Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 345: red radiation

The latest website: After a while, Chen Wangping glanced at the radar and found that the two really didn't have any crooked thoughts, and honestly watched the night outside eating grilled fish.

Tang Xihe said in a low voice, "On the way over earlier, I saw a tax reminder sticker on the shop next to me. The tax here is five cents, neither too heavy nor light. If you follow what the kid said Yes, if they only dig coal to make a living, they will have a hard time this winter."

Chen Wangping frowned, "Five cents tax? Before there was no lord, who was the money given to? The full amount was given to the manager of Leiyuan Land?"

Tang Xihe also followed the analysis: "If this is the case, then after we take over, the tax cannot be changed for the time being. Once it changes, conflicts will arise, which violates our principle of keeping a low profile."

Chen Wangping nodded, "The tax money is definitely not collected on a daily basis. Tomorrow, I will talk to Grandpa Fang, whom the two children talked about. It seems that this small town of Fangshan is not easy."

Tang Xihe got up and walked behind Chen Wangping, stretched out his hand to help him lightly press his temple, and said, "The population density in the central part is high, and if there are more people, there will be rivers and lakes, and things will also increase. If you go to those prosperous places, you will lead the trouble. There are people who may have the same strength as us.”

Chen Wangping nodded, "Let's rest first, we will start building the base tomorrow."

He took out a rubber mattress and a comfortable quilt with his backhand, and laid them on the bed one by one.

It was said to be a break, but both of them closed their eyes and meditated in tacit understanding, grabbing every minute and second to improve their cultivation.

The individual strength of the fourth level is not enough in the middle.

Still have to develop the strength inside the base.

Depleted uranium bombs are placed in a row, no matter what the minefield manager is.

the next day.

Chen Wangping opened his eyes and patted the radio.

When he was on the road a few days ago, the news on the radio was nothing special, and the sound brought by the wind was just some animal language.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near Fangshan Town will drop, with light snow and wind force three to four.

【Tips for Wasteland】

In unfamiliar places, remember to use the detection tools in your hand to detect.

【Indescribable reminder】

Not feeling it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

【The sound of the wind】

"Pullu purr (I'm getting bigger too!

"Talatara (I really want to eat red stones, it's delicious.

"Pulu purr (can't beat those guys, can't eat.

The weather forecast here is changing very quickly, and the broadcast is already the weather forecast of Fangshan Town.

As for wasteland tips and indescribable tips.

Chen Wangping kept it in mind and kept thinking about it.

The sound from the wind seemed to belong to Malu.

"It's getting bigger too? Red stone?"

Chen Wangping felt a little familiar.

Shouldn't there be radiation here too?

Through the entry of radiation, he compared the information of tips and hints in the wasteland, and it was easy to fit in.

It may be so.

He walked quickly to the yard, raised his hand to take out the war elephant, and switched his mental power to the war elephant's field of vision.

As soon as the vision swept away, it was immediately found that something was wrong.

The slates in the room were covered with a thin pale green color. Judging from this color, the radiation was very weak, and the damage should not be much.

But the war elephant turned his head to look outside, and immediately found that the buildings in the whole town were covered with thin pale green, and some of them had the light red radiation seen for the first time, even the clothes of pedestrians. Contaminated with a small amount of radiation.

Fallout Town?

The war elephant shook his head and raised his nose to absorb all the radiation nearby.

Seeing this, the golden eagle immediately knew what was going on, and hurriedly flew over and swayed under the elephant's trunk.

Then he beeped and beeped that two steel plates were coming.

Chen Wangping took out the steel plate and fed it to it, and said with a smile: "If we don't mine today, even you and I can't afford it."

The reason why he was able to arrive in Fangshan Town in just five days was the uninterrupted feeding of steel plates.

"Big, my lord, breakfast is here."

Fang Chengcheng and Fang Baibai walked in with their plates and were a little scared when they saw the huge war elephant.

Tang Xihe took the plate and said, "Just give it to me. Who was Grandpa Fang you said yesterday? Take us to meet him later."

Fang Chengcheng nodded and said, "Grandpa Fang is the oldest grandfather in our town and knows the most. He also likes to meet people from outside the country. I'll take you there later."

Chen Wangping glanced at the radiation on the two of them, and said, "Come over, don't move."

Fang Chengcheng and Fang Baibai looked at each other and walked to the war elephant with some fear.

"bald bald"

The war elephant's trunk swept over, sucking the radiation from the two of them.

Fang Chengcheng came back to his senses, reached out and touched his body, and said with some surprise: "Sir, you, did you **** up something for me? I feel a lot more comfortable."

Fang Baibai wondered, "Why don't I feel it?"

Fang Chengcheng knocked on the head of Baibai below and said, "Because I am a perception type! I can feel bad things leave me, thank you sir."

Chen Wangping waved his hand, turned his hand to put away the war elephant, and sat next to Tang Xihe and had breakfast.

The breakfast here is also the bun from last night. The difference is that this bun is eaten with some kind of animal milk. The taste is much better, and the hot animal milk is very fragrant.

After eating and drinking, Fang Chengcheng excitedly led the two towards the edge of the town, and soon arrived near a stilted building.

In the stilted building, an old man with white hair was boiling water to make tea. Seeing that Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe were not surprised when they came over, he smiled gently and pointed to the two chairs that had been put away long ago. : "The small place is simple, the two of you can just sit and sit, and the tea will be ready soon."

Fang Baibai was surprised: "Grandpa, how did you know we were going to bring someone here?"

Grandpa Fang waved his hand and said, "Chengcheng, take him to play."


After the two children left, Grandpa Fang poured tea for them and said with a smile, "I don't know, which of the two took the lord's order of Fangshan Town? The old Ark South, I have seen the lord of Fangshan Town."

Chen Wangping didn't hide it. He turned his hand and took out the lord's order from Fangshan Town and said, "You are welcome, Mr. Fang. Your fourth-level strength is not bad. Why did you stay here as an old tea maker?"

Fang Zhounan was a little surprised, but then he realized that the two people in front of them were hiding their strength. They seemed to be third-level, but they were actually two fourth-level.

With such strength, it is enough to be a small city owner in the remote wilderness. How can you take a fancy to the humble Fangshan Town?

He sighed secretly, cupped his hands and smiled: "The town owner is joking. Tea making is also a part of cultivation, and I hope the town owner can clarify his doubts, why did you come to Fangshan Town?"

Chen Wangping was picking up the tea cup at this time, and said with a smile: "The town owner sounds too awkward, just call me Xiao Wang, I will try this tea first."

Fangzhounan quickly changed his name and said, "Mayor Wang just taste it."

Chen Wangping took a sip and found that the tanning method of this tea is similar to green tea.

He said straight to the point: "Fang Lao don't have to worry~www.readwn.com~ I came here to be the mayor for a very simple purpose, just to be quiet and nourish my heart. I also have a few questions for Fang Lao to clear up, Fang Shan How much tax does the town charge now? To whom?"

Fangzhounan immediately replied: "Because the mayor has been vacant for a long time, Leiyuan Land has temporarily arranged me as the tax collector. At present, Fangshan Town's tax is the minimum standard required by Leiyuan Land, five percent tax."

Tang Xihe said in surprise: "Five cents tax? Is it only the minimum standard? How is your field harvest?"

Fang Zhounan said with a wry smile: "It's said to be a five-cent tax. In fact, no one from a small town like us will come to investigate. I only need to pay 15 gold coins every year to complete this year's tax. You have also seen the situation in the town, and when it is not enough, I will take my family as the top."

Chen Wangping smiled and nodded, this situation is not bad, this Fangzhounan is a person who voluntarily stayed here to shelter Fangshan Town.

Otherwise, if you sell coal mines, you may not earn fifteen gold coins a year.

"Taxes are not a problem, tell me what's going on in the mine."

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