Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 325: Farmer advances

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Tang Xihe hasn't woken up yet.

Chen Wangping was already sweating from exhaustion.

He glanced at the manufacturing table and wondered when enough life crystals would be produced.

You have to hurry up and get some agricultural technology and get a combine harvester out.

Just as he was thinking about it, a prompt appeared in front of Chen Wangping:

【Congratulations on your successful harvest of 500 crops】

[You got the title: Second-level farmer]

[Title Rewards Passive Skill: Quick Life]

[Fast-growing: For the plants you grow, the required growth time is reduced by five days (it does not take effect for plants with a growth time of five days or less, and the process consumes double the nutrients)]

[At the same time, the number of life awakening skills has increased by two, and the remaining available number is 1/3]

[Title to be advanced: third-level farmer (0/1000)]

[Remarks: The output will always be the first]

"Fast life?"

Chen Wangping took out a mugwort seed that had just been harvested and planted it on the ground next to it.

Under normal circumstances, the maturation time of mugwort seeds is nine days.

At the moment of planting, a line of prompts appeared in front of him:

[Passive Skill: Quick Life has taken effect]

[The time required for mugwort seeds to grow is reduced to four days]

Chen Wangping: "!!!"

As soon as this seed fell, the young shoots were immediately pulled out, but at the same time, it was obvious that the soil had become compacted, and it seemed that the nutrients were being lost.

He hurriedly found out the fertilizer and filled it up, and added water.

"The mugwort seeds that can mature in four days, even if they go to the middle of the country, what will happen, if you find a place to nest, you won't be afraid."

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, and farming really made a difference.

Moreover, using mugwort seeds, he can continue to brush the farmer level.

A thousand trees of rice are not easy to grow, but a thousand trees of mugwort are too easy to grow.

Just thinking about it, Tang Xihe's light ball became more and more intense, turning from red light to white light, and then gradually disappearing.

The light dissipated, and a familiar figure fell out.

Tang Xihe snorted, "Don't look at it." She quickly waved her arms to transform into a long flame dress. At this time, her face was looking very good, and the fiery feeling of the fire element was also much stronger. The nearby fire elementals seem to be cheering.

After getting dressed, she excitedly ran to Chen Wangping, hugged him hard, her breathing became a little heavy, "Brother Ping, thank you, I have completely eliminated the riot in the fire element now, and I will never do it again. Nightmare is over, I don't have to sleep anymore, and I can live like a normal person!"

Chen Wangping smiled and handed some small ice berries, "Congratulations, try this, I picked it in the Icefire Swamp."

Tang Xihe took it and sipped it into his mouth, his eyes narrowed happily, "It's delicious, but it's not as delicious as what you planted, Brother Ping."

Having said that, she also remembered what happened before, and took the initiative to say: "Brother Ping, the previous light was the light that appeared when I was promoted to the fire element. I will try to see if I can reproduce it." After speaking, She aimed at the mugwort seedling she had just planted and raised her hand to condense the fire element in her body.

The fire element emerged instantly and turned into countless fire pythons.

That's right, it's a fire python.

After the promotion, Tang Xi and the original little fire snake turned into larger scales, thicker body length, and some raised fire pythons on their heads, which looked very oppressive.

The fire python circled and formed a circle, with a white light resembling the light of previous life condensed in the center.

But under this light, the mugwort sprouts didn't have any quick-growing reaction, but the surface had some burnt feeling.

Tang Xihe retracted his hand in distress and said helplessly: "Strange, I can't recover that feeling, I can't find that feeling anymore."

Chen Wangping patted Tang Xihe's head and comforted: "It doesn't matter, thanks to your light, the crops here are all mature and they have just been harvested, so you don't have to worry when you go to the middle, the light effect is very powerful, It is normal to be difficult to recover.”

Tang Xihe nodded and said seriously: "It turns out that this light has helped so much, so I will do more research. Even in the middle, there is a shortage of food, and planting talents can be eaten anywhere."

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "Then you are also a planting talent now, okay, do you want to go back to Niucheng and tell your uncle? Let's go to the Seventh Research Institute tomorrow to find out what's inside. , can make the people of Lingdian so fascinated."

Tang Xihe looked around, "I still have to go back. I didn't bring anything with me. I just went back and packed it up. I'll come back to you tomorrow morning."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Alright, see you tomorrow."

Tang Xihe came over and hugged Chen Wangping again, turned around and turned into a flash of fire, rushing towards Huo Niu City.

Chen Wangping squatted down and looked at the situation of the mugwort seeds, pondering the situation of the light of life, and shook his head helplessly.

Even the system says it's an unknown source, it seems that we can only wait for the next luck.

Before going to bed, he took a look at the secondary mechanical crystal manufacturing platform and found that more than 400 had been made, and one night would be enough for 500.

As far as Chen Wangping's current thinking is concerned, he thinks it is better to use these 500 pieces to continue to upgrade the weapon series.

Although there is some imbalance, some clues of other routes can be seen from the drawings of the weapon series.

Moreover, for the treasure-giving elders who are holding the Spirit Hall, the materials in the base to make the second-level mechanical crystals are very sufficient, and one hundred other series should be enough to return from the Seventh Research Institute.

After making up his mind, Chen Wangping was also tired, so he simply took a shower and fell asleep on the bed.

There is no moon tonight, in the dark night, I can't see my fingers

A faint green fluorescence glowed somewhere on the Blackstone Mine Slope.

After a while, a few beetles discovered the green fluorescent light, and were immediately attracted by the light. They pulled the gravel with pliers and sent it to their mouths, swallowing them in large mouthfuls.

The green fluorescence entered the beetle but did not disappear.

It seems that the stomach acid of the beetles cannot affect these green fluorescent substances~www.readwn.com~ After eating the gravel, the beetles continue to look for other food.

As they walked, the size of the beetles suddenly became larger, their tentacles and tail feet became larger one after another, and then they festered.

For a few hours, the beetles fell to the ground, festering all over.

After a while, a pale green fluorescent light radiated from their bodies.

After a while.

Another few beetles saw the dead beetle corpse, and in their eyes there was no concept of festering, as long as it was flesh and blood, it was food.

After eating, the pale green fluorescent substance was transferred again.

Over the night, there were many more pale green stars on the Blackstone Mine Slope, and they were still moving as the bugs moved around.

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