Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 357: Pick Watermelon and Flame Flower Seeds

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

As for the problem of loss, I don't have to worry about more money.

The reason why he was invited upstairs is because there are many people upstairs, and there are ten fourth-level ability users of various types in the adjacent compartment all year round.

Tang Xihe was a little anxious, but she didn't show it, and sent a voice to Chen Wangping: "Brother Ping, this treasure pavilion has a lot of protection forces, there are nearly thirty upstairs and downstairs at the fourth level, and there may be some at the fifth level. Eagle is still waiting outside the city, we can't beat him."

Chen Wangping said through voice transmission: "Who said I'm going to fight, don't worry, you'll find out later."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and picked out eighteen rank one element crystals among the hundreds of elemental crystals, plus the two in his hand, it was exactly twenty.

Afterwards, Chen Wangping closed his eyes to feel it, and sighed regretfully: "Manager Qian, your stuff is really good, but unfortunately I have less money, so I will buy 20 first and wait for the next time to continue. I bought it." After he finished speaking, he took out 850 gold coins and put them on the table, pulled Tang Xihe and turned away.

Qian Duoduo was stunned for a moment, and quickly reached out and greeted: "Hey, don't say no, brother Wang, where do you usually live in the city? I can accompany you back to get the money, and it is also possible to deliver it to your door."

Chen Wangping waved his hand and said, "You don't need to send Manager Qian. I'll disturb you next time. The money is on the table, so please take care."

After being reminded like this, Qian Duoduo came to his senses. He turned around and picked up the gold coins on the table and put them away. The number was no problem, eight hundred and fifty.

However, looking at the eighty crystals of elements scattered on the table, he always felt a little strange, but he couldn't say what the strangeness was.

This batch of elemental crystals was purchased in batches from the land of Leiyuan by his father, and he told him to sell them like this.

What's wrong?

Qian Duo thought for a while, and endured the risk of being scolded. He took his things home and knocked on the door of the secret room, "Father, I sold twenty elemental crystals today, but it feels a little strange."

"Twenty elemental crystals? Such a big deal, small money, well done, come in and talk."

"Father, how many times have you said that you call me big money, small money and small money, how ugly it sounds."

"Let's talk about it when you make a lot of money."

After entering the house, Qian Duoduo told his father about today's affairs one by one.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Qian Bubu's face was ashen, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Take out the remaining eighty elemental crystals and let me have a look."

Qian Duoduo secretly thought that it was not good, and took out the elemental crystal and placed it on the table.

After setting it up, Qian Buju stretched out his hand to carefully feel the crystals of the elements, and angrily slapped the table on the table. The sixth-level energy exploded, and the table was blown to pieces in an instant. He could only grab Qian Duoduo's ears and scolded: "When did I teach you to sell things for customers to choose? This is the crystallization of elements, not Chinese cabbage!"

"Daddy, I know I'm wrong, but you also have to tell me what's wrong. The remaining elemental crystals are no different from the ones sold."

Qian Bubui let go, "It's my fault that I was in a hurry to retreat, and I didn't take the time to tell you a clear distinction. Let me ask you, where did the crystals of pure elements come from?"

Qian Duoduo rubbed his ears and said, "Leiyuan Land collects all kinds of objects containing elements, and throws them into the Thunder Pond to induce lightning. The medium-purity crystals are sold by a few of us."

Qian Bujin said: "You know it's a throw, but when you throw it, the closer you are to the center of the Thunder Pond, the better the elemental crystals will be purified, but there are very few good elemental crystals that flow into our hands, generally only large Only a dozen of them are purchased in bulk, and it takes a lot of time to identify, wait, what strength do you think the pair of men and women are?"

Qian Duoduo replied, "It's the same level 4 as me, it should be in the early stage of level 4, and it's not long before the promotion."

Qian Buju said in surprise: "Early stage four? Impossible, although there are differences in the purity of elemental crystals, but because the time to get out of the mine is too short, it is connected to ordinary five-level ability users who do not touch many elemental crystals. It's hard to tell the difference, how did the two early stage fours tell them apart?"

Qian Duoduo added: "It wasn't two, it was the man. He was like picking a watermelon, and he picked 20 when he touched it."

Qian Bubu's eyes lit up. He is a businessman. He knows that it is meaningless to think about past losses all the time. It is important to find benefits from losses. He discovered the business opportunities.

If this fourth-level male power user has the ability to quickly identify high-quality elemental crystals, then whether it is to take him to buy goods, or to take him to other competitors to sweep the goods, or even help the major forces in Thunder Dragon City to save identification. Time, this kind of situation, are all business opportunities!

At this moment, he didn't have time to feel distressed, and immediately arranged for Qian Duoduo to say: "Quick, while the time is not long, hurry up and take someone to look for the man who bought the element crystals in Thunder Dragon City before, treat them as VIPs, and politely invite them back. , this is the money tree!"

Qian Duoduo also reacted~www.readwn.com~ and immediately said: "I'll call the people who have seen them to find them together. The man and woman look very outstanding and conspicuous."

"Take the elemental crystal and go."

"All the people who sold things just now follow me and go to the city to find someone!"

At this moment.

Chen Wangping, who was returning to Fangshan Town on the back of the golden eagle, knew that Qian Duoduo would definitely find him, but he didn't know that "seeking" had become "please".

Tang Xihe leaned in his arms, held a fire element crystal and smiled: "Brother Ping, your elemental perception is really strong, it took me so long to feel that it is indeed much stronger than ordinary elemental crystals. , there are very few impurities.”

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "Next time I go to Thunder Dragon City, it's probably going to be easy, but it's definitely not that fast. Let's first plant a wave of flame flowers and see the situation."

Tang Xihe nodded and said, "It's a pity that there are too few fire-type seeds in the city. I don't know how long it will take for this flame flower to bloom and sell."

Chen Wangping smiled, "I have you in the base, are you afraid that the flame flower will grow slowly?" After saying that, he took out the flame flower seed and looked at it carefully again.

【Flame Flower Seeds】

[Plot required for planting: 1 standard plot (high temperature plot is better)]

【Seeding time: 30 days】

[Special effects - Holding a group for warmth: If there are other fire-type plants in the growth range of the flame flower, the growth time will move closer to the fire-type plants]

[Note: The petals of the flame flower contain pure flame energy]

This flame flower seed was bought from an old lady who set up a stall. I heard that she picked it up in the woods near the fire source. I don't know what it does. If it doesn't feel warm, it can be used as a hand warmer. , she threw it away long ago.

There were more than 30 seeds in total, and they only cost two silver coins to buy them all.

Now waiting to see what it looks like.

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