Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 307: Padded Down Jacket with Fossil Base

The latest website: Half an hour later, the garment making machine is ready.

Chen Wangping couldn't wait to take it off and put it back in the chicken coop.

This is closer to the raw material.

The appearance of the garment making machine is very complicated. There are four or five feeding ports in the front, a mechanism similar to a sewing machine in the middle, and there are several positions for hanging barrels at the exit. I don’t know what it is for the moment.

He reaches out to check the properties:

【Clothing Machine】

【Power: 1kw】

[Durability: 5000/5000]

[Special effects - continuous vibration: the vibration function of the clothing maker made by adding the continuous vibration gem is greatly improved, which can increase the warmth of clothing by 50%]

[Note: The quilt that has not slept for a long time will be warmer when knocked on it]

Seeing the special effect, Chen Wangping was overjoyed. This special effect came at the right time. The down jacket was already warm, and with the continuous shock special effect, it was even less afraid of going to the Ice Fire Swamp to explore.

He hurriedly connected the clothing-making machine to the power grid, and walked into the chicken coop while the machine self-checked.

When Chen Wangping came out again, there were a lot of young yellow feathers in the storage compartment of Chen Wangping, which is the down used for down jackets. Of course, there were also a lot of fluff on his head.

Since these yellow raw chickens are exotic animals, their down is both softer and larger than ordinary birds, and the heat preservation effect is improved more than a little bit.

The clothing making machine connected to the Internet started to move, and it was ready to start making clothing.

Chen Wangping walked to the feeding port and tried to throw five pieces of fluff into it. Each piece was the size of a fist, and it took several chicken feathers to get it.

【Down (5/20)】

[Can make ordinary down jackets]

"Can make ordinary down jackets? What if there are more?"

Chen Wangping picked out some down with stars and stuffed them into it.

This time, he didn't plan to call anyone else, so he just brought the golden eagle.

The golden eagle has a strong ability to resist cold, which he asked before.

That is to say, as long as you take care of yourself, there must be some good stuff.

When added to the twenty-first, the text on the garment maker became:

【Fleece (21/50)】

【Can make thick down jacket】

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction and got into the chicken coop again.

When they came out again, the chickens in the chicken coop all screamed miserably, and they all lay down in their own nests embarrassed.

The golden eagle turned his head and glanced at it, and immediately turned his head around, beeping saying see no evil.

Chen Wangping coughed twice in embarrassment, then pulled a dozen bags of freshly prepared worm feed and threw them in, "Eat more and make one for Teacher Tang when I get back."

Immediately, the chickens, ducks and geese who were happy to eat the feed became sad again.

They turned their grief and anger into food and ate them in big mouthfuls.

The garment making machine had enough material, and it started to run buzzingly. Even the shock gem in the center began to work, and it was banging bang bang bang, and soon the down was knocked into a larger piece, like this Layer upon layer, the warm effect is super good!

[In the process of making the thick down jacket, it is estimated that it will take one hour]

While waiting for the down jacket, a lot of fertilizers were produced there.

Chen Wangping pulled a bag, opened it, and found that the fertilizer inside was in the shape of ordinary granules, about the size of soybeans.

Each fertilizer is about a pound or so, with a faint light lingering on it.

"Looking at the appearance of this solid, I really can't tell that it is refined with light oil."


【Use: Improve soil fertility】

【Fertilization time: before harvest】

[Applicable area: 1 standard plot]

[Special effects - burst of elements: chemical fertilizers can provide crops with much-needed nutrients, reduce the remaining growth time by 20%, and increase the yield by 10%-30% depending on the crop]

[Negative special effects - mild pollution: continuous application of chemical fertilizers will lead to a significant drop in soil fertility and reduced yield]

[Remarks: Although chemical fertilizers are good, don’t be greedy.]

"Reduce the growth time by 20%? This is indeed a chemical fertilizer, it is comparable to gold waste!"

"Consecutive applications will lead to a decline in soil fertility. Then I use a piece of land once or twice, and it's a big deal to change the plot."

Chen Wangping didn't take this negative special effect to heart. After all, in this day and age, there are very few people who farm, and no one is competing with him.

Besides, we still have a land improvement machine. With the addition of chemical fertilizers, the output is high every time!

Seeing that the incense burner was not ready, Chen Wangping simply took the fertilizer that had been made and went to the side of the black rice to spread it.

The current black rice is growing very well. Because it is next to the furnace, the impact of cooling is not great, and the water supply and groundwater are not a problem.

The only thing that may cause problems is the light. Chen Wangping is not worried about this. After mining for so long, all kinds of ores have been dug out.

If there is really no sunlight behind, use polished transparent ore sheets, such as mica of various colors, and incandescent lamps to provide them with light. Although the effect will be a little worse, it can at least guarantee normal growth.

The chemical fertilizer immediately melted into the wet soil, blended into it, and quickly nourished the black rice.

After spreading the fertilizer, the incense burner was finally built.

Chen Wangping took out the incense burner with some residual temperature in anticipation. From the outside, the incense burner perfectly preserved the wonderful fossil traces on the mugwort fossils. The obstacle avoidance effect of mugwort fossils should also be reserved.

【Fossil incense burner】

【Use: Incense base】

[Special effect - obstacle avoidance bonus: when burning moxa sticks, it can resist the harmful gas in the vicinity of 10m, and temporarily increase the mental strength within the scope of action slightly]

[Special effects - ancient fragrance and ancient charm: fossil incense burner has a long charm, which can increase the incense special effect by 100%]

[Remarks: Hard fossil incense burner]

"With the moxa stick, it can resist the nearby ten meters? This diameter has more than tripled."

Chen Wangping flipped through the storage compartment, only to realize that he had used up all the mugwort before, no wonder he didn't see the spice of the mugwort.

He walked to the vicinity of the mugwort plant, picked some young shoots that were growing well, put them on the manufacturing table, and chose to make mugwort sticks.

Here, the moxa sticks first made ~www.readwn.com~ over there, Chen Wangping took out the incense of the king of quartz insects, and followed the fossil incense burner to the queen of quartz insects.

Incense, burn.

The Quartz Insect King incense slowly burned, exuding a unique insect incense smell, and lines of reminders appeared on it:

[The special effect of ancient fragrance and ancient charm takes effect, and the effect of quartz insect king fragrance is doubled]

[The Quartz Insect King Incense is burning, it is estimated to take ten minutes]

After the fragrance drifted to the back of the quartz worm, it was even more excited to speed up the speed after eating the quartz ore, and the output of quartz worms also increased a lot.

This also means that the production of small solar panels has risen by a large margin!

It's technology that changes lives!



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