Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 310: moving tree

Latest URL: two hours later.

Chen Wangping had reached three-quarters of the Icefire Swamp.

As soon as he stepped into this dividing line, the wind and snow in front of him instantly increased a lot, and there was some rustling pain on his face.

"Golden Eagle, stop the wind."

The golden eagle flew up in response, and its wings vibrated faster, blocking the wind and snow.

Chen Wangping looked hard and found that the vegetation in front had increased a lot. In addition to tall trees, there were many more low shrubs.

Against the backdrop of the ice crystals, the low shrubs are like plants in another world. The whole body is transparent, and there is a feeling of being broken when touched.


The golden eagle's eyes are very sharp. It saw the same crystal clear fruits hanging on some shrubs. It waved its wings happily, and was ready to rush over to pick it up and taste it.

But just as the golden eagle was about to rush to the bush, the three towering poplar trees next to the bush suddenly turned around, slamming down with their branches, and the speed was very fast, as if they were not plants.


The golden eagle dodged, and it also found that something was wrong with the ice poplar tree, and immediately adjusted its posture, flapped its wings to condense countless iron thorns, and smashed it on the ice poplar tree.

"bang bang bang"

Countless iron thorns hit the poplar tree and made a metal collision sound, causing a fog of ice.

The ice fog dissipated, and the iron thorns only left thumb-sized white marks on the ice poplar tree, and did not cause serious injuries.

"These ice poplars are so hard?"

Chen Wangping was a little surprised. He looked carefully and found that the branches of these poplar trees were more solid and white than those on the outside. According to the radar, the three poplar trees near the bushes were all fourth-level strengths.

"When is the fourth level so worthless? What is there to breed such a powerful xenograft?"

Chen Wangping took out the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, loaded a rocket, aimed it at an ice poplar tree, and pressed the launch button.

See if you're hard or rocket hard.

At this time, Bing Yangshu didn't care about the injury on his body, or in its dictionary, this kind of injury was nothing at all.

Now it just wants to kill this alien who tried to touch the iceberry!

I saw the ice poplar waving dozens of meters of branches, sweeping towards the golden sculpture like a big broom.

Covering the sky, the scene was terrifying.


The rocket was suddenly launched, and the huge flame at the tail instantly hit the root of the ice poplar tree and exploded immediately.


The smoke clears and the results appear.

After all, rockets are harder!

The root of the ice poplar was blasted with a semi-circular dent, and the broken wood chips and ice chips were mixed with shrapnel and scattered in all directions.

Not only that, the flames attached to the rockets continued to burn the poplar trees.

Ice and snow endow the ice poplar with hard branches, but at the same time it also adds a weakness to fear of high temperature.

At this time, under the burning flame, the ice poplar tree is like a snowman in the sun, and the bark on the surface is slowly melting.

Even so, the ice poplar tree did not die completely, and the strong vitality supported it immediately slapped the flames on the surface with its branches, trying to save itself.

The two poplar trees next to them became furious. One waved its branches to cover its companions, and the other waved a note and rolled it in the direction of Chen Wangping. ring.

"Don't worry about me, kill that one first!"

Seeing that the golden eagle has the heart of a savior, Chen Wangping immediately shouted to explain, and at the same time retreated sharply, avoiding the attack of the ice poplar.

He was going to try to see if the ice poplar would move like the little iron wood at home.

If it can move, the difficulty of this ice and fire swamp adventure is too great.

Once deep in the trees, no amount of rockets will be enough.

At this time, the golden eagle seized the opportunity and flapped its wings again to shoot countless iron thorns, accompanied by wind blades, mercilessly hitting the injured roots of the poplar tree.

Without the ice layer to resist, the wind blade and iron thorn are like excavators, drilling out countless wood chips, directly smashing the roots of the ice poplar, and cutting it off by the middle.


The ice poplar tree fell slowly and completely lost its life.

On the other hand, Chen Wangping also successfully tried out the result he wanted.

Even though the branches of these ice poplar trees had already stretched out to a distance of only five meters from him, as long as he moved a little more, he would be able to touch Chen Wangping.

But the poplar tree still didn't move, it just waved its sturdy branches with claws and claws, trying to attack Chen Wangping.

"It's fine if you can't move. Even if you're strong, you're just a target, and what I'm best at is hitting a target."

Chen Wangping carried the shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, loaded another rocket and ejected it.

He intends to fight quickly, and quickly see what the harvest will be from killing these moving ice poplar trees.

Soon, the second ice poplar was also killed.

Just when Chen Wangping was about to fire another cannon, the golden eagle stopped him and flew into the sky beeping.

It is very angry, how can it be that its current strength can't even kill a few broken trees!

impossible! I must kill it!

If the distance is not enough, use the melee combat of the old line!

The golden eagle suddenly turned around after flying dozens of meters, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Like a bomb, it instantly bypassed the branches of the ice poplar tree, rushed to it along the gap, and grabbed with anger with both claws.


The sharp claws instantly scratched the ice crystal protection on the surface of the ice poplar tree, and forcibly grabbed two large holes, revealing the still somewhat woody trunk inside.

This is not over yet, the golden eagle claws together, flutters its wings and pulls hard to the side, and immediately enlarges the wound several times, and pulls out a large hole, causing heavy damage to the poplar tree!

"bang bang"

Chen Wangping seized the opportunity and shot a shuttle of lightning energy armor-piercing bullets with his submachine gun.

After the armor-piercing projectile was shot into the wood, there was no pause at all, and it immediately penetrated to the core position, and then exploded, blasting a piece of vibration.

After reaching level 4, his speed of condensing lightning energy bullets has also increased a lot. Ordinary bullets can condense a shuttle in just a few seconds~www.readwn.com~ Even armor-piercing bullets only take three minutes. Sustained combat power is significantly improved.

After the two shuttles, the ice poplar tree was disconnected from the middle, and the remaining roots could not change anything. It seemed that the ability to dispatch the roots of the tree had not evolved.

Chen Wangping picked up the axe and rushed forward, chopping the ice poplar tree into several pieces.

When felling, he found that after the death of these poplar trees, the ice layer on the skin did not soften, and was still very hard.

After dividing it up, Chen Wangping picked up a piece and looked at it expectantly.

【Ice poplar tree body☆☆】

[Use: to create materials]

[Special effect-hard ice: The surface of the ice poplar tree contains hardened ice energy, which can greatly increase the hardness when it is made into a building or equipment]

【Remarks: This is the body of the Ice Poplar tree person】

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