Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 344: Arrive at Fangshan Town

Latest URL: five days later.

The dusty golden eagle carrying the two slowly stopped in front of the old town entrance and slowly descended.

The buildings in this town are much more dilapidated than those in Huoniu Town. Many canopies are made of metal plates and plastic sheets that were picked up. The town is not large, with only about 200 households. , There is a lot of smoke from cooking, but not many lights are turned on, there are few pedestrians on the road, and the shops that do business on the road close their doors early.

Tang Xihe jumped down and raised his hand to condense two faint flames, one flung to Chen Wangping and the other to himself, and walked around to get rid of the moisture.

In the past five days, although the temperature has been higher near the middle, it has also caused more rain. When I came here, I just passed through a sea of ​​fog.

Chen Wangping looked up and looked around, and found that the topography of Fangshan Town was the same as on the map. It was a town located halfway up the mountainside, surrounded by mountains, which was a good thing. The more mountains, the more minerals.

Before landing, he also saw a small river passing through the town, and there should be no problem with the water source.

He pulled Tang Xihe and said, "Let's go, go into the village and have a look, find a place to stay, and look for the location of the base tomorrow after dawn, and see how this lord order is used."

Tang Xihe nodded and said with a smile, "It would be nice if I could take a shower. There is so much dust in the middle. After taking a shower, we can also wash our clothes."

Chen Wangping smiled, thinking about going back and building a small washing machine with a motor in the base, which would be more convenient to live.

The two walked towards the town, concealing their breath while walking, but also released two third-level breaths.

After all, it was dark, and I was out of town again.

As soon as they reached the entrance of the town, two black boys ran over with their hands raised. When they got close, they were a little timid. They looked at each other and shouted forcefully, "Hello, sir, do you need accommodation? Yes. Do you want to eat? You only need one silver coin to eat and stay for three nights, if you have meat!"

Chen Wangping could feel that these two children were both first-level and middle-level strengths. He secretly felt that the cultivation atmosphere in the central part was much better than that of Huo Niu City. Even the children who appeared in a town began to wake up. That adult The strength is definitely not bad.

Just be quieter.

He took out a silver coin with his backhand and handed it over: "Just one night, I'll ask you something else by the way."

Seeing the silver coin, the eyes of the two children lit up. The child on the left immediately took the silver coin and replied in a continuous voice, "No problem, no problem. You can ask me anything, sir, but I will tell you everything that Fang Baibai knows."

The child on the right hurriedly covered Fang Baibai's mouth and scolded in a low voice, "What Fang Baibai, how many times have I said to call myself Xiao Fang? If the adults feel offended by you, don't even think about living." After that, he turned to The head said: "Sir, you can just ask me. My name is Fang Chengcheng. I know everything in the town."

Chen Wangping frowned, it seems that the atmosphere in this town is not very good, even a child is so cautious.

He said, "Let's lead the way first. Let me ask you, do you have a mayor in your town? What do you usually rely on for your income?"

Fang Baibai knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he stopped talking and led the way with his head down. Fang Chengcheng explained enthusiastically: "Sir, our town is currently vacant, and I heard from the supervisor of Leiyuan Land that it is because of our town. It is too poor, no one wants to come and waste time, and you are right, there are not many strong people in the town, we used to go to Fangshan to dig coal mines and sell them to Thunder Dragon City businessmen, which is just enough to make ends meet.”

Tang Xihe heard the meaning of Fang Chengcheng's words and asked, "It used to be? Then why don't you go mining now? The coal has been dug out?"

She knew that Chen Wangping was interested in the mine, so she asked directly.

Fang Chengcheng poked Fang Baibai, "It's up to you, my lord, I'm allergic to dust, and I rarely go to mines, so I don't know much about the situation there."

Fang Baibai was obviously unable to hold back his words. When he saw the opportunity, his face flushed, and he quickly said, "No, no, we have several mines for coal mining, and the ones we can't dig in ten years' time are Fang Baibai. Grandpa said that Malu inside didn't know what was going on, and he became very powerful. Let's stop digging in winter and stay home."

Fang Chengcheng suddenly realized: "No wonder Uncle Li and the others sneaked out two days ago, but they came back with a lame leg. They must have gone mining."

"Yeah, the Malu inside has become very powerful now. Grandpa Fang said that they have at least level three strength. Fortunately, they don't leave the mine, otherwise the town will be over."

Chen Wangping nodded, there are coal mines, which is good news.

As for level three Malu? Go over there when you have time to see what's going on.

He knew that bugs like Malu were also called millipedes in some places. They were similar to centipedes, but they were thicker and more powerful than centipedes.

There must be a reason for things to happen, and Malu might be a treasure when he becomes stronger.

After saying this, the group has also arrived at Fang Chengcheng's home.

It can be seen that Fang Chengcheng's house is made of piled stones, and the top is a whole piece of slate, which obviously has a good shielding effect and is much stronger than those plastic boards that emit peculiar smell.

He walked to the room next to him, turned on the light, and said awkwardly: "Sir, the conditions here are relatively simple, but these mattresses and quilts are clean. I specially basked in the sun on sunny days. You can rest assured and rest a little. I'm going to get hot food."

Chen Wangping looked around. The two beds were covered with animal skins and two pieces of gray linen. The quilt was very thick. I didn't know what was inside, but it looked really clean.

Tang Xihe also nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

After a while, Fang Chengcheng came over with a large pot of vegetables, covered with steamed buns made of multigrain noodles, he said enthusiastically: "This is stewed snake meat with potatoes and potatoes, the taste is okay, we often eat it here, you can try it. Can't get used to eating."

Chen Wangping was quite interested. He picked up a piece of steamed bun, chewed it first, it was very rough, similar to the hard cakes eaten in the outer city of Huo Niu City, and then picked up a piece of snake meat and tasted it.

This snake meat is unexpectedly delicious. The meat is very tender. It tastes a bit like chicken, but it is more chewy and has a strong taste. The potato is not so delicious. It has an earthy taste and a lot of fiber. .

He dipped the steamed buns in the soup, and it tasted different.

Tang Xihe was also very happy to eat~www.readwn.com~ In order to pursue speed on the road during this time, both of them simply ate on the back of the golden eagle, and they were in a hurry.

When the two were eating, Fang Baibai swallowed silently beside him. Fang Chengcheng was better than him, but he couldn't walk.

Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe had a lot of food, and they quickly ate the whole pot, and there was nothing left.

When Fang Chengcheng saw that the two had finished eating, he immediately sat up from the ground and came over to clean up the tableware. After walking a few steps, his stomach growled.

Chen Wangping smiled. He also guessed that it would be the case. He took out two large grilled fish weighing three or four kilograms and handed them to the two of them: "Take it and eat it, we have a rest, see you tomorrow morning."

The two were shocked when they saw such a big fish.

Fang Baibai hurriedly hugged the big fish and nodded his thanks, extremely happy.

Fang Chengcheng kicked him and hurriedly said, "Sir, rest, we promise to keep vigil for you quietly, see you tomorrow."

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