Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 353: Level 3 Alien Hunter! Violence tamed!

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

The coal mine was dark, but fortunately, because of the mining, the mine tunnel was very wide.

Tang Xihe raised his hand and raised countless small fire pythons in the aisle, igniting the fire all the way.

When they were about 50 meters underground, the light flashed, and more than a dozen large horses were reflected. They had bright carapaces, and countless slender feet squirmed. They quickly rushed towards Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe.

Seeing the dazed appearance of this thing, Chen Wangping knew that it must have been cultivated.

If they are so stunned in nature, they will be killed by natural enemies before they grow up to this size.

He threw out both hands at the same time, inspiring an electric arrow containing 3,000 points of energy to attack.

The speed of the electric arrow was extremely fast, and the moment it landed on Malu, it turned into a lightning bolt and wrapped Malu, causing his body to twitch.

Tang Xihe's fire python was also very effective, and when he hit Malu, a large wound was burned in an instant.

At this time, many large Malu raised their bodies one after another and released a green poisonous mist visible to the naked eye towards the two of them.

Tang Xihe snorted coldly, and controlled the fire python to rush towards the green poisonous fog, directly igniting the green poisonous fog halfway.

The golden eagle flapped its wings and quickly threw the burning green poisonous mist back onto the large Malu.

"Don't burn the casing."

Chen Wangping took out the iron and wooden sticks, rushed over one by one, and quickly eliminated all these large Malu.

After killing these Malu, the long-lost health value increase in red light appeared:

[Max HP + 100]

"Increased by one hundred in one breath, so it should be counted as the life energy of yesterday's fourth-level mole cricket."

Putting away the iron and wooden stick, Chen Wangping took out the knife and aimed it at Malu's radiant shell and cut it.

It is worth mentioning that the fresh Malu is not only the outer shell, but also part of the meat inside with the system light.

Among them, the attributes of Malu carapace are similar to those seen in Fangzhou Nan, and the attributes of Malu meat are quite interesting:

【Maru meat☆☆】

【Use: Feed】

[Special effect - not picky eaters: after eating the feed made of horse land meat, livestock can eat any kind of feed within one day and the digestion ability is greatly improved (this feed cannot be eaten continuously)]

[Remarks: Malu has a very mixed diet and grows very fast]

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction: "This feed is interesting. If you start large-scale farming later, you can use this kind of horselu meat feed to feed every other day, and the growth rate will definitely be very fast."

Picking up the harvest, there was a rustling sound in the distance.

Chen Wangping glanced at the radar, which showed that the size of the red dots of these newly arrived Malu was extremely close to level 4, and maybe they would be able to advance after surviving for a while.

However, like yesterday, I didn't see a single level 4 intermediate or above.

In this way, it was really an accident that the fourth-level mole crickets were killed in the underground river yesterday. Usually, the controller behind them would not allow these fourth-level powerful insects to appear at all.

This is also good, the killing is small, and the number is easy to pile up.

Chen Wangping and Tang Xihe quickly started the coal mine sweep.

two hours later.

Just as Chen Wangping put away a piece of Malu Meat, a long-lost reminder appeared in front of him:

[Congratulations on successfully killing 2,000 alien beasts]

[You got the title: Level 3 Alien Hunter]

[Title Reward 1: Radar Effect Improvement]

[Radar enhancement effect 1: The detection range is increased to a radius of 150 meters]

[Radar improvement effect 2: directional detection improvement (consumes mental power to perform directional detection in a certain direction, the detection distance is one kilometer)]

[Title Reward 2: Violent Domestication]

[Violent domestication effect: domestication is carried out by attacking, and the target is converted into animals and plants that can be raised (2/2 of the domestication quota, which can be restored after the death of domesticated creatures)]

[Title to be advanced: Level 4 Alien Hunter (0/5000)]

[Note: Hunters are good at taming prey! 】

Looking at the line-by-line prompts, Chen Wangping shook his sore wrist and smiled happily.

Finally got promoted.

Although the promotion process is difficult, the reward is also very surprising.

The radar detection range has jumped to 150 meters, so that even a level 4 or 5 speed ability user can be caught in advance, and the safety is greatly improved.

The directional detection skill has been increased to one thousand meters, and even standing outside Thunder Dragon City can detect the strength inside.

As for the opportunity of violent domestication, the maneuverability is even higher.

Chen Wangping looked at Malu running over from a distance, and was about to try it. He picked up a stick and smashed it at Malu, thinking about violence and domestication in his heart.

[The violent domestication process is starting]

[Tame progress 1%...]

[The domestication failed, the target is dead]

Chen Wangping: "..."

He didn't pay attention, the attack was too heavy, and he directly killed Malu.

After all, it is not a necromancer, so it cannot be domesticated against a corpse.

Having learned this lesson, Chen Wangping specially selected the largest large Malu, and attacked with much less force.

[The domestication progress is 5%...]

[The domestication progress is 55%...]

[The domestication progress is 95%...]

It seems that the domestication will be successful~www.readwn.com~ But this large horse is also about to lose its breath.

Chen Wangping quickly took out the barbecue and poured the diluted fire source water into the mouth of this large Malu.

Tang Xihe didn't understand, and said doubtfully: "Brother Ping, are you trying to tame him? But these kinds of bugs are generally mind-controlled, what are you?"

She clearly didn't feel the fluctuation of mental power just now.

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I'll beat it up a few times before I beat it."

Tang Xihe nodded thoughtfully, squatted beside him and watched.

After eating the barbecue and drinking the fire source water, the large Malu also recovered some vitality, and continued to bite at Chen Wangping with his teeth and claws. He was very satisfied with it.

That's right, I'm still worried about you running away.

The domestication progress continued to improve and finally reached its peak.

[100% domestication progress]

[Congratulations on your successful domestication, you have built a spiritual connection, and you can control it freely]

[Current Domesticated Creatures: Level 3 Peak Large Malu]

Chen Wangping followed the prompt and found that there was another green dot on his radar, and at the same time there was a miniature of a large Malu beside him.

He tried to click on the miniature, and immediately felt that his spiritual power was connected to the large Malu. Unlike the war elephant, he could not obtain the vision of the large Malu, and could only give it instructions such as eating, fighting, moving, following, and Not so flexible.

But that's enough.

Chen Wangping immediately ordered the third-level peak large Malu to eat the nearby flesh and blood.

"Screw rustling."

Soon, it gnawed at the flesh and blood of the horses that had been picked up earlier, and its breath quickly increased.

After half an hour, a line of prompts popped up:

【Your domesticated creature has advanced】

[Current Domesticated Creatures: Giant Malu King at the Early Stage of Level 4]

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