Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 351: Intermediate element resistance! Lightning strike plan!

Remember [New] for a second,! "Boom boom"

The black mole cricket rushed over, and after finding that there were no intruders, it tentatively rammed the rock formation a few times.

Tang Xihe said with lingering fears: "Strange, Brother Ping, even if the content of elements in the middle is higher, there will not be so many fourth-level alien beasts emerging from a town. Where do they get the promotion energy? Even if radiation causes mutation, There has to be so much energy."

Chen Wangping said: "Energy is easy to explain. There are few people underground, so many bugs must have accumulated over the years. After the mutation, these mole crickets can accumulate energy into their bodies just by preying on their own kind. What I am more curious about is that these radiations Is it just the uranium ore naturally emitted? Could there be other sources of radiation? Besides, the fourth-level bugs have such a strong desire to attack, and there is no news from Fang Lao."

"Maybe there is a controlling force similar to the spirit hall behind this bug."

The water in the middle seems to be much deeper than the vicinity of Huo Niu City.

He was a little bored, and when he came to Fangshan Town, he wanted to grow fields comfortably, raise animals, go fishing, and spend a few days leisurely with Xihe.

How come this strange thing happened again.

With a sigh, Chen Wangping took out more than a dozen radars, arranged several entrances to the mine tunnel, and monitored the movement of insects anytime, anywhere.

The underground river will not be opened for the time being. I will ask Fang Lao where there is a water source tomorrow, and restore the small iron wood first, so that even if you go out to do errands, you can rest assured that there is a small iron wood and a guard robot at home.

Tang Xihe saw his troubles and put his arm around him and said softly: "Brother Ping, this is how this broken era is. When we become stronger, we won't encounter this kind of thing."

Chen Wangping smiled and put his arms around Tang Xihe's shoulders and said, "I hope so, let's go, let's go home and see what good things are on these black bugs."

Back on the ground, it was already dark at this time. Looking through the formation, there were only a few lights in the town outside, and most of them were pitch-dark.

Chen Wangping walked out of the formation, took out the corpse of the mole cricket and placed it on the ground for sorting.

Looking closely, only the tough armor of the epidermis on the mole cricket has system light, and the rest of it does not.

He called the maintenance robot and carefully peeled off the skin of the mole cricket. The remaining parts were first absorbed by the war elephant and then thrown into the fertilizer machine to make fertilizer.

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The peeled mole cricket has a dark skin and feels very resilient, and the traces left by the previous battle are now much lighter, and it seems to be repairing itself.

【Level 4 Mutant Mole Cricket Skin】

【Use: forging material】

[Special effect-intermediate element resistance: The mutated mole cricket skin can resist 60% of the elemental attack damage in contact, ignoring elemental special effects (up to level five abilities)]

[Special effect - primary self-healing: mutant mole cricket skin can consume nutrients to repair minor injuries by itself in the case of contact with insect meat]

[Note: The carefully selected special effects are naturally powerful]

After reading the attributes, Chen Wangping pulled a few seriously injured pieces and threw them into the worm meat, ready to see the repair effect tomorrow.

To be honest, this elemental resistance effect is too powerful, resisting three-fifths of elemental damage.

If this number is combined, the same number of ability users are almost difficult to resist.

Looking at the notes, he felt more and more that there were secrets in the underground river.

As far as the current situation is concerned, we can only continue to develop and observe the situation.

Chen Wangping still didn't want to give up Fangshan Town if he could win.

As for the cricket skin, he plans to go to the coal mine next time, kill some Malu, and use these two kinds of worm skins and worm shells to create some armor together, there must be surprises.

Back in the room, the two continued to practice in a tacit understanding. Although the various potions they had obtained before had been exhausted, the current practice progress was a bit slow, but water dripped through the stone, and more practice sessions were needed.

Of course, Chen Wangping also remembered this in his heart. When he went to Thunder Dragon City, he inquired about cultivation resources and bought some to try.

four hours later.

Under the ground in the north of Thunder Dragon City.

Two hunched men in red cloaks hurried in, handed over to the man on the high seat and reported: "My lord, the mine suppression plan is halfway through, everything is going well, and it is expected to be fully completed in spring."

"Well, you've done a good job. I'll check it out in a few days. If it's true, I'll apply for a divine blood infusion for you."

Hearing this, the two fell to their knees excitedly and said, "Thank you sir."

"Go, don't let the children starve."


At this moment, hundreds of meters below the mine, more than 50 giant black mole crickets and more than 30 giant malu lie quietly on the ground, gnawing at piles of flesh and blood.

In the darkness behind them, there are countless bugs squeezing each other, devouring more flesh and blood.

On the high rock next to the bug, four or five men in black cloaks looked at each other in horror, and counted the number of giant black mole crickets in front of them. They found that they still didn't match, and they discussed worriedly:

"It's over, it's over, there are 22 fewer elite squads, not enough for one unit."

"How is that possible? It's obviously just going to the underground river to divert water."

"I didn't hear any movement, the body was not found, and it disappeared for no reason."

"Will it be swallowed up by other elites? This has happened before."

When I said this~www.readwn.com~ a man in a red cloak fell from a height. Hearing these conversations, his expression changed immediately. He jumped down and slapped the man in the black cloak heavily.

"It's just a bunch of trash! The elite team is very important, and you can't get 22 if you feed a few of you!"

The men in black cloaks all knelt down and begged for mercy: "Sir, spare your life, we don't know what happened."

At this time, another man in a red cloak came over from the high stone and said in a cold voice: "Brother Qianzu, the news has been reported to the adults, and it is your responsibility to make trouble. There can only be one conclusion. Elite The squad is evolving towards leading the squad, swallowing each other up a bit, and the answer must be the same."

Qianzu turned his head and said irritably: "Poison Hook, it's easy for you to say, then what to do with the 22 gaps? Feed this bunch of waste first, and see how many elites can come out. The adults will come to see in two days. Now, if the gap can’t be filled, the divine blood will be gone.”

Hearing this, the man in the black cloak kneeling on the ground shivered in fear, looking at the hundreds of tattered black cloaks scattered on the ground from the corner of his eye.

The poisonous hook sneered, pointed to the top and said: "However it was catalyzed before, this time it will be catalyzed, just keep your hands and feet clean."

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