Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 321: Frozen Core is here!

Latest website: Just when Chen Wangping wondered what it was.

A stone appeared in the light, and the light surged on the stone, and there was a human voice:

"Hello friends, the ice fir here is planted by Tang Bing, the great elder of my fire source. If there is a conflict, I hope to keep the ice fir alive. Friends can bring the token under the tree to the fire source to make up for the loss. Give me Tang Bing a face, thank you."

Chen Wangping tried to talk and said, "Tang Bing? How much can you make up for my loss?"

"Hello friend……"

But at this time, the stone did not mean to answer, and still repeated the previous words.

Chen Wangping tried it a few times and found that the stone was like a tape recorder and had no dialogue function.

"I thought it was something good, just a phonograph."

He raised his hand and threw an electric arrow at the stone, knocking it to the ground, and then hurling the electric arrow toward the red light quickly, defeating it, without any intention of keeping his hand.

Tang Bing? Great elder?

What does the great elder of the good fire source run so far to raise a tree?

The reason is easy to speculate.

This Tang Bing must have discovered his idea after Tang Huo Niu came, and deliberately spent resources to feed the giant ice fir, so that Tang Huo Niu could never get the core of the ice fir that restored Tang Xi and health.

The most vicious thing about this method is that if he cuts off the giant ice cedar directly, Tang Huoniu will still be able to cut off his thoughts and take Tang Xihe to find another way.

But he deliberately went to feed the giant ice fir, and used this thing to fish the Tang Huo Niu, wasting time.

Looking at the abundant red light before, if Chen Wangping hadn't come over, the next time Tang Huoniu came over, the strength of this giant ice fir would have increased by how much.

Before they met, Chen Wangping had already felt the sinister intentions of the great elder in the land of fire.

After defeating the red light, there is no new energy to support the giant cedar.

The giant ice fir slowly fell with the shadow, and even the wind and snow avoided it.


Chen Wangping hurriedly jumped onto the tree trunk, glanced around where there was a system of light, and was ready to start at any time with an axe.

At this moment, thousands of miles away.

On the core island of the land of fire.

Tang Bing was practicing when suddenly, he opened his eyes and shook the bell next to him.

After a while, he instructed: "Send someone to the north to investigate the whereabouts of the waste, and then go to the Ice and Fire Swamp to investigate. Why did the ice fir tree fall?"


The subordinates were ordered to leave.

Tang Bing looked at the north and murmured: "Lingdian did it? No, Lingmie shouldn't dare to do anything after taking my things, wait for the result."

He retracted his thoughts and shook his head firmly, no one would want to block Huohu's initiation ceremony!

The owner of the land of fire can only be my son!


In the Ice and Fire Swamp, Chen Wangping had already seen a strong systemic light among the trunks of the giant ice fir.

That should be the goal.

He walked over and carefully cut off the trunk, peeling off the layers of wood layer by layer, for fear of any damage to the core of the ice fir.

After peeling for a few minutes, Chen Wangping finally peeled off the core of the ice fir.

The core of the ice fir is pure white, about one meter long, and it is cylindrical. The inside is a rough mesh like wood, and the outer layer is smooth like a layer of ice, which is very interesting.

【Core of Giant Ice Fir☆☆☆】

[Use: to enhance the energy of fire energy]

[Special effect-burning: After the core of ice fir is ignited, pure flame elements can be generated, and after absorption, the flame energy in the body can be increased]

[Special effect - advanced fire resistance: Giant cedar absorbs pure fire energy for a long time, and the fire resistance can be increased to 35% when absorbing]

[Remarks: Precious treasures nurtured in a hundred years]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

Finally got this thing.

After putting away the giant ice fir core, he was relieved, and continued to search for treasures with light up and down.

The giant ice fir is really too big, and under the energy condensation, there are quite a lot of treasures.

On the canopy of the tree, there are still dozens of ice fir leaves that Tang Huoniu had worked so hard to get.

After picking these, some of the ordinary leaves also radiated systematic light.

Chen Wangping looked closer and found that these tender leaves were the ice-soul tea he drank at Tang Huoniu earlier.

This is a good thing. I usually have a pot when I visualize it, and my thinking ability can also be improved.

After picking these, Chen Wangping returned to the wound where the giant ice fir had previously blown off, and peeled back along the location where the sap flowed out, and finally dug out a large lump of viscous sap with light in a tree trunk. .

He quickly took out a bottle and put it away, for fear that it would spoil if he kept it any longer.

After receiving, check the properties:

【Giant Sequoia Self-Healing Sap】

【Use: medical supplies】

[Special effect-adhesion: The self-healing sap of the giant sequoia can adhere to the wound, offset the bleeding effect, and quickly restore 20% of the lost health]

[Negative special effects-fragile: The temporary healing net constructed by the giant sequoia's self-healing sap is very fragile. Once the damage exceeds 50%, the bonding effect will fail]

【Remarks: Please do not move after smearing】

"Ha ha!"

Chen Wangping has always been worried that there is no good healing medicine, but he did not expect to get it here.

After collecting these, he was just about to divide the giant cedar into wood and pack it away, but when he turned his head, he found that a rich red light was emerging from the roots of the giant cedar.

This light is somewhat similar to the light that previously supported the giant cedar.

Chen Wangping put on a mining pick and dug hard at the root of the tree.

"bang bang bang"

After digging a few times, he could clearly feel that the temperature of the nearby soil was much higher.

This feeling is the same as the previous feeling on other grounds.

And the further down you go, the higher the temperature.

After digging to a depth of more than ten meters, he finally saw a large, blood-red rock among the layers of soil.

Before he got close, Chen Wangping could feel the blazing heat emitting from the stone. Even in such a cold location, it was still a little scorching hot.

He took out the rubber gloves and put them on again, and quickly reached over to pick up the stone.

After picking it up~www.readwn.com~ Chen Wangping saw that the front of the stone was blood red, but the back was already pale, and there were many tree roots wrapped around it.

It seems that the giant ice fir is absorbing energy from here.

After putting away the stone, the temperature in the vicinity dropped suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast, and even crystals appeared.

Chen Wangping returned to the ground and dug a hole elsewhere to feel it. The warm feeling that he had before was gone.

"This big rock has so much energy? It can make the whole ground of the Ice and Fire Swamp warm?"

He curiously opened the storage compartment and checked the properties of the big stone.

[Inner Ring Fire Stone ☆☆ (energy consumption is more than half)]

[Purpose: Release flame energy]

[Remarks: This is a pure energy stone from the inner circle of the fire source water, which is extremely suitable for fire-type abilities]

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