Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 328: Looking for the 7th Research Institute (Happy Chinese New Year~)

The latest website: "This thing can actually increase the number of storage compartments? Interesting."

Chen Wangping called out the storage compartment and took a look, and found that there were ten more, and now it was much more comfortable.

"If the number of slots is nine, the maximum number of plug-ins of the same type is three. Now that the other two module plug-ins can't be played, then put three energy module plug-ins in first."

After reading the remarks, Chen Wangping quickly took out the shield module and checked it. It looked square and had a small shield symbol on it, which was heavy to pick up.

【Shield Module】

[Currently available: Frost Shield]

[Durability: 5000/5000]

[Special effect - Freeze: The shield has a chance to freeze the enemy in the ice and snow environment]

[Remarks: The durability of the shield is the shield value, which can be replenished by charging]

"One is 5,000 points, and the three are 15,000 points. If the shield is calculated in the same way as my health, it is equivalent to two more lives."

Chen Wangping immediately took out the remaining two shield modules and installed them at the slots of the module armor on his body.

【Shield module loaded】×3.

After the prompt appeared, three long white shields appeared in Chen Wangping's field of vision.

He tried to get Xiao Tiemu to swipe at him.

But before the branch hit him, a white light appeared on the shield module, blocking the attack.

At the same time, the durability of the first shield module also dropped by more than 200.

After the result of the test, Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction.

With this thing, your own security guarantee is even higher.

During normal battles, if the shield module is not durable, you can directly charge it with electricity to restore the durability.

It is equivalent to exchanging blood with blue.


The most important thing is that he can build dozens of shield modules and put them in the storage compartment. Once they are exhausted, they can be replaced immediately.

Just when he was about to rest, Tang Xihe's figure floated up.

Compared to yesterday, her breath is much more stable now, and her realm has also stabilized.

After entering the formation, Tang Xihe said: "Brother Ping, what are you wearing? Armor? Could it be that you also made it?"

Chen Wangping smiled, took off the modular armor and handed it to Tang Xihe, "Try it on and see if it works."

Tang Xihe took the modular armor and put it on, buttoned it according to Chen Wangping's teaching method, and tried to input fire energy.

But before the energy was input, an alarm message appeared on the module armor.

Chen Wangping hurriedly walked over and injected lightning energy into it. At this time, the modular armor deformed to fit Tang Xihe's body.

"This thing seems to only recognize electricity, don't move, I'll try to see if you can trigger the module on it."

He gently poked at Tang Xihe's back.

The shield module suddenly appeared, and it could still be activated normally.

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, and walked to the manufacturing station to arrange a new process. He was going to give this modular armor to Tang Xihe and make another one himself.

Although her energy can't recharge the shield module, it's good to be able to resist 15,000 points of durability.

Tang Xihe didn't know that Chen Wangping could make another one. Seeing that he was going to send him, he quickly waved his hand and said, "Brother Ping, you should keep it for yourself. I have a flame shield, and the effect is very good."

Chen Wangping asked curiously: "How to build a flame shield? Teach me. As for this thing, I will build another one later. You can wear it."

Seeing what he said, Tang Xihe stopped insisting, took out a notebook, opened it, and started explaining how to build an elemental shield according to his previous records.

after an hour.

Chen Wangping raised his hands, and a blue-purple lightning shield condensed around his body, which looked very thick.

Tang Xihe praised: "Brother Ping, you are really a genius. It took me a full week to condense the shield. Even so, my grandfather praised me as a genius."

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "It's not that you taught me well." He walked to the side and put on the newly built modular armor, and called Jin Diao: "Then let's go and find the location of the Seventh Research Institute."

Tang Xihe nodded and said, "Uncle and I didn't go if I wanted to stabilize the realm. He told me how to find the location. As long as the three keys are put together, it will guide us to the Seventh Research Institute. s position."

Chen Wangping nodded, Tang Huoniu wanted to create time for the two of them to get along with each other, and it could be regarded as a preview of going to the central part in advance.

He took out two animal claw keys and placed them side by side with Tang Xi and the animal claw keys he brought.

The three keys were attracted to each other and floated into the air, and they began to circle each other, turning faster and faster.

After turning for a few minutes, the three keys merged into one, turning into a big key like a three-petal flower logo, and an arrow emerged from the middle, pointing to the north.

Chen Wangping was worried that this thing had been wandering outside for too long, and if there was not much energy stored in it, it would not be enough to find it later, so as soon as he saw the arrow, he called the golden eagle and rushed out with the two of them.

Little Tiemu waved his branches, and he actually wanted to go out with Brother Ping instead of staying at home.

But it also knew that its body was too heavy, and the golden eagle would definitely not be able to carry it.

It thought that it would be nice if it could have a belt to move its own vehicle, or make it lighter.

In the air, the golden eagle was very fast and kept flying towards the north.

Then, the position was continuously adjusted according to the light on the key.

Ten minutes later, as Chen Wangping thought, the energy on the key was gradually exhausted, and the light of the arrow began to gradually dim.

Tang Xihe held the map in his hand and said quickly: "The location in front is the northernmost part of the Heishi Mine Slope. There are poor mines around here. No one comes to mine or rent."

Chen Wangping nodded, "It's normal to say that, no wonder the news of the Seventh Research Institute didn't come out at all."

But the more they flew there~www.readwn.com~ The two gradually realized that something was wrong.

Since it is cloudy today, the visibility outside is very low.

But also because there is no fog to block, any little light will spread far and far.

Right now, when they were sitting on the golden eagle, they could see a lot of pale green fluorescent light shining from the bottom little by little.

Chen Wangping asked the golden eagle to lower the position, and after a closer look, he found that the fluorescent light was emerging from the corpses of some bugs.

Tang Xihe said in surprise: "Brother Ping, look at these insects, their bodies are festering, and even their bones are festering. Could they be poisoned?"

Chen Wangping frowned, looking at these green fluorescent lights, he suddenly thought of uranium mines.

"Wait, could it be that the picture you saw in the drone earlier was that the bug that swallowed the uranium mine was radiating and infecting other bugs?"


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