Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 320: Dry off giant glaciers

Latest website: After crossing the glacier, Chen Wangping saw that there was no vegetation on the other side, and the ground was covered with snowflakes.

He looked at the towering shadow in the distance and shook his head, "This giant cedar is really domineering, and none of the nearby vegetation can survive."

But that's fine, there are no trash fish to stop him.

Just when he was about to go straight to the subject, the golden eagle suddenly beeped in a low voice, indicating that it could feel some special iron ore in front of it, similar to the previous ice crystal iron ore, but not the same, it couldn't figure out the exact location. where.

Chen Wangping immediately became interested.

Any more ore?

I didn't expect that the golden eagle can make a cameo appearance as an all-weather mineral detector after it is stronger now.

He took out the mineral detector, opened it and glanced at it.

Light and shadow appeared, nothing.

Chen Wangping was in no hurry and continued to stare with the mineral detector.

The golden eagle flew in quickly, and the shape of the giant ice fir in the distance became clearer and clearer.

"Honey, it's so big."

In the field of vision, the giant ice cedar is forty or fifty meters high, and its circumference has reached an astonishing ten meters. It looks like a small mountain, and the branches of the ice that spread out spread out very widely, covering the sky and the sun.

Chen Wangping had a headache, how should this thing be cored? At a depth of ten meters, how long does it take to cut down?

Just as I was thinking about it, it started to rain.

This rain was still freezing rain, mixed with ice slag, and the temperature dropped again.

Chen Wangping supported the rain cover he had made before, and while blocking the rain, he let the golden eagle fly around the giant cedar to see if there were any weak points or breakthroughs.

The golden eagle came down in response, flew to the vicinity of the giant cedar, and circled and probed from a position of fifty meters.

Fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters.

The giant ice fir did not respond at all, as if it was dormant.

The golden eagle was about to continue flying inside. Chen Wangping suddenly felt that the nearby magnetic field seemed to fluctuate, and he immediately shouted: "Diaobao turn around, don't continue flying inside."

The golden eagle turned his head in response, but at this moment, countless branches mixed with ice and snow suddenly burst out from the canopy, like a poisonous snake, biting towards the golden eagle fiercely, and there were also countless transparent tree roots underneath. The bottom sprang out, and the strength was also extremely strong.

Giant Ice Fir

The golden eagle fluttered its wings and wanted to fly, but there were roots and branches all around, left and right, up and down, strangling from all directions, mixed with the power of ice and powerful force.

This trick is the forte of the giant ice fir. Over the years, it has used this trick to kill countless enemies who coveted its own treasures, and it has never been unfavorable.

This time, it feels it will be no exception.

What's the use of flying? It has swallowed hundreds of ice birds.

The two people who broke in this time have extremely strong energy, and they may be able to go further after swallowing them.

Countless tree roots and branches twisted together, trying to penetrate the bird and the human above.

at this time!

Jin Eagle and Chen Wangping suddenly disappeared, replaced by solid land battle tanks.

"bang bang bang"

The roots and branches of the trees smashed onto the land battle tank, and the surface of the land battle tank was immediately smashed into potholes, and even the track was broken.

It can be seen that if the giant ice fir has been strangled for a long time by this branch of the golden eagle and Chen Wangping, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Chen Wangping looked at the surrounding tree roots with lingering fears, and immediately turned on the flamethrower, and it burned towards the surroundings.

"Puff puff"

The burning oil was sprayed everywhere, and all the roots and branches were immediately ignited.

The viscous burning oil will not be quenched even by rain.


The burnt branches fell one by one, unable to hold the land battle tanks any longer.

The giant ice fir also thought about smashing Chen Wangping, and immediately retracted his branches, letting the marine tank smash toward the ground.

Chen Wangping stretched out his hand to put it away, turned around and crouched on the golden eagle, and without hesitation, fired a lightning energy rocket at the giant ice fir.


The lightning energy rockets landed on the giant ice cedar, and immediately turned into rolling thunder, and the electric giant ice cedar was charred black.

After landing, Chen Wangping called out the land tank again, and aimed at the giant ice fir with another standard shell.

Now that the war has started, there is no need to keep anything.

Just blow up.


The standard shells flew out, and with the help of the internal integrated circuit board, they accurately hit the weak spot hit by the rocket.


The cannonball exploded in an instant, and the huge energy was released on the huge branches of the cedar tree, which suddenly cracked, and countless debris flew out, and the scene behind was faintly visible.

It looks like it's going to be pierced!

At this moment, the giant cedar tree also reacted, and saw that the bark on its surface suddenly increased in folds, and it secreted a lot of transparent sap, all of which gathered to the wound.

Something magical happened.

The clear sap acts like glue, quickly binding the split sawdust and wood blocks as it flows through the wound, ensuring that the giant fir tree doesn't fall over.

After all, the huge crown of this giant cedar tree is all supported by the trunk. Once the trunk is dead, it will fall on its own without Chen Wangping pushing it.

After only a few seconds of repairing, the wound of the giant cedar was no longer disconnected, and the effect was very good.

Seeing this scene, Chen Wangping immediately became interested.

What is this good stuff? Can it work on humans?

He was worried that the giant ice fir would cost too much to heal himself, and it would not burst out much later, so he immediately called the golden eagle to speed up together.


The golden eagle flew over and cautiously chose to use the wind blade to launch it into the sticky sap.


The wind blade flew in quickly, easily blasting the wood chips bound by the sap, and at the same time breaking a lot of the network constructed by the sap.

At this time, Chen Wangping found that the reply of the giant ice fir also slowed down a lot.

The attack of the golden eagle has achieved its effect!

Chen Wangping wasn't ready to save on rockets anymore. Before he set off, the manufacturing station hurriedly built seven rockets and ejected them, and simply used the rest.

After aiming, he pressed the launch button hard.

The rockets flew out again!

The giant ice fir also knew the power of this thing now, and it immediately used branches to condense into a wooden shield to block it in front of it, trying to catch the rocket.

But after Chen Wangping's first shot was intercepted, he continued to fire the next shot without saying a word~www.readwn.com~ One shot after another.

The branches of the giant ice fir were scattered all over the floor.

Finally, when the last rocket was fired, the branches were all shattered, and the wooden shield was gone.

The rocket fell into the wound of the giant ice fir, completely defeated it, and exploded into two pieces from the middle of the trunk.


The canopy of the giant cedar wobbled and began to fall sideways.

Just when it was down to about fifteen degrees.

Suddenly, a red light emerged from its roots, and the air was divided into two parts, one supported the crown of the tree, and the other filled the wound.

"Red light? What is this?"

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