Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 354: The power of cash-for-work

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

The giant Malu King at this time is bigger than the one that Fangzhou Nan encountered before.

And because it takes in enough nutrients, its flesh is black and shiny.

Coupled with the command of Chen Wangping during the operation, he can be a leader.

Tang Xihe looked at the giant Malu King's movements and said in surprise, "Brother Ping, you, you tame it now? This is too powerful."

Chen Wangping smiled slightly and wrote casually: "This is actually very simple. The creature sends instructions to the body part by relying on bioelectricity. I control the bioelectricity in its body, and naturally I can control its actions."

Tang Xihe gave a thumbs up and said, "No way, Brother Ping, what you said is simple, even if you go to the land of Leiyuan to find someone, no one can do it. By the way, what should I do with this giant malu? Let's take it back to continue farming. Breed? Or what?"

Chen Wangping smiled and waved towards the depths of the mine: "It's no use to take it back and stay here. With it, it will take the blame for so many Malu we killed."

As long as it is alive, it can understand the movements of the enemy.

Tang Xihe also thought of this level and nodded in admiration.

Chen Wangping continued: "It's 300 meters underground now, and the distance is already very deep. We will block the access to the bottom here, arrange radar, and just dig coal mines on the upper layer."

Tang Xihe nodded and called the golden eagle to start to block the mine skillfully.

two hours later.

On one side of the mine, Chen Wangping left enough tunnels for the residents of Fangshan Town to mine. At the same time, he also arranged a power mining line that uses batteries to supply electricity. For the power supply, he placed grenades next to the batteries. , The lead wire has been specially designed, which can ensure the trigger when the idlers are close to the battery, thereby detonating the battery and destroying the industrial traces.

The same is true near the electric mining machine. If the product is produced, it will be sent to the entrance of the cave with a conveyor belt. After a wave of gatherings, someone will be arranged to come and take it away. By the way, the battery can be replaced.

Watching the electric mining machine digging coal, he was very satisfied, and of course he hated the people who made trouble underground.

Wouldn't it be good for me to mine quietly and develop?

After leaving the mine, Chen Wangping saw that the guards were already sticking to their posts, driving the surrounding townspeople who had approached inadvertently, and walked over with a smile: "I drove out some of the Malu inside, and placed some machinery. You can observe for a while. , if there is no abnormal movement, tell me again, and then the townspeople can mine."

Fang Chengcheng said happily: "Thank you, Lord Mayor. Great, now I can mine again. Mayor Mayor, is there anything I can help you with?"

Fang Baibai hurriedly pulled Fang Chengcheng towards the back, and reprimanded in a low voice, "If the mayor needs your help, just stay and don't talk."

Chen Wangping smiled, looked at the samples of the two of them, raised his hand and took out a silver coin and handed it over: "Don't say it, I really want to ask you to help me find out if there are any fire-type animals or plants, Any strength will do, you don’t need to catch it after seeing it, just come and tell me.”

Fang Chengcheng happily took the silver coin, "No problem, I'll go back and ask, and I'll let you know as soon as there is news!"

Fang Baibai was also happy when he saw the silver coins, and pulled Fang Chengcheng to run towards the town.

At this time, the sky was already a little dark, and the lights in the town were a little more than before. It seems that the tragedy in Yuanshan Town has also had a great impact on this place. Many people are considering whether to go to Thunder Dragon City to hide. Although it's a bit hard and tiring, at least it's safe.

Chen Wangping thought for a while, and asked Jin Diao and Tang Xihe to go home to rest first, and then went to the refugee gathering place in Yuanshan Town to check.

At this time, the refugee gathering place was noisy. A dozen or so pieces of elemental earth walls were obviously just condensed, and tents were pitched diagonally. The people inside were squatting by the fire and baking black rough pancakes. There were very few things on their bodies. , I can see that he ran out in a hurry, but his momentum is not bad.

Seeing Chen Wangping, Fangzhou Nan quickly walked over to report: "Mayor, I have counted the people, there are 35 people in 23 households in total, two of them refused to obey the discipline and even injured the guards, I have already dealt with them. It's gone, there are still thirty-three people, three first-level ones, and the rest are second-level strengths, all of which are used in the earth-type abilities, so it is not difficult to control."

Chen Wangping nodded, although these people's abilities are a bit single, but there is no way, at that time, they can't escape unless they use speed.

Tudun is also very good, you can safely send it to dig coal mines.

He took out five gold coins and handed them to Fangzhou Nandao: "Well done, I have cleaned up the coal mine, and I will arrange for them to go to the right channel of the coal mine to dig coal tomorrow, and buy all the output to me at the market price, in addition ~www.readwn.com ~Find some empty houses in the town and rent them at the market price, and at the same time ensure that the food is sold at the normal price, let them get busy first.”

Fang Zhounan was holding the gold coin and was a little stunned to hear it, and recalled Chen Wangping's words carefully in his mind.

After more than ten seconds, he suddenly came back to his senses and took the notebook to record quickly.

Fangshan Town has also taken in some refugees in the past. The control method is basically to ban them from starvation for a period of time, sell some food at a high price, and then drive them away after draining the value. most practices.

But he carefully recalled the method of the mayor, which completely stimulated the work ability of these refugees, and even though the money was distributed, he could still get the money back through houses or food. To have a sense of identity here, and thus become a fixed population.


Looking at Fang Zhounan's reaction, Chen Wangping knew the turbulence in his heart, and smiled: "I will treat refugees and refugees like this in the future. First, they will be screened and then sent to mining. This is called "relief for work." It's a family for generations."

Fangzhou Nan nodded again and again, turned around and started to arrange.

Chen Wangping walked towards the mine with a smile, and before he had gone far, he heard the cheers of the refugees behind him:

"Long live the mayor!"

"Thank you mayor!"

"Is this true? The mayor of Fangshan Town is so good?"

"That's great, Mr. Fang, I'm going to call someone in the mountains. There are still some people in the mountains who don't dare to come over and are worried about suffering."

When Fang Zhounan heard this sentence, he felt the power of cash-for-work again, and he continued to nod his head to make arrangements. He did it very carefully, and even gave the mining picks to these people at a discounted price, telling them that after digging the mines, they could Buy food and rent a house, as long as you pay back the pickaxe within a week.

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