Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 339: 1 stroke after 1 stroke! Kill the assassin!

Latest website: At this time, the five assassins who hid their figures in the wind were slowly moving towards the inner city in a triangle shape. They skillfully used the wind to hide their figures. The people around them could only feel a gust of wind blowing, and they couldn't. It feels like there are also four level assassins at these lowest levels.

The leading fifth-level assassin is named Feng Thorn, and the code name of his subordinates is very simple, one, two, three, four.

The simpler it is, the easier it is to communicate.

"Feng Er, become a one-character array."

"No problem, boss, this Tang Huo Niu has even constructed a small formation, and he is well prepared. Would you like to observe it?"

"No, sneak into the formation with me, and then I will destroy the formation when I make a move. You can seize the moment when they are stunned and take the target."


After setting up the formation, the wind thorn brought everyone into a gust of wind and rushed into the formation at high speed.

"Bro——Wait, what is an ice formation?"

Feng Thorn's hand that was about to tear the scroll stopped, he didn't understand.

How is this going?

How could Tang Huo Niu construct an ice formation?

On the contrary, Feng Yi reacted and laughed loudly: "I see, these people didn't even notice us, Tang Huoniu made a formation by himself to exercise his resistance to ice and snow, and he was still preparing to enter the ice and snow. The swamp."

Feng Er also reasoned: "Will there be someone else who went to the Icefire Swamp to **** the cedar tree? In fact, the target's strength has not improved?"

The wind thorn interrupted: "I don't want to do so much. In short, the ice formation will weaken Tang Huoniu and Tang Xihe. We seize the opportunity and shoot immediately!"


The five gusts of wind quickly approached the center of the ice formation. Although their own speed has also slowed down a lot, they are confident, five against two, and everyone is weakened, so it doesn't matter if they are slow.

After arriving at the center, they immediately found Tang Huoniu and Tang Xihe who were in the cultivation state.

Feng Zi sneered, he didn't expect this task to be so easy, he showed his figure and rushed towards Tang Huoniu.

"Tang Huo Niu, die!"

Tang Huo Niu's acting skills also came out at this time. He showed a panicked expression and hurriedly gathered a few Huo Niu, but the size of these Huo Niu was much smaller than usual and could only be called Huo Niu Calves.

When Feng saw this, he laughed, and became more convinced of his thoughts, and quickly grabbed towards Tang Xihe, who was also panicked.

Feng Ersansi also stepped forward one after another, blocking Tang Xihe's retreat from four directions.

Murder is imminent!

Just when Feng Yi, 2, 3, 4 rushed towards Tang Xihe.

Countless branches sprang up from the ground next to them, quickly entangling Feng Yi, Twenty, San Si's legs, and at the same time, the leaves on the branches prevented the formation of the wind.


The golden eagle also rushed out from the branches of the small iron wood, flapping its wings and grabbing the wind element around the four.

Combining punches, the four of them were still not used to it, and their bodies were revealed from the gust of wind, their faces full of shock.

Where are these two fourth-level alien beasts?

At this moment, Chen Wangping, like an assassin who had been training for a long time, once again took advantage of the cover of the small iron wood branch, he sprang out from the side, his body was like electricity, and he punched Feng Si on the head, with hundreds of lightning bolts accumulated in his hand for a long time. The armor bullet exploded instantly, directly shattering Feng Si's body and destroying it on the spot.

He stretched out his hand and easily took away the space device, hid under the branches of the small ironwood again and gasped, regaining his strength.

"Damn it!!!!"

Feng Thorn, who was fighting with Tang Huo Niu, saw this scene and was heartbroken. Although Feng Si's strength was the worst, it was also the fourth level, not Chinese cabbage. It took countless resources to cultivate!

"This kid is Chen Wangping."

"Separate two people and kill him!"

"The rest are hidden!"

After the three orders, Feng Yi, 2, and 3 also reacted. They used their skills one after another to forcibly hide in the wind and flee towards the distance.

This is the way the assassins play, if one hit fails, they immediately escape.

But Chen Wangping was already prepared, and immediately worked with Tang Xihe to activate the Little Ice Bull formation.

The internal temperature of the formation, which had already reached minus ten degrees, dropped again, and it reached minus thirty degrees in an instant! And the wind inside the formation has also slowed down a lot.

At this temperature, several assassins coming from the middle were all affected, and their movements were stiff.

The wind stab was the best, but it was also greatly affected. He looked at a few people, only to find that they were more flexible than himself, and then he understood that he was fooled!

"Damn, you gang of fire elements actually used ice element formation to suppress me!"

Tang Huoniu proudly condensed the little fire bulls and rushed towards the wind spur, and laughed loudly: "What kind of formation do you care about me, it is a good formation that can suppress you! Dare to assassinate me, give me death!"

Feng Thorn immediately backed away, took out the scroll with a smirk, and said coldly: "Death? It's up to you? Don't think I can't see it! This formation is still a fire bull formation, it's just reversed. I didn't expect you to be able to study this. Plant something, break it for me!"

Accompanied by the sound, he pulled away the scroll forcefully.

Countless dazzling firelights flew out from the scrolls, instantly hitting the nodes of the Little Ice Bull formation, instantly paralyzing them.


The formation shattered, the ice crystals and the fog on the edge shattered simultaneously, and a crisp sound came out one after another.


"I can't think of it! It's just breaking the formation."

"Avenge the fourth!"

With Feng Yi, 2, 3's laughter, the temperature in the formation quickly rose.

Moreover, the air movement caused by the temperature difference also makes the wind stronger.

Everyone in the Gold Assassin team could feel more relaxed and gradually returned to their familiar strength.

Feng Thorn showed his figure provocatively, pointed at Tang Xihe and said, "With me here, you will die today!"

Chen Wangping smiled slightly, "You are dreaming! Come over first and talk about it."

with his words.

Tang Huoniu, who had rubbed countless small fire calves before, was stunned and couldn't close his mouth. He sincerely admired Chen Wangping's idea of ​​​​this formation is really wonderful.

Around everyone, the fire elements extracted by the Little Ice Bull formation were locked nearby by the larger Fire Bull formation.

Now that the Gold Assassins have broken the Little Ice Bull formation, the temperature has indeed risen.

But the fire element is back too!

The more intense fire element pounced on the little fire calf, and instantly created countless stronger giant fire bulls.



The countless giant fire bulls in the field were burning with fierce flames~www.readwn.com~ without hesitation, they aimed at the position of the gold-medal assassins and launched a charge.

"Tap Tap"

The blazing wind created by the Fire Bull's charge instantly smashed the gust of wind created by the Gold Medal Assassins, knocking them out abruptly.

Chen Wangping smiled slightly and waved at the outside, indicating that he could launch.

"Whoosh whoosh"

Dozens of rockets flew in unison, and instantly landed on top of the gold medal assassins.


Blast out a blood flower!


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