Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 356: Thunder and Fire Elemental Crystal

"Freshly baked, old-fashioned recipe, guaranteed crispy!"

"The country of machinery flows out of high-end heaters, and the whole house can be heated by plugging in electricity"

"Lei Bao Lei Bao, five copper coins."

"The fourth-level squad lacks a long-distance, clearing the black bugs in Qingfeng Town, and leaving when it is full."


As soon as he arrived at Thunder Dragon City, Chen Wangping heard a lot of hawking noises, bustling and bustling.

To enter the city, you have to pay ten copper coins as the entry fee. In the exchange rate of Thunder Dragon City, one gold coin is equal to ten silver coins and one hundred copper coins.

The two turned around in a circle, but they were inconspicuous.

Thunder Dragon City, as the main city of Leiyuan Land, gathers people from countless nearby villages and towns. There are many third-level and fourth-level ability users. After all, fifth-level ability users like Tang Huoniu have long gone out to be the mayor. The lord of the class, looking for the road to the sixth level.

After turning to the trade area, the two looked around and stopped at the entrance of a large store called Treasure Pavilion.

This treasure pavilion has a lot of traffic, and the security guards at the entrance also have ten fourth-level ability users, which can be called luxurious.

After walking in, Tang Xihe shook his head and sighed: "Brother Ping, no wonder my uncle said that 800 gold coins are only enough for us to spend the first half of the year. The consumption in Thunder Dragon City is too high, and there are too many good things."

Chen Wangping nodded and turned to look at the crystals of the three elements placed high on the counter.

The blue-purple thunder and lightning crystals, the fire-red flame crystals, and the wood-type crystals given by Tang Huoniu before, are much dimmer than the previous ones, and their purity does not seem to be very high.

After seeing Chen Wangping's gaze, the shopping guide in charge of the sale immediately greeted enthusiastically: "Sir, you have a good eye, this is the signboard of our Treasure Pavilion, a crystal of medium-purity elements, specially prepared for you, a fourth-level power user. , as long as you use it for a long time, it will not take long to complete the element accumulation process, hit the fifth level, and become a lord!"

Tang Xihe pulled Chen Wangping behind him, and walked up to the first half of the walk: "How much? Tell me the real price. If possible, we'll buy more."

The shopping guide hurriedly turned his attention to Tang Xihe, took a look, and saw that the ruby ​​​​on Tang Xihe's neck was of high quality, coupled with her temperament and age, she and the man next to her must be big. The genius of the family, the more such a person is, the less he can offend.

She hurriedly said: "The elemental crystals we have here are all high-quality products of medium purity, extremely close to high purity, and the price is very affordable. For fifty gold coins, you can get a 5% discount if you buy more than ten pieces at a time."

Tang Xihe frowned and waved his hands: "How much? Fifty? It's too expensive. Fifteen, you can buy it."

The shopping guide's expression froze, still smiling: "Guest, you are really joking, our medium-purity elemental crystals are all refined in the Thunder Pond, and there are no other places, this is Thunder Dragon City, if It's worth at least hundreds of gold coins to transport to other cities."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about those fake ones. If they are worth hundreds of gold coins, would you still sell them? Take one down and let me see it first."

The shopping guide glanced at the fourth-level ability users in the row next to the door of the store, and felt confident. He put on gloves and took down the lightning element energy crystal while handing it over to remind: "Guests can check, please don't absorb internal energy, absorb Please buy later."

Chen Wangping took the lightning element crystal, reached out and touched it to check the properties:

【Medium-purity lightning element crystal☆】

[Use: to enhance the energy of lightning]

[Special effects - trace impurities: The lightning element crystals come from the thunder pool, and there are fewer impurities after purification, and it can be stopped for one day after every ten days of absorption]

[Remarks: A good treasure for filling energy]

Don't say, this shopping guide really didn't lie, the quality of this lightning element crystal is very high, although he did not absorb it, but he felt that after the absorption of this element crystal, it could at least increase the upper limit of lightning energy by nearly 100 points. It still looks impressive.

He took this lightning element crystal, and let the shopping guide take a fire element crystal to take a look. It is also a ☆ quality, and the special effects are the same.

Seeing Chen Wangping like this, Tang Xihe said in a low voice, "Brother Ping, this elemental crystal is a bit expensive. We have just arrived at level 4, and it is not slow to fill energy by absorbing escaping energy. Why don't you just buy lightning elemental crystals? , I can't use it."

Chen Wangping held Tang Xihe's hand and said to the shopping guide, "Call your manager here, I'm going to buy more."

The shopping guide was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly called a fat man in gorgeous clothes to come over.

After listening to the shopping guide's report, the fat man trotted all the way over, and said cheerfully: "I just said that I heard magpies cry when I woke up this morning. It turned out that a noble person came to the door, come here, please come upstairs, I am the money from the treasure pavilion. , you can just call me big money."

Chen Wangping still held the two elemental crystals, and led Tang Xihe upstairs while playing all the way, looking at ease.

After going upstairs, Qian Duoduo arranged for someone to pour tea, and after waiting for Chen Wangping to take his seat, he smiled and said, "I don't know what the two of you are called? How many elemental crystals do you want to buy this time?"

Chen Wangping smiled and said, "Wang Ping, as for how much you want to buy this time, it depends on what price Manager Qian gives."

Qian Duoduo continued to laugh and said: "It's easy to say, more than 20 pieces, 15% off! Brother Wang, you can't get this price even if you visit the entire Thunder Dragon City. I sincerely want to make you this friend."

Chen Wangping nodded and said: "Okay, then take twenty, ten mines and ten fires, we will pay for the money and deliver the goods."

Qian Duoduo's face was overjoyed, he immediately turned around and opened a table, and spread out his hands to take out eighteen elemental crystals from the space device and set them up, he smiled and said, "Brother Wang, look, these are the same as the ones you have in your hands, they are all fine products. ."

Chen Wangping walked over and turned around, reached out and touched one by one, and immediately understood what was going on.

No wonder the manager came up with such a big discount.

He co-authored it and sold it~www.readwn.com~ These eighteen elemental crystals on the table look exactly the same from the outside, sparkling with lightning and full of energy, but in terms of attributes, only four are placed downstairs. The rest of the properties are the same:

[Medium-purity lightning element crystal]

[Use: to enhance the energy of lightning]

[Special effect - a lot of impurities: The lightning element crystals come from the edge of the thunder pool, and there are many impurities. After absorbing it for three days, you must rest for two days. 】

[Remarks: Elemental crystals that have just been born]

Chen Wangping raised his head and smiled: "Manager Qian, these things are really good. I plan to buy more. Let's just buy a hundred pieces, or half of the lightning element and half of the fire element."

When Qian Duoduo heard the number, his expression became even more joyful. He quickly took out a more exquisite space device, called the maid to put a bigger table, and raised his hand to replenish the element crystals. He kept thinking that this time could be considered as a If you meet a big customer, if you maintain it well, maybe you can win the position of the next vice president!

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