Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 352: Destruction of the town! The black hand emerges!

the next day.

Before Chen Wangping had finished his cultivation, he heard the golden eagle beep beepingly reminding him that he was coming.

"Anyone here?"

He got up and walked to the door of the base.

Fang Lao is not a fool, and he would not come over early in the morning if he told him not to disturb him.

Something must have happened.

Chen Wangping came out of the formation and saw Fangzhounan's face was very anxious, holding a communicator in his hand.

As soon as Chen Wangping came out, Fang Zhounan hurriedly ran over and said, "Mayor, something has happened. A group of giant malu rushed out in the middle of the night from Yuanshan Town next door, attacking and eating people. I heard from the refugees who came over that there were 500 families in the town. There are only twenty households left.”

Chen Wangping frowned and said, "Giant Malu? Is there any situation in our coal mine?"

Fangzhounan replied: "Not yet. I have been watching the coal mine, and there is no change. I asked the refugees. The giant horse land in their place has attacked people before, but when they came, there was no mayor in their town. There is only a third-level NVC guard sent by the land of thunder, and secondly, the number of attacks on people is very small, and the townspeople have not dealt with it, no one expected that so many giant Malu appeared last night."

Chen Wangping asked, "Have you ever asked me, what is the size of the giant Malu? How many are there?"

Fang Zhounan took out a piece of paper and handed it over: "I asked several waves of people, and the answers were different. Some said there were hundreds of them at the third level, some said there were hundreds of them at the second level, and ten at the third level. A few, I don't dare to go over there, I can't be sure."

Tang Xihe came over and suggested: "First, divide an area for the refugees to resettle them, so as to avoid riots. Brother Ping, let's go to the coal mine to see the situation."

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "Old Fang, you go and control all the refugees. If you encounter a thorn, you should kill it. The good people should also control it first. Just in case, give me this communicator. If you have any questions, please contact me. I."

Fang Zhounan handed over a communicator, nodded and said, "No problem, those refugees are not very powerful, and the highest is only in the early stage of the second level. I heard from them that the high-strength ones fought with Nishi in Yuanshan Town from the very beginning. But he was killed in an instant without even having a chance to escape, then the mayor, you are busy first, and I will deal with those things."

Before coming here, Fang Zhounan was actually very scared. Although his strength was a little higher than that of the Nyx in Leiyuan Land, he was not that high.

In other words, if that person can't stop it, he certainly can't stop it.

However, after communicating with Chen Wangping, he felt a lot more at ease. Judging from the mayor's attitude, he did not feel that these giant horses were troublesome, which proved that the mayor's strength was definitely deeper than he imagined. .

In this way, he felt a lot more at ease, and he felt at ease to do things. He secretly sighed in his heart that Fangshan Town was really smoked from the ancestral grave, and he could meet such a strong mayor.

On the other side, Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe left the base and rushed to the coal mine with the golden eagle.

When passing through the town, he could see many refugees with blood stains on their bodies eating, all of them in shock, with no wounds on their bodies.

Fortunately, the temperature has picked up today, and even if they are isolated in the open air, there is no need to worry about frostbite and freezing to death for the time being.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Chen Wangping sighed and turned on the radio to listen.

【Weather forecast】

Tomorrow, the temperature near Fangshan Town will drop, with moderate snow and wind force three to four.

【Tips for Wasteland】

Building power can not only rely on old subordinates, fresh blood is equally important.

【Indescribable reminder】

People can eat worms, and worms can eat people.

【The sound of the wind】

"How about the replenishment of the elite team?"

"Reporting to the lord, Yuanshan Town has no resistance. It is expected that the elite team can recover to one unit, and the soldier team can break through to thirty units, and the children are full."

"Well, remember to clean up the traces,"

"Don't worry, my lord, I have already questioned Huokou to make sure that Yuanshan Town has no developing or video recording machines, and those who escaped are also ordinary townspeople."

"Well, don't make anything more, just wait for the news."



Listening to the last sound of the radio, Tang Xihe exclaimed, "Here, are these horses specially raised by someone?"

Chen Wangping nodded solemnly, "It seems that these giant malu dispatches are related to those black mole crickets that we killed yesterday. They seem to want to ensure the number of elite teams, and they don't hesitate to start a war overnight, killing people for the insects to eat."

Tang Xihe said: "We killed more than 20 black mole crickets, so a unit is at least a hundred fourth-level insects, and the soldier squad is a little worse, maybe a third-level insect, thirty units is three thousand. This, this strength is too strong, if the Spirit Palace had such strength, Huo Niu City would not be able to hold it.”

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "So, the forces behind this are far stronger than Lingdian, and at the same time more hidden, you see, Fang Lao still doesn't know anything until now, they care about the hiddenness, we need to do this. Make good use of it."

Tang Xihe analyzed: "They are worried about developing or video recording machines, because they are worried about the leakage of the incident here, but why would the twenty or so refugees escape? It stands to reason that the more soldiers, the better~www.readwn.com~evening Wouldn't it be better to push Fang Shanzhen sideways in one breath?"

Chen Wangping looked up at the location of Yuanshan Town, shook his head and said, "I think, because their protective umbrella is not strong enough, they can only cover up the population loss of one town. If there is an accident in Fangshan Town, then It is impossible to hide it, and it violates the principle of concealment. Second, it is possible that because they feel that these strengths are enough to complete the plan, there is no need for further twists and turns."

Tang Xihe sighed and said, "Then what do we do next? Do we still have to deal with the coal mine?"

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Of course we're going, and we should kill and rush. Now the more they are afraid of loud noises, the safer we will be. I still want to make something from Malu Shell."

Having said this, the two arrived at the entrance of the coal mine.

As soon as they landed, Fang Baibai and Fang Chengcheng led seven or eight people with second-level strengths to come and salute: "I have seen the mayor, these are the guards of Fangshan Town, the captain is going to resettle the refugees, here we arrange us stare."

After the introduction, the guards hurriedly said:

"Hello, Mayor."

"Mayor, do you want to seal the entrance of this hole?"

"Mayor, are you going in? It's very dangerous here."

Chen Wangping smiled and raised his hand to take out the barbecue and said, "Thanks for your hard work, everyone, go and rest, and leave it to us first."

Holding the fragrant barbecue, the guards couldn't help swallowing, and took the barbecue to show that it was not hard, and they would still be guarding outside.

Chen Wangping waved his hand and walked into the coal mine with the golden eagle and Tang Xihe. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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