Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 350: Familiar anomalies of the underground river!

The latest website: Holding the three gems, Chen Wangping looked at them and didn't know how to use them for a while.

blue light? You can't hang it in the mine as a lamp ball, right?


hang up?

He suddenly thought of the news he had read before, and the blue light supplement seemed to be helpful for crops to produce seeds.

Basically, the fill lights used by plants are red light and blue light, and the two cooperate with each other to increase the yield.

Now that I got it, I just went back and tried it out.

Put away the electric mining machine, pull the teleportation pole and the telegraph pole, and the two of them sculpted back to the ground.

Tang Xihe pointed to the town and said, "I went to the town to inquire. There is only one staple food grown here, sweet potato, which is somewhat similar to sweet potato, but the taste is far worse than that of sweet potato, and the culture is not suitable. Go to Thunder Dragon City and look for it."

Chen Wangping nodded, "Let's go to Thunder Dragon City tomorrow to find out what's going on."

After he finished speaking, he walked to the manufacturing table, first made three shelves according to the size of three blue gems, and installed the blue gems one by one.

Walking to the planting area, Chen Wangping controlled the variables according to the principle of setting a control group, selected a total of 60 plots of land in three areas, put the blue light in it, arranged a maintenance robot to block the blue gem regularly, and observed In the final product results, the optimal amount of blue light will be screened according to the range and irradiation angle.

As for the charging of the blue sapphire, he decided to wait for the blue sapphire to not light up before trying it. To put it bluntly, the blue sapphire is also a semiconductor. If you keep trying to control the current and voltage, it will definitely light up.

After finishing this, Tang Xihe also rested.

The two struck while the iron was hot, then entered the mine, and dug a few more tunnels leading to the other copper mines and iron mines.

Five hours later, there were four more mine tunnels in the mine, and the roar of the electric mining machines could be heard endlessly.

Chen Wangping took out the stool, called Tang Xihe to sit down, and took out the jerky to replenish his strength. The golden eagle next to him was also too tired. He lay on the titanium plate and nibbled at it. It's a bit laborious to get up, and it's more gentle to eat, and when eating, the bones in the golden eagle will make some abnormal noises, which is the characteristic of its bones absorbing titanium, which improves the resistance and strength.

While eating, Chen Wangping turned his head sideways, he seemed to have heard the sound of water just now.

Could it be an underground river?

He took out the mineral detector and glanced at it, and found that there was indeed a fractured mineral layer at the rear left.

"There may be an underground river over there, let's go and see?"

Tang Xihe got up and said, "Underground River? Then Little Tiemu can be revived."

When the golden eagle heard this, he pouted and fanned his wings, "Beep!"

Chen Wangping ignored it, marked a spot, and Tang Xihe quickly began to peel off the rock formations.

fifteen minutes later.

As soon as the rock layer was peeled off, the sound of rushing water came out, and it was heard from the sound that the amount of water was still quite large.

Looking through the rock formations, the location of the underground river here is similar to that of the previous No. 7 base. There is a small rocky beach next to it. The water flow is very fast.

Tang Xihe said happily: "The amount of water is quite large, and it must be enough to attract it now."

But Chen Wangping was not in a hurry. He took out the war elephant, switched his field of vision, and immediately found that the river was contaminated with a small amount of radiation. From this, the river should have flowed from the coal mine.

Just as he was about to tell Tang Xihe about this, he suddenly saw a series of four-level red dots appearing on the radar, quickly approaching the two of them at a very fast speed.

"Something is coming, the golden eagle controls the field."

As soon as the voice fell, dozens of huge black mole crickets rushed out along the water. Each individual was five meters long. The fierce insects had serrations on their limbs.

Chen Wangping threw two deceleration capsules at first, controlled their speed, and then threw the electric arrow that condensed 3,000 points of lightning energy.

Unexpectedly, after the electric arrow with 3,000 points of energy hit, the black mole cricket glowed with oil, and then twitched all over. go.

It wasn't even affected by paralysis.

Tang Xihe's fire python was also ineffective. Those fire pythons just rushed up and prepared to burn these black mole crickets with high temperature.

In the next second, these black mole crickets condensed black droplets of insect liquid, which lowered the body surface temperature, and also lost some health, but they were completely unaffected by the scalding.

Tang Xihe quickly analyzed: "The direction of this thing's mutation after radiation is all survival, and the skin's element resistance is very high, which just restrains our elemental ability."

Chen Wangping wanted to take out the tank, but the place inside was not big enough to fire the cannon. With a thought, he turned his hand and took out the iron wooden stick that had not been used. He waved it a few times in the air, and drew it towards the black mole cricket.

This time, it slammed on the black mole cricket, and the force went straight down, smashing its epidermis.

The electric light blasted all the way along the iron wooden stick, turning it over instantly.

Chen Wangping seized the opportunity and stabbed the black mole cricket at the joint with a stick, and with the high voltage, he pressed it to death instantly.

Even though he was very fast, the black mole cricket was dead and not stiff, still waving its sharp sawtooth and poking at Chen Wangping's vital point.


At a critical moment, the shield module of the modular armor is triggered to block the attack.

Seeing the death of its companion, the black mole cricket was not only not afraid, but became even more mad, waving its sawtooth to attack.

Chen Wangping patted the module armor again, activated the discharge defense module, and instantly bounced the black mole crickets aside, shouting: "Taobao, use the wind blade to break their skin, hope, and be careful to fight back."

Tang Xihe was also inspired. She attached the flame to the wind blade of the golden eagle, and used the wind blade to cut through the defense of the black mole cricket's epidermis. counterattack.

To be honest~www.readwn.com~ These black mole crickets are very powerful in combat, their attack speed is comparable to that of a fourth-level ability user, and their defense even reaches the level of a fifth-level ability user. .

In exchange for two ordinary fourth-level ability users, now they can only run away with their heads in their hands.

Soon, the two of them found the trick, and it took about ten minutes to successfully kill this batch of more than 20 black mole crickets.

They were about to take a break to count their loot.

But at this time, Chen Wangping glanced at the radar, and saw more than 20 black mole crickets rushing towards the gap in the rock wall, also a fourth-level light spot.

"Why? It's not right."

Before he could count the spoils, he stretched out his hand to **** away the corpse, dragged Tang Xihe back into the rock formation, used the previously stripped ore to plug the gap again, and glued it together with the previously boiled shellac, while shouting for the golden eagle. The fan blows to solidify the shellac, keeping the bugs at bay.

What's the matter with this bug? Why is it so familiar?

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