Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 329: mining uranium

Latest website: Before Chen Wangping finished his analysis, an almost identical scene was staged in front of the two of them.

A few bugs that seemed to have just woken up from dormancy went up to nibble after feeling the body of their companions without saying a word.

A few minutes later, the bodies of these worms also began to fester, and in a short period of time, they became the same as the worm just now.

It seems that the other bugs in the vicinity already know the power of light green fluorescence, and they all start to avoid it at this time.

Tang Xihe frowned and said, "Is it some kind of radiation material? The impact is so great that I have never heard of it in the city before."

Chen Wangping said: "I saw a similar scene near the No. 7 mine before. It may be radiation from special minerals."

Just as he was talking, the golden eagle flew forward for a few kilometers. At this time, the arrow on the key flashed and finally turned to point downward.

The two immediately turned around and rushed down.

Tang Xihe raised his hand to condense countless fire pythons, and volleyed towards the ground.

When the fire python landed, it turned into a ring of fire, and all the bugs and debris on the ground were retreated to the side, clearing an area.

After landing, the key automatically emerged from Chen Wangping's palm, spun in the air, and then rushed towards an inconspicuous stone on the ground.

The key was submerged in the stone, and the stone suddenly changed.

The ground also moved frame by frame.

Chen Wangping thought for a while, raised his hand and spilled a wall of machine guns to protect the surrounding area of ​​20 meters, so as to prevent humans or other Zerg from coming to see it.

It's always good to block the view and the situation.

Five minutes later, the ground stopped moving, and a ground entrance appeared in front of the two.

Tang Xihe cautiously said: "We can't go in first, this kind of research institute that has been closed for a long time usually has some harmful gases in it, and it must be released first, and I am worried that the harmful gases in it may be flammable and explosive. At the moment, we can't use ignition to test whether there is oxygen in it."

Chen Wangping nodded, he thought so too, so he just put it aside.

But just a few seconds later, a rustling sound came from the tunnel entrance.

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar, and immediately jumped onto the golden eagle with Tang Xihe in his arms, and immediately let the golden eagle take off in place.

As soon as the golden eagle flew up here, a large number of large spiders with green light appeared in the tunnel over there. They were all seven or eight meters long and wide, huge in size, and very flexible in movement.

Seeing the golden eagles fly, they worked together to pout their abdomens towards the golden eagle, and suddenly shot out a large cobweb with green light.


Tang Xihe threw back a few large fire pythons with his backhand, and volleyed the spider web into flames, making a squeaking sound.

After burning off the cobwebs, the remaining light green materials lost their carriers and floated in the air, drifting toward the outside in the direction of the wind.

Chen Wangping pointed at the light green materials and said: "Those light green materials should have run out like this. The small mouth person couldn't pass through, but the spider silk can. It seems that the pollution inside may be more serious than we thought."

Tang Xihe nodded, "Then kill these spiders first, try to control the pollution, I'll go back to my uncle to find out, it's strange, if the seventh research institute is full of this kind of pollution, then the people in Lingdian Why are you desperately trying to open the Seventh Research Institute?"

Chen Wangping said: "The Lingdian wants to create chaos the most, maybe the more chaos it is for them, the better." He nodded, raised his hand and condensed an electric arrow to bombard it.

Speaking of which, the two of them are both elements that can denature proteins, and they are very suitable for cleaning up these radiation-contaminated creatures.

These spiders have grown in size due to radiation, but the elemental resistance seems to be the same as before, and they will die after a few moments.

When the twentieth spider was killed, Chen Wangping suddenly saw a pale green system light emitting from the spider's abdomen. Pulled over by himself.

Although Tang Xihe didn't know what he wanted to do, in her heart, Brother Ping had to support everything he did. At this time, he raised his hand to condense more fire pythons to cover it.

A few seconds later, Chen Wangping split open the spider's belly, and found that the glowing piece of ore was a piece of ore. He put on gloves cautiously, and the moment he picked it up, he put it in the storage compartment to check its properties.

【Uranium Ore】

[Use: Refine uranium 235 and uranium 238]

[Remarks: This is an ordinary piece of uranium ore, which can be extracted into uranium after being put into a centrifuge]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping was a little surprised.

What a uranium mine! ! !

This thing may be poisonous to other people, and it is a flood beast to avoid.

But for itself, that means nuclear reactors, depleted uranium shells, and nuclear fuel.

At this time, he also had some doubts in his heart, "Could it be that the people in the spiritual hall have also mastered the method of using uranium? They have dug out so many ruins, and it is possible that there are nuclear weapons related machinery."

Regardless of the spiritual hall, since it is now in my hands, I have to work hard to hollow it out.

Judging from Tang Xihe's reaction, such rich uranium mines must be rare on the mainland.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Chen Wangping became more and more interested, and cooperated with Tang Xihe to keep clearing the spiders here.

after an hour.

The tunnel entrance was finally quiet, and the corpses of uranium mine spiders of various sizes were piled up nearby.

Right now, Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe are wearing elemental shields, looking for uranium ore inside.

Tang Xihe said, "Brother Ping, how do you deal with so many polluted corpses? Burn them down? I'm worried that the pollutants inside are flying around."

Chen Wangping also had the same concern. Just as he was thinking about it, the moment he lowered his head to pick up the uranium ore, he vaguely saw some fluorescence emerging from the side of the tunnel entrance.

Could this tunnel be made of uranium ore?

Is it possible to dig it up with a mining machine as well?

Chen Wangping tried to take out an electric mining machine, gave it electricity, and clicked to start mining at the entrance of the tunnel~www.readwn.com~ The head of the electric mining machine shook and stopped beside the tunnel entrance. stand still.

At this point, a line of prompts emerged from the power mining machine:

[The current mining ore is uranium ore, and each mining requires one sulfuric acid, please provide]

Seeing the prompt, Chen Wangping became happy instead, and immediately took out the sulfuric acid and put it into it, and clicked to start again.

This time, the electric mining machine shook and started digging directly.

Not only that, Chen Wangping also tried to throw the body of the radiation spider near the sulfuric acid sprayed by the drill, and recovered it together by using its mining process.

Facts have proved that this is effective, and the electric mining machine is not rejected, and the efficiency is very high.

Dig it up!


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