Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 319: Ice crystal nuts and refraction

Latest website: Chen Wangping took two steps back and looked at it.

After going ashore, it was very clear. The root of the ice crystal flower was transparent and deeply embedded in the ice layer. At this time, a light blue liquid was still flowing rapidly.

Thinking about it, the more violent cold air just now was condensed in this way.

Before pulling the flower, he was going to look at the attributes.

Chen Wangping brought the fruit of the ice crystal flower from the golden eagle. After examining it, he found that the shape of the fruit was somewhat similar to that of a melon seed. It was also a hard shell with pulp inside. The difference was that the fruit of the ice crystal flower was very large. It is as thick as a finger, and the pulp inside must be very large.

He looked at the properties curiously:

【Ice Crystal Nuts☆☆】

【Use: Foodstuffs】

[Special effect - Hardness of Ice: After eating, the skin strength can be slightly increased permanently (the physique of the fourth-level ability person), which can be stacked up to ten times (the skin strength will be increased moderately after being stacked ten times)]

[Special effect - Advanced ice and snow resistance: After eating, it can permanently increase the ice and snow resistance by 5%, which cannot be stacked]

[Special effect - high-purity ice cold: after eating, the purity of the cold energy in the body can be improved]

[Remarks: Ice crystal nuts can stimulate the ice beasts to improve their strength]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping now understood why those ice fish were so madly trying to rush over.

The properties of this ice crystal nut are really good.

It can also increase the hardness and the purity of the cold air, and it can also continue to improve the resistance to ice and snow.

Without hesitation, he used his hands slightly to peel off the hard shell on the outside of the ice crystal nut. When he opened it, he found that there was a whole piece of transparent pulp like ice crystals inside.

Chen Wangping thought about the posture of eating raw oysters, put it to his mouth, and sucked hard.


The slippery pulp immediately turned into a grainy smoothie after the entrance. The taste is very good, rustling, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it is. .

[Special effect - advanced ice and snow resistance has taken effect]

With the prompt appearing, Chen Wangping felt that he was a little warmer now than before.


Seeing how Chen Wangping tasted the food, the golden eagle was very envious, and quickly reminded that there was another eagle!

Chen Wangping smiled, opened a piece and handed it over. He ignored the ice crystal flower and took off all the ice crystal nuts embedded on the ice cube and the iron plate. In total, he harvested [Ice Crystal Nuts☆☆] ×46.

"The output of this ice crystal flower is quite high."

Chen Wangping looked at the number, then simply sat in the tank, peeled off the ice crystal nuts one by one, and ate another nine.

[The special effect of the hardness of ice has been superimposed to take effect]

[Skin strength is moderately increased under the current physique]

You must know that the physique of the fourth-level ability user is already very strong, and it is not easy to improve it.

With the appearance of the prompt, the power of the ice crystal nuts that flowed onto his skin all fused together, forming a protective layer like an ice crystal structure under his skin, enhancing the strength of the skin.

Chen Wangping waited for a while, the itchiness on the skin disappeared, he knew that this was the completion of the ascension.

Facing the Ice Cube next to him, he clenched his fist hard and smashed it.


The Ice Cube cracked.

On the other hand, Chen Wangping's fist has only a little red mark, which can be called harmless.


Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, this level of skin strength can be said to be strong in attack and defense, and the grasp is even greater.

He took out the ice crystal flower seed he caught earlier and checked it. The size of the seed was much smaller than the ice crystal nut, and it looked similar, like a melon seed.

【Ice Crystal Flower Seeds☆☆☆】

【Use: Planting】

[Planting environment: 4 paddy fields]

[Special effect - Frozen: After the ice crystal flower germinates, it will turn the surrounding 4×4 area into an ice and snow environment]

[Special effect - refraction: the flowers of the ice crystal flower can be eaten with a refraction special effect to avoid some enemy attacks]

[Plant products: Ice Crystal Flower, Ice Crystal Nut]

[Note: Ice crystal flower needs a lot of fertilizer during the growth process, otherwise it will wither]

In fact, Chen Wangping had some guesses before looking at the attributes. After seeing it, he was finally relieved.

Ice and snow environment is available.

There are still three seeds on the Ice Crystal Flower body. Including this one, a total of 64 ice and snow environment plots can be transformed, enough to plant those saplings.

In the attributes, he was quite interested in the refraction effect.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Dodge the enemy's attack? Is it possible to make a cameo role as the protagonist of a movie, without being injured in the hail of bullets?"

Putting away the seeds, he said to Jindiao: "Carving treasure, condense the wind blade, and cut off the bottom of this ice crystal flower."


After eating the ice crystal nuts, the golden eagle was very happy, and immediately flapped its wings to condense the wind blade.

The wind blade flew near the ice crystal flower, and was affected by the cold, and the temperature dropped a lot.

But it doesn't matter to the wind.


Dozens of wind blades went down in a row, and the root of the ice crystal flower was messily disconnected. Without the root system to absorb the cold air, the cold air around it began to slowly decline.

To tell the truth, if fighting in the glaciers, the ice crystal flower can already be invincible by relying on countless hard ice, and it can attack and defend.

But it has been rooted here for so long, and it never thought that there would be a machine that can pull itself out of the glacier.

When the ice crystal flower left the glacier, it was actually doomed to lose.

Chen Wangping patiently waited for the cold air to dissipate for a while to ensure that he would not cause harm to himself. Then he put on rubber gloves and easily took off the other three ice crystal flower seeds.

As for the main body of the remaining ice crystal flower, there is no system light on it. He didn't know how to use it for a while, so he simply put it away and kept it for later.

The golden eagle flew near the root of the ice crystal flower, lowered his head and pecked a few times, and ate the root system like a popsicle. It looked very delicious~www.readwn.com~Chen Wangping smiled and walked to the pot , I was just about to put away the pot, but I saw five or six processed ice fish inside, and the golden eagle next to me didn't know when it flew over and watched eagerly.

He was a little hungry after tossing for so long, so he simply took out the grilling net and put the ice fish on it and grilled it.

In fact, the meat quality of ice fish is not so suitable for grilling. If it is not supported by a grill, the ice fish will be completely broken.

But there are so many things. I have harvested hundreds of them in the previous wave, and it doesn't matter if I bake some simple ones.

Sprinkle with cumin powder, chili powder, salt, still very fragrant.

After eating and drinking, Chen Wangping turned over and sat on the golden eagle, pointed to the front and said, "Go, target the core of ice fir."


The golden eagle flew up happily, it doesn't care what the core is, the ice bird heart was delicious before, but this time the heart has four characters, maybe it is even more delicious!

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