Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 340: fruitful

The latest website: "Damn! Tang Bing harmed me! How the **** could this be a remote town!"

The wind thorn threw off the wind in his hand and half of his body, without hesitation, urged all the wind energy in the body, and ran away towards the distance.

At this time, the wind on his body was like substance, and the speed was extremely fast, like a meteor, rushing towards the distance quickly.

Tang Huoniu shouted anxiously: "No, Feng Thorn actually realized the profound meaning of the wind element, and being able to use this move means that he is very close to the sixth level. Now he is running all out, we can't catch up."

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar, the rockets and the damage from the collision of the fire bull, Feng Yi, 2, and 3 were already dead and could no longer die.

Even the wind thorn was injured and in poor condition, so he chose to escape.

He quickly asked: "What is the disadvantage of this trick? How long does it last? It won't run for hundreds of kilometers all the way, right?"

Tang Huoniu immediately explained: "The disadvantage is that he can't turn. Now he can only sprint in a straight line at a speed comparable to level 6. Once he turns, his body can't bear it at first. The sprint time is at least ten minutes, and he can run for hundreds of kilometers. It's also possible."

The moment Chen Wangping heard that he couldn't turn, he raised his hand to take out the tank, grabbed the cannonball sight, aimed at the wind thorn that had run out of the range of Huo Niu City, and pressed the launch button without hesitation.


The standard cannonball of the frost version instantly flew out from the muzzle, turning into a light spot faster than the wind stab and chasing it.

"This, can this catch up?"

It was the first time Tang Huoniu saw the shells fired by the tank, and he looked up suspiciously.

Tang Xihe said with confidence: "The initial speed of the shell is much faster than that of the wind thorn, and the wind thorn has only run out for a few seconds, and it will definitely catch up."

As soon as the voice fell, the standard shell caught up with the wind thorn.

The wind thorn felt the strong wind behind him, and when he looked back, his heart suddenly became cold.

What the **** is this!

How can you follow me?

But he didn't even have time to think about whether he was going to turn against the possibility of his body collapsing, and the depleted uranium shell had already smashed heavily on his back.

The huge force of the standard cannonball directly smashed the spine of the wind stabbing, and the accompanying freezing effect also took effect simultaneously, instantly freezing his limbs.

At this time, the wind element in Feng Thorn's body was still pushing him desperately.

Freezing and thrust interacted, instantly tearing Wind Thorn's limbs to pieces.


The cannonball exploded, and countless fragments hit Feng Thorn, causing him to bleed all over.

"I hate it!! Tang Bing! Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Feng Thorn didn't hate Chen Wangping. As an assassin, he had the possibility of failure when he set off, but he hated Tang Bing. The information error was too large, which was against the rules!

Chen Wangping and his party are so strong, even if they get the central part, they can occupy a central city!

How can you hide so much!

He desperately activated the assassin's order on his body, passed a special symbol back, and then died unwillingly.

At this time, in the Fengyuan Building in Fengyuan Land, the shopkeeper was drinking tea slowly.


Hearing the voice behind, the tea in the shopkeeper's hand suddenly fell to the ground. He quickly opened the dark compartment, took out the machine, and read the news from above.

The more he looked, the more angry the expression on his face became.

"Come on! Go ask Tang Bing for compensation, and pay me for the training resources of five fifth-level assassins! Otherwise, kill them five fifth-level assassins!"


"Playing with me to save money, I want you to spit it all out!"

In Fire Bull City.

Chen Wangping jumped out of the tank and nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, it's over."

Tang Huoniu was still in disbelief. He looked around the tank and was very interested in the shells.

Chen Wangping ignored him, calling Tang Xihe and staring at people to clean up the spoils and corpses on the ground. He first went to Fengthorn to plunder some spoils.

A fifth-level assassin should have a lot of good things.

Outside the city, the flesh and blood of the wind thorn has attracted a lot of bugs.

Chen Wangping threw out an electric arrow to kill the bug, looked around, quickly picked up the space device of the wind thorn, and then turned back to the inner city.

Tang Xihe handed over three space devices and said, "Brother Ping, they are all here. Fortunately, our fighting intensity is not strong, and these space devices are not damaged."

Chen Wangping took over and asked while searching: "Will it be damaged? I didn't even blow up the space device with my shells."

Tang Huoniu came over and said: "That's because the force didn't hit the space device. In the past, the people in the Golden Origin Land took sharp shots. If they attacked the space device too many times, they might destroy the space device. People said it."

Chen Wangping wondered, "Why?"

Tang Huoniu said: "Because the old nest in the Golden Origin Land encountered a ground crack 30 years ago, all the core members died, and now the battle will generally not hit the space device."

Chen Wangping shook his head, took out the contents of the Fengyi, 2, 3, 4, 4-person space device and placed it on the ground.

Aside from the daily clutter and food, there are only the four people's usual weapons and a pile of gold and silver coins.

Tang Huo pulled the steak and said in surprise: "More than two hundred gold coins? These people are so rich? The income of being an assassin is really high."

Seeing that the two were confused, Tang Huoniu picked up a beautiful golden coin and explained: "This gold coin is not the same as the gold coin from my Huo Niu City. The so-called gold, silver and copper coins I have here have little credibility when taken out. It is synthesized with special minerals, but the gold coins in the middle are really made of gold, and the silver coins are also made of bright silver. They can also be used in the south. Some special abilities will also use this gold and silver coins to refine and cast spells. materials, it's real hard currency."

Tang Xihe asked curiously, "What can I buy with these two hundred gold coins?"

Tang Huoniu said with a smile: "You can't buy many good things~www.readwn.com~ It's like the fourth-level daggers they use. If you can buy five or six, if you replace the land, you should be able to buy a remote one in the middle. If you live in the village, it should be enough for the two of you to live comfortably in the prosperous land in the middle of the country for half a year."

Chen Wangping nodded, pulled out the space device of the wind thorn, and took out the contents.

Compared with the four poor ghosts, the wind thorns are luxurious. There are three or four daggers for replacement, as well as leather armor, boots and a series of equipment, and there are as many as five hundred gold coins.

In addition to these, there are a lot of debris in his space device, all kinds of tokens are everywhere, but there is no system light on it, obviously everything is ordinary.

Tang Huoniu came over and identified, "This is the assassin's communication token, it is related to his life, and he will be useless when he dies, these are the lord's orders, which are used to buy land, oh, more than ten, this kid is quite capable Save, it is estimated that many of them are rewards, and the rest of the tokens are membership cards of major stores in the central region, and they are useless. This is the way these assassins are, and they will not gain anything if they kill them."

Hearing the lord's order, Chen Wangping became interested, picked them up and checked them one by one.

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