Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 311: delicious little ice berry

The latest website: "Hard ice? This special effect, the more you look at it, the more hungry you become."

Chen Wangping thought in a daze, and he didn't know when he would be able to get some grain flour, spread out a pancake, roll it all up and eat it.

Recalling his thoughts, he felt that this ice special effect was very suitable for making some advanced animal sheds.

When he went in to pick down today, he found a problem.

These newly caught chickens, ducks and geese are not weak, and because there are too many races, they will fight together.

It doesn't matter if you fight, it won't kill you.

The problem is that the chicken coop can't bear it anymore, and it might fall apart after a few more fights.

If it is made of ice poplar, it is estimated that there will be no such problem.

At that time, it may also bring the effect of keeping the eggs fresh, so as to avoid the eggs rotted when they forget to collect them.

Go back and try it!

After cutting down the three ice poplar trees, Chen Wangping has harvested a total of [ice poplar trunk] × 21, which is not bad.

But if you compare it with consumption, these gains are not so good.

The cost of two rockets is still very large, and it is a bit of a loss to use them here.

The golden eagle also seemed to know what Chen Wangping was thinking. He flew over and waved his claws. Beep indicated that his claws were very strong. The speed of these ice poplar trees was not very fast. Well, don't waste rockets.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand and touched the golden eagle, "Okay, then you can go up and try when you encounter the Ice Poplar Tree Man, and I'll give you a raid by the side."

After tidying up the body of the ice poplar, he walked towards the initial target, which was next to the pile of ice crystal-like bushes.

Speaking of which, these shrubs might also have ice effects.

In the fierce battle just now, none of the fruits were lost.

Chen Wangping took a closer look. There were not many fruits on the bushes. There were only a few fruits on each bush, but each one had systematic light on it. It was obviously of high quality. The seeds, only the size of a thumb, are clean.

He reached out and took one, and curiously checked the properties:

【Little Iceberry】

【Use: Foodstuffs】

[Special effects - rich in nutrients: after eating, you can restore some physical strength and add a small amount of mental strength]

[Remarks: Little Iceberry is the favorite of some kind of ice and snow beast]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping threw it directly into his mouth.

This little iceberry has a tendency to melt as soon as you enter it. When you sip it lightly, it instantly turns into a slightly sour sweet juice. The pulp is soft and ice-cold, mixed with juice, and the taste is absolutely amazing.

In addition to the taste, it immediately turned into a significant ice and snow energy after entering the stomach, melted into the body, and instantly replenished physical and mental strength.

Chen Wangping muttered, "The favorite of ice and snow beasts? It is my favorite now."

The golden eagle, who was looking down to steal the little iceberry, also beeped twice, indicating that this is my favorite too!

Chen Wangping laughed and scolded: "Okay, don't eat when you're full, work first, there's a lot over there, I'll pick small iceberries, you catch the ice poplar people."


In the next battle, the golden eagle gave up the long-range attack and gave full play to its powerful physical advantages. It was a simple rush to grab and kill the ice poplar tree people with two claws, which was extremely efficient.

Chen Wangping was very satisfied.

How many rockets does this save?

This golden eagle is really home!

After working along the neighborhood for two hours, Chen Wangping and Jin Diao picked all the small iceberries that could be seen, and swept away the nearby ice poplar people. In the storage grid, there are [Little Iceberry] × 363, [Ice Poplar Tree Body] × 211.

Great harvest.

After resting for a while, Chen Wangping continued to follow the instructions of the map and walked towards the depths.

There are too few things marked on Tang Huoniu's map, and his focus is too far from Chen Wangping's, so the reference value is very low.

Take the road just now, for example, there is only a dangerous skull sign marked on it, what exactly is dangerous is not written, and the given safe route has long been blocked by the newly grown ice poplar. Useless.

As for the deeper map, not to mention, there are only two skulls, so maybe Tang Huo Niu couldn't explore that far before.

In this environment, his fire-type ability would have to kill a Poplar tree person with great difficulty.

Not to mention the deep cedar trees.

After walking for several hundred meters, the sky turned dark.

It's not that it's dark, it's that the snow here is too heavy, blocking the sun.

At the same time, the temperature dropped significantly.

The cold wind was like a knife, and it was very painful to hit the face.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping's thick down jacket and ice elm money sap perfectly kept his body temperature and was not affected by the wind and snow at all.

He looked at the sky, took out a few large light bulbs, connected the lightning energy in his body, and aimed them in front of him.

Looking closely, there is no shadow of any shrubs in front of you. All you can see are huge trees towering into the clouds. The leaves are almost transparent. If you look closely, the shape of the leaves is vaguely similar to the domestic Metasequoia tree. The only difference from the ice fir leaves given by Tang Huoniu is transparency.

"Bingshan? This is the core?"

Chen Wangping discreetly shot a shuttle of lightning energy armor-piercing bullets at Bingshan, ready to test it.

Since ice poplar trees can be turned into treemen, these ice fir trees should be similar.

The bullet hit, leaving many marks on the surface of the cedar tree.

But even so, the ice fir tree didn't mean to move at all, and the old **** stayed where he was, like I was just a tree.

Just when Chen Wangping was about to take out the rocket and fire a shot.

Suddenly, he heard a lot of buzzing sounds in the wind and snow.

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar immediately, and was surprised to find a group of hundreds of third-level light spots appeared on the radar.

"What? So much?"

He immediately called back the golden eagle and got ready for battle.

After a few seconds, a buzzing sound approached.

Looking at the sound~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping realized that the owner of the sound was many palm-sized ice birds. Their entire bodies were transparent, and even their internal organs were a touch of transparent color, which was very beautiful.

At this moment, they were all holding a fist-sized hockey puck in their claws, and they were flying towards Chen Wangping like a bomber, very fast.

The next second, hundreds of ice birds flew over Chen Wangping's head and released the ice ball one after another.

Ice **** smashed towards Chen Wangping and Jindiao like bombs.

Not only that, these ice birds did not intend to leave after throwing the hockey puck. They stopped in the sky and tried to flap their wings, shedding beautiful but sharp snowflakes, and the offensive was extremely strong.

Face the double attack of the ice hockey and the snow blade.

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, raised his hand to take out the tank, and instantly got into it, turned on the flamethrower, and pressed it hard in the direction of the ice bird!

"Want to freeze me? Let's see how I roast you!"


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