, and prepared to make 20 chemical fertilizers to take a look.

When putting in the materials, he carefully selected the ashes of several kinds of bugs and put them in, ready to compare them to see which ashes worked best.

After all, there are so many corpses of bugs outside, it is better to keep them buried and burn them into ashes as fertilizer, so as not to waste them.

[One hundred chemical fertilizers are being made, and it is expected to take one and a half hours]

"One and a half hours is one serving for one minute, which is quite fast."

Chen Wangping wanted to collect more materials to make chemical fertilizers. Not to mention that there are so many plants at home that need to be planted, even if the family doesn't use them, they can trade them out after going to the central part to exchange for more important things.

Finally, he clicked on the drawing of [Incense and Incense Burner] to check it out:


【Use: Ignite】

【Material: 【Spice】×3】

[Note: Now you can see what materials can be used as spices]

【incense burner】

[Use: A tool to help incense burn]

【Material: 【Special Stone】×1, 【Circuit Board】×5, 【Steel Plate】×1】

[Note: Some special incense can only be carried by the corresponding incense burner]

Seeing this set of drawings, Chen Wangping felt a little strange.

What does agriculture have to do with incense?


Seeing that he has now loaded the ability to view spices, he took out the materials in the storage compartment and checked them one by one to see if there was anything that could be used as spices.

After looking around for a long time, Chen Wangping was surprised to find that there was a piece of oily object with dynamic light like mist lingering on it. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like something floating out after lighting an incense.

"Co-authoring now has improved mental strength, and the system light I see has become much more dynamic."

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and weighed it. He really didn't expect this thing to be a spice. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this thing was taken from the Quartz Insect King. Originally, there was a piece of worm meat attached to it. The golden eagle ate it, and put the rest in the storage compartment.

【Quartz King Spice】×9

【Cannot be used directly】

【Use: to make incense】

[Special effect - King Stimulation: The unique scent of the Quartz King Spice can stimulate the Quartz worms and permanently increase their spawning speed]

[Remarks: The aroma of the Quartz Insect King can only be enjoyed by the Zerg]

Chen Wangping: "..."

Looking at this attribute, what kind of fragrance is this called, it is clearly an androgen.

No wonder I can't smell it.

He placed it on the crafting table, selected Xiang's blueprint, and clicked to create.

[Quartz Insect King Fragrance is being created, it is estimated that it will take five minutes]

"The speed of incense creation is quite fast. Next, we will have to look at the incense burner."

Chen Wangping glanced at the storage compartment, and immediately saw the most suitable incense burner material.

That is the mugwort fossil that has been obtained for a long time.

For a long time, he has used the obstacle avoidance effect of mugwort fossils, and the effect is very good.

But mugwort fossils also have an ancient special effect.

Can double the incense effect!

Just use it!

Chen Wangping deliberately put it on the manufacturing table where wisdom germinated, and selected the incense burner to start building:

[The fossil incense burner is being built, it is estimated that it will take one hour]

Seeing that everything was arranged, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

The blueprints given by the agricultural technology upgrade this time are all good, and I happen to have materials at home, so I can see the effect immediately.

After waiting for a while, the Quartz Insect King Fragrance was created, and its properties were similar to those of spices.

【Quartz Insect King Fragrance】

[Special effect - King Stimulation: After ignition, it can permanently increase the spawning speed of quartz worms by 20%]

[Negative special effects - can't smell it: after smelling the fragrance~www.readwn.com~ the lifespan of the quartz worm is permanently reduced by 5%]

[Remarks: The general animal incense has its own advantages and disadvantages after it is produced, and it needs to be used at its own discretion]

"Any negative effects?"

Chen Wangping looked at it, and the attributes of the three incense sticks were all the same.

In this way, if the three incense sticks go down, the lifespan of the quartz worm will be permanently reduced by 15%, but the output can be increased by 60%.

He thought about it and decided to order it!

The size of the Quartz Queen is too large, it is difficult to bring it to the middle, and it does not take much time to feed it, so it is better to increase the production capacity in a short time.

Wait for the incense burner first, and then go to burn the incense and try it!

While waiting, he was not idle, took out the Tianwaiyuan Magnetic Meteorite, and worked hard to absorb the mental power above and temper his spirit!

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