Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 326: Weapon upgrades! Depleted uranium shells!

Latest URL: next day.

When Chen Wangping woke up, he couldn't wait to open his eyes, reached out and pressed the radio next to him.

I went to the Ice and Fire Swamp yesterday and didn't have time to listen, and I forgot to order it after I came back at night.

I don't know what the weather is like today.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near Huo Niucheng will remain unchanged, it will be cloudy and the wind will be two to three.

【Tips for Wasteland】

People are always making progress, and the middle is a bigger stage.

【Indescribable reminder】

Be cautious in the face of danger.

【The sound of the wind】

"Elder, the task list has already been accepted. It is the Gold Assassin Team in the Land of Wind. Let's set off immediately."

"Well, let's go, I'll wait for your good news."

"Elder, forgive me for being too talkative, why don't you just kill Tang Huoniu and Tang Xihe? There is no future trouble. Now this kind of task requirement for Tang Xihe to be seriously injured and not die is much more expensive than killing him, and if Tang Huoniu is to be killed in the future. If she is cured again, it will not cost another sum of money."

"Xiao Luo, in three months, I will be able to preside over the initiation ceremony for Huohu after the spring. During this time, I must not stimulate the third elder. When the initiation ceremony is over, kill how you want to kill."

"Xiao Luo is stupid, let's do it now."

"Well, let's go."

After listening to the radio, Chen Wangping snorted coldly and shook his head.

Initiation ceremony?

The beginning of spring is really busy. It is also the main exit of the main hall of the Lingdian in the land of Leiyuan, and the son of the great elder in the land of fire is to be empowered.

One winter is enough to kill them all.

The initiation ceremony can only be done by Teacher Tang.

Just thinking about it, strands of pure white light appeared on the ground where the crops were previously planted, and they emerged into the air, condensing lines of reminders:

[Congratulations, your friendship with Tang Xihe has reached four hearts]

[Tang Xihe's favorability reward]

[The flame of friendship is upgraded to the flame of friendship (pronounced with the same flame)]

[The Flame of Friendship: The combustion efficiency of all equipment in the territory is increased by 50%; all animals and plants with fire attributes in the territory are increased by three stars; the lighting efficiency of plants except for special attributes in the territory is increased by 100%, and the quality of fruits and seeds produced in the territory is increased by two star]

[Remarks: Fire promotes life]

Seeing the prompt, Chen Wangping smiled knowingly.

Although Xihe can't reproduce the fast-growing light now, the effect of the current friendship is better in the long run, and the quality can be improved to two stars, and the future output will be high-quality products.

At this time, he heard some ground breaking sounds coming from behind him, and turned his head to look quickly.

At the moment when the prompt appeared, wisps of crimson flames suddenly appeared on the small iron wood that had been accumulated for a long time, and the momentum also suddenly increased.


The sound of drastic changes came from Xiao Tiemu.


As it grew, it signaled for fertilizer anxiously, and the nutrients in its body could not support it.

Chen Wangping quickly pulled the fertilizer over, sprinkled bag after bag of fertilizer into it, and also connected a water pipe to ensure that the fertilizer would not burn its roots.

A few minutes later.

The change of the small iron wood is over, and now it should be called the big iron wood.

Its stature has increased by about one-third compared with the previous one, and its branches and leaves are also growing rapidly. The temperature of its body is very high, and it is a natural heater that only needs watering when placed in the house.

Chen Wangping took a look at the attributes, and thanks to Teacher Tang's favorability reward, its star rating has been increased by one. With the addition of fertilizer and the nutrition of so many corpses, Xiao Tiemu has now broken through to the late fourth level, a distance of five level is only one step away.

If Tang Huoniu was told that a tree was about to catch up with him, he would definitely be flushed.


After the promotion, Xiao Tiemu was in a very good mood. He jumped up from the ground with a bang. He shook his body and even took the initiative to cut off the rest of the root system, leaving only the two thickest taproots. Later, he learned from Chen Wangping's It looked like he used two tap roots to prop up his body on the spot, and ran towards the outside with the canopy in hand.

Chen Wangping was startled by its action, and quickly shouted: "Don't run around like me, you're just a tree, so many roots, no more?"

If you really don't want it, it should be pretty good as firewood.

The roots of thunder fire iron wood must be very resistant to burning.

Little Tiemu shook the crown of the tree, and then ran back with the branches carrying the crown. Like wearing shoes, he inserted the original two main roots back into the roots of the tree, and then sucked hard, and the bark was immediately moistened a lot.

It is proving that it doesn't matter if it breaks away from the root for a short time.

Chen Wangping smiled, then let it play.

"Okay, it's fine if it doesn't affect you, then go out and see the power of your skills."

After a while, Chen Wangping led Xiao Tiemu back with a helpless expression.

This time, Xiao Tiemu did not comprehend any new skills other than the ability to run away from the roots and waving his long legs.

Fortunately, the power of the original skill has also improved a lot, such as the ability to attract lightning. Although it is cloudy now, the thunder and lightning caused by the small iron wood have not stopped at all, and they are attracted in an instant.

Moreover, the lightning that has been drawn down is extremely powerful, and it can explode a large pit with a diameter of nearly fifty meters when it is blasted on the ground, which is extremely terrifying.


Although Xiao Tiemu was a little tired, he was in a happy mood. After going back and sitting in his root system, he smugly shook the branches at the golden eagle.

The golden eagle said that he was too lazy to deal with this silly piece of wood.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Now this silly piece of wood can run around everywhere, just to give it some more work.

Thinking of this, the golden eagle hurriedly gave Xiao Tiemu a few encouraging glances to let him perform well.

the other side.

Chen Wangping walked to the manufacturing platform and checked it out. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the manufacturing efficiency of secondary mechanical crystals was too high. After one night, there were now more than 570 secondary mechanical crystals.

If you wait any longer, even other series can be upgraded once.

He took out 500 secondary mechanical crystals, called up the technology tree, and clicked on the weapon series to upgrade.

[Congratulations on successfully upgrading the advanced weapon technology]

[You have unlocked the blueprint of the weapon series [Depleted Uranium Shell], [Modular Armor] blueprint, and [Reconnaissance Drone Capsule] blueprint]

Looking at the sparkling blueprints on the technology tree, Chen Wangping was a little surprised.

Depleted uranium shells?

The advanced shells of the standard shells turned out to be depleted uranium shells?

But uranium ore should be used to build this thing~www.readwn.com~ Where can I go to find uranium ore?

The oil can still be found in the black oil ruins, but the natural uranium mine, he has been wandering outside for so long, and he really has no clue.

It seems that I have to ask my uncle and Xihe.

This is a depleted uranium bomb! The power must be much stronger than standard shells!

must be made.

Chen Wangping reached out and touched the blueprint of the depleted uranium shell to see how to create it:

【Depleted Uranium Shells】

【Use: Tank Shell】

【Material: 【Uranium-238】×1, 【Standard Shell】×1】

[Remarks: Depleted uranium shells are simple to build and powerful]

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