Wasteland Farming is To Save

Chapter 358: flamingo feather

"Farming in wasteland is to save (

After returning to base.

Chen Wangping was not in a hurry to plant the seeds of the flame flower, but first found the seeds of the chaotian pepper, forming a circle every eight, leaving a nest in the middle, and then putting the seeds of the flame flower in the nest.

For the more than 30 flame flower seeds, he deliberately planted more than 200 Chaotian peppers.

This is not in vain. After watering, you can clearly see the flame energy slowly emerging from the Chaotian pepper seeds, which means that it is germinating. If you look closely, you can see that the flame flower seeds are slowly emerging. Absorbs the surrounding flame energy.

He nodded with satisfaction, "The growth time of Chaotian pepper is fifteen days. As long as the seeds of the flame flower are close together, it must be a positive benefit."

After planting the flame flowers, Tang Xi and the other side also finished their lunch.

After the two had eaten, Chen Wangping handed ten Fire Element Crystals to Tang Xihe and said, "You can take them to practice, this kind of elemental crystals can be absorbed for ten consecutive days without any problem. Let's improve our strength to the peak of Level 4 first. ."

Tang Xi and Hee Hee smiled and walked towards the room with the Fire Element Crystal, "Thank you, Brother Ping, I'll get you something good when you get back to the Fire Origin."

Chen Wangping smiled, went back to the room, took out a thunder crystal and put it in his hand, closed his eyes and absorbed it with mental power.


As soon as he connected to the lightning crystal, he could feel that the energy contained in the lightning crystal was very exciting, and the mental power was severely depleted.

But in the next second, the lightning tender seedlings on Chen Wangping's chest appeared instantly, and they actively emerged to wrap the lightning crystals. He could obviously feel the excitement and joy of the lightning tender seedlings, as if after a long rainstorm, he couldn't wait to absorb them.

At present, the upper limit of the lightning energy storage in Chen Wangping's body is more than 32,000, which is still some distance away from 40,000.

The time to absorb energy passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten hours passed.

Chen Wangping opened his eyes and found that the lightning crystal in the palm of his hand had disappeared. He glanced at the upper limit of energy storage, and was pleasantly surprised to find that this lightning crystal alone raised the upper limit of energy by 200 points.

If there are another 40 or 50, maybe they will directly pile up to the peak of the fourth level.

Unfortunately, this thing is good or good, but it is too expensive.

It takes at least four or five thousand gold coins to absorb energy for oneself! No wonder most people are willing to buy some energy crystals to use when sprinting.

Chen Wangping turned his head to look at the planting area of ​​Huohuahua, thinking how can he make more money?

When he visited Thunder Dragon City before, he had inquired about it. The selling price of coal is too low, iron ore and copper ore are a little higher, but selling resources alone is not the case. As for the products produced in the base For all kinds of equipment products, the traces of the assembly line are too heavy, and it is very troublesome to shoot.

Still have to rely on farming.

Just thinking about it, there was a knock on the door outside the base, and the formation was also touched.

Chen Wangping used the formation method to look around and found that Fang Chengcheng and Fang Baibai were holding something, standing at the entrance of the base, their expressions were quite excited.

At this time, Tang Xihe also absorbed the fire element crystals, and came out and said, "It's such a big night, the two children should come to us because of something. Let's go out and have a look."

Chen Wangping nodded and said, "Okay, how do you feel about absorbing the flame crystals? Is the effect good?"

Tang Xihe nodded happily and said: "The effect is very good, this kind of flame crystal is very strange, I can clearly feel that the energy source is not as pure as those flame treasures that I absorbed when I was a child, but the absorption is really smooth, I guess if Thirty or forty more will definitely be able to break through to the peak of the fourth level."

Chen Wangping said with a smile: "That's because these elemental crystals are all refined in the Thunder Pond. If you have the opportunity, you can really go and see what this Thunder Pond is like."

After saying this, the two walked out of the base.

After seeing Chen Wangping, Fang Chengcheng proudly held up a red feather in his hand and handed it to Chen Wangping: "Mayor, we have found the animal with the element of fire! I named it Turkey!"

Fang Baibai pressed Fang Baibai's hand with a black line and explained: "Mayor, after you explained our mission, we first went to the town to inquire about it, and asked an old hunter. We know that there have been similar cases in the black soil forest to the south. During the day, we called some refugees to explore with us. We didn’t catch any live ones, but we did catch some feathers. You should first check the level of elemental energy and see if you need it.” After speaking, He handed Chen Wangping a lot of feathers.

Hearing this, Fang Baibai added angrily: "That turkey is too cunning, it obviously ate our bait, but it was on fire, and it escaped from the net with a thump, and it still flew. Very fast, even dared to look back and laugh at us!"

Chen Wangping took the feather and asked, "It also ate the bait? Are there many bugs in the black soil forest?"

Fang Chengcheng replied: "The black soil forest was a very fertile land many years ago~www.readwn.com~ But I don't know why later, the soil is getting more and more dry, and there is no water nearby, and now the ground has turned yellow. , there are not many bugs, we hardly saw any bugs this time."

Chen Wangping nodded, flipped through his feathers, and found one glowing with fire, and checked its attributes:

【Firebird Feather☆】

【Usage: Textile/forging material】

[Special effects-element combing: mature firebird feathers can comb through the flame energy, and a small amount of flame skills can be improved]

[Note: This is a tail feather that fell from the third-level firebird]

"Increase the power of fire skills? Level 3 Firebird?"

Seeing these keywords, Chen Wangping's eyes lit up immediately.

He handed the firebird feather to Tang Xihe and said, "Try to use the flame energy to flow through this feather and then release the fire python. Feel the nuances, try more."

Tang Xi and obediently did as she was told. She gathered hundreds of fire pythons in a row. After trying it out, she replied, "There will be a slight increase in the cohesion of the fire element. If calculated by percentage, the fire python with third-level strength can increase by 2%. At about five percent, the fourth-level strength can only improve a little bit."

Chen Wangping smiled and said: "This is already very good, don't forget, this is only a feather, and when you turn it back into a bundle, the effect will definitely be improved."

Tang Xihe said: "That's right, and when we went to see Thunder Dragon City today, there were actually a lot of third-level ability users. There is no shortage of market for this thing."

Chen Wangping nodded with satisfaction, this Firebird might make a fortune just selling its feathers, but I don't know what to do with meat.

And there are eggs! That is also a sustainable development resource.

Breeding of birds can be described as a treasure for the whole body.

Ok, deal. Tomorrow I will catch this firebird and come back to raise it.

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