Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 318: difficult seeds

The latest website: I don't know how many years this river bottom ice has existed.

When it was forced to leave the river bottom, every connection of the solid ice made a cracking sound, which sounded terrifying.

On the shore, thick smoke billowed from the tank. It was the first time it was driven to full power, and the fuel consumption was very serious.

While adding coal, Chen Wangping thought that he had to upgrade quickly and get high-grade solid fuel out as soon as possible.

We can't make planes and rockets in the future and arrange for a robot to add coal.

The picture was just unwatchable.


After pulling off all the parts connected to the solid ice, the tank finally began to slowly move forward.

The ice cube at the bottom of the river also slid.

Chen Wangping estimated the direction and shouted: "Diaobao, smash the water outlet for me."

The golden eagle flew over in response, and quickly controlled the energy in the body to condense the wind blade and the blade and smashed it down.

"Flapping Flutter"

Soon, it chopped the IceCube water outlet.

Under the glacier, many ice fish who heard the movement also came closer. They also discovered the ice crystal flower in the ice cube, and they all showed a very interested look, waving their fins to swim over, and some small ice fish I'm still looking for opportunities to see where to start, but those big ice fishes that are more than one meter long can't hold back for a long time, and they keep colliding with the position of the ice crystal flower.

Seeing this scene, the golden eagles beeped anxiously and said, do you want to drive them away by yourself? If they are chiseled, it will be gone.

Although it doesn't know what it is, it must be delicious just by looking at this crystal clear appearance.

Chen Wangping also saw this scene in the tank, shook his head and said: "Don't pay attention to them, if they could break through, they would have broken through long ago, then the ice can't even do anything for us, a few ice fish can break out something."

He stepped on the accelerator and continued to pull the Ice Cube towards the shore.

At this speed, the Ice Cube can be pulled ashore in a few dozen seconds.

In the glacier, the ice fishes also found that the ice crystal flower was getting further and further away from them, and they all became anxious, waved their tail fins, and slammed into the ice cube.

"bang bang"

Several ice fish collided towards a point in succession.

Then, they froze together.

There were also some collision injuries on the head, and a little milky white special fish blood flowed out.

The golden eagle beeped happily, quickly flapped its wings and flew down, grabbed the ice fish as soon as its claws closed, threw it into the air, quickly controlled the wind blade to remove its internal organs, and then a wind swept into the pot.

Just waiting for Brother Ping to put the **** slices.

When Chen Wangping saw this scene, he was amused and a little puzzled at the same time.

Is this ice crystal flower so tempting to ice fish? What is it?

When I was at the bottom of the river, why didn't the ice fish come to ask for trouble.

Or, is it a special stage of Ice Crystal Flower?

While thinking about it, the Ice Cube was already close to the shore, and it was about to be pulled up.

There were nearly a hundred ice fish chasing by the river, and they rushed towards the Ice Cube in a hurry, even if they were injured in the head.

"bang bang bang"

After hitting it again and again, some cracks really appeared on the Ice Cube, and it looked like it was about to crack.

Chen Wangping waited patiently for a few seconds, and the tank hummed and pulled the Ice Cube to the shore.

At this time, the cracks on the ice cube became larger, and the ice fish became even more mad, and rushed towards the shore.

"Thank you, everyone, then I'm welcome."

Chen Wangping's figure flashed above Bingyu's head, and then, he stretched out his hand to aim at Bingyu, and suddenly released tens of thousands of lightning energy.

"Zizzle zipper"

The tens of thousands of points of lightning energy can be quantified into countless electric snakes. As soon as the ice fish falls on the ice fish, the ice fish fry jumps all over. Then, the electric fish whose energy has not been exhausted jumps to another ice fish and continues to cause damage. .

Countless blue-purple electric snakes and milky white ice fish danced at the same time, and the scene was spectacular.

Chen Wangping called the golden eagle, killed the ice fish one by one, and put them all away.

The number of ice fish harvested in this wave is very large, but the quality will be a little worse, there will be no stars, and the duration of the special effects will be shorter.

But it's still good. After all, there are a lot of them, and the total harvest is [Swamp Icefish] × 136.

After completely killing the ice fish, Chen Wangping drove the tank to drag the ice cube to the shore again, jumped to the edge of the ice cube, took out six steel plates, and rebuilt a steel cube larger than the ice cube.

The reason why he did this was because he was worried that when he hit the Ice Cube later, the seeds of the ice crystal flower would fly around. What losses will be caused, and at the same time, the steel cube can also isolate the outside wind and snow, which is relatively closed and easier to control.

After making full preparations, Chen Wangping picked up the mining pick and smashed it hard at the weak point that the ice fishes helped to knock out with enthusiasm.

"bang bang bang"

As soon as the pickaxe went down, the weak point shattered and fell to the ground.


At this moment, the seeds attached to this ice wall were also shattered as the ice cubes shattered, and shot out in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

"bang bang bang"

Eight seeds flew out in a row, poking **** the steel plate, not even a few millimeters into it.

Fortunately, Chen Wangping made adequate preparations in advance and surrounded the place with a steel cube, otherwise, at this speed, it would be extremely difficult to find it if it was submerged in the soil.


The golden eagle also understood it, flew to the steel plate in admiration, and carefully pulled out the flying seeds with its claws.

Chen Wangping was in no hurry to see those,

Those seed rays that fly out are not seed rays, or they should be called fruits.

The real seed still hasn't shot out of the ice crystal flower.

He took out the rubber armor to block it in front of him, and walked cautiously near the ice crystal flower. Seeing that it didn't respond, he quickly reached out and grabbed a seed with the brightest seed on the ice crystal flower.

As soon as he touched the seed, Chen Wangping saw a substantial cold air rising from the ice crystal flower, which quickly swept towards his outstretched hand.

He continued to hold on to the seed without haste, pulling back his rubber-gloved hand.

In such a short second, the rubber gloves as thick as three centimeters and as long as the forearm froze and clapped.

Chen Wangping put the seeds in the storage compartment, and gently smashed the rubber gloves on the steel plate next to them, and the broken rubber fell to the ground.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of preparations. The coldness of this ice crystal flower can be hidden."

With the experience just now, he put on the rubber gloves again, repeated the trick, and grabbed the ice crystal flower again.


The ice crystal flower was the same as before, and once again spit out a cold air, and the cold air was even colder than before, even through the rubber gloves, it could feel as if it was frozen.

"Looks like it's going to be plucked."

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